E Instructions
General instructions
1. Play this game together with your cat and place it
somewhere, where your cat feels undisturbed.
2. Start when your cat is awake and in playing mood,
1 ½ hours after feeding at the earliest. You can
also use the normal dry feed instead of treats as an
3. Sit down beside your cat and watch her unobtrusi-
vely and quietly without staring at her.
4. To motivate your cat, choose treats she specially
likes to begin with, and place these in the game in
her presence.
5. Help your cat with the task at the beginning to
keep her motivated. It is important for your cat to
be successful fairly quickly so that she connects
positive feelings to the game.
6. In case your cat does not achieve a subgoal after
several tries, help her or repeat a task she can do
well and train in smaller steps. Try to motivate
your cat with praise. There should never be
scolding or punishment.
7. Train in small units (max. 10 minutes) and with
small goals. Several training units during the day
provide a lot of small successes and prevent
excessive demand on your cat.
Important notice:
Cats react very differently to new toys. Some are
very motivated to play right from the start while
others have to get used to new things first. They
start by ignoring the new toy but later they play
with it excitedly. In addition to that, there are
cats that like to concentrate on a game for a
longer time, while others prefer to play for a
short while only but more often. Whichever way
your cat chooses, give her time to play the game
as she likes to do it.
Have lots of fun and success with your cat!
The training can begin
The first step is to make your cat feel sure that the
game is a guarantee for a tasty surprise. Therefore,
first spread a few treats on the game board and let
your cat eat them. Once your cat looks on
expectantly when you prepare the game, you can
begin to fill the game elements with treats.
1. At the beginning, place treats in the outer area of
the maze so that they can fall out more quickly
and easily.
2. Encourage your pet to touch the maze with its
nose or paw. If no treats fall out at first, throw
some treats next to the item. Repeat this exercise
until your pet is able to find the treats on its own.
3. Place the treats further and further inside the maze
and adjust/close some holes with the ring to
increase the level of difficulty.
Supervise your pet while playing.