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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 UF115 MANUAL DE USO Este manual debe ser considerado parte de la motocicleta y deber ´ a permanecer con la misma cuando se la venda o transfiera a un nuevo due ˜ no o conductor. EI manual contiene importante informaci ´...
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´ a a garantizar una vida ´ util m ´ axima de la BATENCI ´ ON nueva motocicleta y el m ´ aximo rendimiento de esta. Las piezas de Haojue est ´ an fabricadas a partir de materiales Destaca precauciones procedimientos especiales que deben seguirse para evitar da ˜...
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UBICACI ´ ON DE LAS PIEZAS larga y sin problemas para la motocicleta. Su proveedor LLAVES autorizado de Haojue dispone de t ´ ecnicos con gran CONMUTADOR DE ENCENDIDO experiencia formados para proporcionar a la motocicleta BOT ´ ON DEL CANDADO DEL SILL ´ IN...
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Siga todas las instrucciones de provocar condiciones de funcionamiento inseguras. A este manual del usuario relacionadas con los Haojue le resulta imposible probar todos los accesorios accesorios y el reacondicionamiento. Utilice del mercado o las combinaciones de todos los accesorios accesorios originales de Haojue o equivalentes disponibles;...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 soportes de instalaci ´ on y otros tipos de accesorios condici ´ on de levantamiento o inestabilidad ante est ´ an r´ ı gidamente montados. vientos laterales, cuando adelantada veh´ ı culos grandes o adelanta a este tipo de Compruebe que la distancia al suelo y el ´...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 RECOMENDACI ´ ON PARA MONTAR EN proporcionados para futura referencia. MOTO DE FORMA SEGURA NIV: Montar en moto requiere tomar precauciones adicionales para garantizar la seguridad del motociclista y el pasajero. N ´ umero del motor: Estas precauciones son las siguientes: nunca monte en moto o bajo la influencia del alcohol o las drogas.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 CONTROLES controles. Recuerde: ¡la pr ´ actica hace al maestro! UBICACI ´ ON DE LAS PIEZAS CONOCER SUS HABILIDADES Monte en moto dentro de los l´ ı mites de sus propias habilidades en todo momento. Conocer estos l´ ı mites y no sobrepasarlos le ayudar ´...
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(10) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 VERSI ´ ON (A) VERSI ´ ON (B) 7 Filtro del aire 7 Filtro del aire Soporte principal Soporte principal 8 Llave de paso del 8 Llave de paso del Soporte lateral Soporte lateral...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (11) VERSI ´ ON (A) VERSI ´ ON (B) Portacascos Varilla del aceite del Portacascos Varilla del aceite del Palanca de arranque motor Palanca de arranque motor Pedal del freno trasero Pedal del freno trasero...
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(12) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 LLAVES BADVERTENCIA Esta motocicleta est ´ a equipada con Antes de girar el conmutador de encendido a la una llave de contacto principal y otra posici ´ on “4”, detenga la motocicleta de forma de repuesto.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (13) PANEL DE MANDOS INDICADOR LUMINOSO DEL INTERMITENTE DERECHO 3 8 BATENCI ´ ON Cuando el conmutador del intermitente se empuja hacia la derecha, el indicador luminoso del intermitente derecho No roc´ ı e agua a alta presi ´ on directamente en el del panel parpadear ´...
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(14) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 inclinaci ´ on de la motocicleta o cuando se sube o se baja BATENCI ´ ON una pendiente. Esto es normal. Si mantiene presionado el conmutador de cambio NOTA: Cuando se sujete la motocicleta en posici ´ on de luces entre las posici ´...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (15) CONMUTADOR DE ENCENDIDO Y APAGADO DE BADVERTENCIA LUCES 2 Si no usa o no apaga los intermitentes, otros Posici ´ on “+” conductores pueden malinterpretar su rumbo, La luz delantera, las luces de posici ´ on delantera y trasera lo que puede provocar un accidente.
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(16) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 PALANCA DEL EST ´ ARTER BADVERTENCIA Cuando limpie motocicleta, limpie directamente sus partes el ´ ectricas, especialmente el interruptor del manillar. BADVERTENCIA No utilice el arranque electr ´ onico y la palanca de Para que el arranque resulte m ´...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (17) el asiento se encuentra abierto. Para abrir el tanque del dep ´ osito de combustible con agua a alta presi ´ on para de combustible, deber ´ a sujetar por completo la tapa del evitar que dicha agua entre en el dep ´...
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(18) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 PALANCA DE MARCHAS trasero. BATENCI ´ ON Antes de cambiar de marcha, agarre la maneta del embrague firmemente y desacelere por completo. (A)Adelante hacia atr ´ as (B)Escalonamiento hacia atr ´ as AJUSTE DEL MUELLE DEL AMORTIGUADOR (C)S ´...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (19) COMPARTIMENTO DE ALMACENAMIENTO PEDAL DEL FRENO TRASERO Presione el pedal del freno trasero para accionar el freno de la rueda trasera. La luz de freno tambi ´ en se accionar ´ a. El compartimento de almacenamiento est ´ a situado bajo el asiento.
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(20) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 Soporte principal 1 presionar la cola de la silla de montar, bloquear la silla de Para sostener la motocicleta mediante el soporte montar. principal, coloque el pie sobre la barra del soporte principa 1, luego agarre el manillar con la mano...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (21) RECOMENDACIONES DE USO DEL BADVERTENCIA CARBURANTE Y ACEITE DEL MOTOT El portaequipajes trasero tiene una capacidad de carga m ´ axima de 3kg. Si supera dicha capacidad, OCTANAJE DEL COMBUSTIBLE el equilibrio mientras se monta en moto puede verse afectado, lo que puede ser peligroso o da ˜...
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(22) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 RODAJE centro de reciclaje cercano. No lo deposite en una papelera ni lo derrame por el suelo. El rodaje correcto de la motocicleta puede mejorar la vida de esta y, al mismo tiempo, sacar el m ´ aximo rendimiento de ella.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (23) m ´ as importante que recibir ´ a la motocicleta. Durante el BADVERTENCIA rodaje, todas las piezas del motor se habr ´ an engranado Si no realiza el rodaje de los neum ´ aticos ´ estos y asentado conjuntamente.
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(24) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 INSPECCI ´ ON ANTES DE MONTAR Elemento Puntos claves Luces El faro, las luces de cola/freno, las Compruebe atentamente todos los elementos siguientes luces del tablero de instrumentos, las antes de montar en moto.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (25) CONSEJOS PARA MONTAR EN MOTO BADVERTENCIA BADVERTENCIA A la salida de los t ´ uneles, en los valles o cuando un veh´ ı culo grande adelanta, normalmente hay Si es la primera vez que monta en una motocicleta vientos laterales.
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(26) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 Cuando el motor est ´ e fr´ ı o en moto despu ´ es de que el motor se haya precalentado 1. Acelere ligeramente. completamente disminuir ´ a el desgaste de este. 2. Gire palanca est ´...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (27) ARRANCAR BADVERTENCIA BADVERTENCIA No arranque la motocicleta cuando el combustible o el aceite del motor sea insuficiente. Montar en esta motocicleta a velocidad excesiva aumenta las posibilidades de perder el control. BADVERTENCIA Esto puede provocar un accidente.
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(28) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 UTILIZACI ´ ON DE LA TRANSMISI ´ ON en la p ´ agina 16. transmisi ´ on sirve para mantener motor BADVERTENCIA funcionando suavemente en su gama de velocidades de Antes de arrancar la motocicleta, aseg ´ urese de funcionamiento normal.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (29) CONDUCCI ´ ON EN COLINAS BATENCI ´ ON Cuando suba una colina pronunciada, la motocicleta • Noimporta qu ´ e engranaje elija, nunca haga que la podr ´ a empezar a perder velocidad y mostrar ´ a falta velocidad del motor sea demasiado alta, nunca use de potencia.
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(30) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 DETENERSE Y ESTACIONAR BADVERTENCIA 1. Gre la empu ˜ nadura del acelerador hacia afuera para Si se sit ´ ua detr ´ as de otro veh´ ı culo a muy cerrar completamente el acelersdor.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (31) BADVERTENCIA BATENCI ´ ON Utilice el sistema de frenado con cuidado y utilizan dispositivos antirrobo (como suavemente en carreteras h ´ umedas y resbaladizas antirrobo con forma de U, antirrobo para disco de o en giros.
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Al final de cada intervalo, accidente. aseg ´ urese de inspeccionar, comprobar, lubricar y realizar Pida a su concesionario Haojue o a un mec ´ anico las revisiones seg ´ un se indica. cualificado que le realice el mantenimiento de los elementos marcados con un asterisco “*”.
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Inspeccionar Inspeccionar r ´ apidamente y pueden reducir su duraci ´ on. Cuando reemplace piezas de su motocicleta, utilice *Filtro de aire++ Inspeccionar+ cambiar+ solamente piezas de recambio Haojue genuinas o *Tornillos y tuercas Apretar Apretar sus equivalentes. del silenciador...
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(34) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 Intervalo km Primeros 1000 Cada 3000 Cada 6000 distribuidor autorizado, mientras que “-” no contempla Elementos Mes Primeros 3 Cada 6 Cada 12 tales requisitos. Los puntos de la tabla marcados con *Manguito del Inspeccionar Inspeccionar el signo “+”...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (35) TABLA DE LUBRICACI ´ ON PERI ´ ODICA BATENCI ´ ON Intervalo Cada 6000 km o Cada 12.000km Los puntos de la tabla marcados con el signo “++” Elementos 6 meses o 12 meses indican que el filtro utiliza filtro de papel con aceite,...
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(36) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 Intervalo Cada 6000 km o Cada 12.000km Elementos 6 meses o 12 meses *Direcci ´ on Engrasar cada 2 a ˜ nos o 20.000km *Rodamiento y Engrasar cada 2 a ˜ nos o 20.000km...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (37) Las especificaciones de recarga r ´ apida son de 3A x 1 BATENCI ´ ON hora. Si invierte los cables de los terminales de la BADVERTENCIA bater´ ı a, el sistema de carga y la propia bater´ ı a pueden resultar da ˜...
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(38) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 BADVERTENCIA El uso del motor sin filtro de aire puede ser peligroso. Una llama puede salir despedida desde el motor hacia el filtro de aire sin que este pueda detenerla. Tambi ´ en se pueden producir da ˜ nos 2.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (39) CONDUCTOS DE RECOGIDA DEL COMBUSTIBLE su posici ´ on y perfectamente encajado. Despu ´ es de inspeccionar el filtro BATENCI ´ ON del aire, revise la acumulaci ´ on de combustible en la inferior trasera...
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´ e buj´ ı a es la correcta para su tipo de uso, que no pueda apretarla m ´ as con los dedos. Si la consulte a su distribuidor de Haojue o a un buj´ ı a es nueva, apri ´ etela con una llave aproximadamente mec ´ anico profesional.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (41) llave aproximadamente 1/8 de vuelta despu ´ es de haberla Comprobaci ´ on del nivel de aceite apretado con los dedos. NOTA: Inserte la tapa de la buj´ ı a completamente. BATENCI ´ ON La buj´...
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(42) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 6. Vuelva a colocar la varilla del aceite del motor 1. BATENCI ´ ON 7. Arranque el motor y d ´ ejelo en funcionamiento durante Si el nivel del aceite del motor est ´ a por debajo del varios minutos.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (43) EMBRAGUE Ajustar la separaci ´ on de separaci ´ on Verificar separaci ´ on de 1. Gire a la derecha el tornillo de ajuste 2 un bucle, separaci ´ on tenga cuidado de no girar demasiado.
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(44) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 2. Afloje la tuerca de bloqueo 1. carburaci ´ on se ha establecido de forma precisa en la propia f ´ abrica. No cambie esta configuraci ´ on. Solamente 3. Gire el regulador 2 de forma que el cable del necesita prestar atenci ´...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (45) El filtro del combustible est ´ a situado delante del cuerpo 1. Si el pi ˜ n ´ on tiene una erosi ´ on de la estructura inferior. Inspeccione, limpie y cambie excesiva peri ´...
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(46) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 signos 3 de la horquilla de la rueda trasera y los BADVERTENCIA reguladores izquierdo y derecho 1 est ´ an alineados Si la cadena est ´ a excesivamente floja se saldr ´ a horizontalmente.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (47) aseg ´ urese de comprobar la carrera del pedal del freno Elementos de los frenos que se deben comprobar trasero. Consulte la secci ´ on “FRENOS” de este manual. diariamente 1. Compruebe si el sistema de disco de frenos tiene fugas.
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(48) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 Discos de freno y zapatas BADVERTENCIA El l´ ı quido de frenos es nocivo o fatal si se traga, y tambi ´ en es nocivo si entra en contacto con la piel o los ojos.
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Si necesita sustituir el disco de frenos o los patines realizar el ajuste, bloquee la tuerca 3 y ajuste el cojinete de freno, busque a un distribuidor de Haojue para de goma 1. que haga el trabajo. Inspeccione y mantenga los NOTA: Si se siguen estos pasos, no se necesitar ´...
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(50) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 L´ ı mite de erosi ´ on del freno Cuando ajuste la carrera 1 del pedal del freno trasero, delantero gire la tuerca de ajuste 2 del freno . G´ ı rela en el sentido...
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Presiones est ´ andar de los neum ´ aticos en el desgaste de la zapata de freno antes de cada condiciones de temperatura normal uso. P´ ı dale a su distribuidor Haojue o a un Motorista y Un motorista mec ´ anico calificado que reemplace las zapatas de pasajero freno si los zapatos est ´...
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(52) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 Estado de la superficie del BADVERTENCIA neum ´ atico borde neum ´ atico Est ´ andar de neum ´ atico aplicable a la motocicleta: ;” marcas “IDN (T.W.I.) Rueda delantera: 70/90-17 1 (Indicador de Desgaste del...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (53) Interruptor del freno trasero BATENCI ´ ON El interruptor del freno trasero se encuentra situado debajo de la tapa La bombilla debe mantenerse limpia ya que, de lo lateral derecha. Solamente necesita contrario, se destruir ´ a antes de tiempo. Cuando girar la tuerca para subirlo o cambie la bombilla, limpie la grasa que tenga.
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(54) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 SOLUCIONAR PROBLEMAS BADVERTENCIA Si el motor no arranca, compruebe lo siguiente para ver Es muy peligroso utilizar fusibles que no cumplan si le ayuda a determinar la causa. las especificaciones indicadas. Dado que este 1.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (55) TRANSPORTE generar ´ an chispas de color azul entre los dos polos de la buj´ ı a. Si no hay chispa, consulte a su proveedor Antes de transportar la motocicleta, vac´ ı e el combustible para que lo repare.
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(56) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 ALMACENAMIENTO BATENCI ´ ON Si no va a utilizar la motocicleta en invierno o por alguna Transporte la motocicleta en la posici ´ on de montar otra raz ´ on, se deben realizar las tareas de mantenimiento en moto normal para evitar que se derrame tanto el utilizando los materiales y dispositivos adecuados.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (57) AVISO DEL USO DE LA BATER ´ I A Neum ´ aticos Infle los neum ´ aticos a la presi ´ on recomendada en este • LLENA manual. 1. ACTIVACI ´ ON DEL USO DE LA BATER ´ I A LLENA Exterior 1.1 * Comprobando antes de empezar a usar...
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Apretar la palanca de freno o pisar el pedal del freno • Haojue, pues otras alarmas podr´ ı an causar problemas de trasero durante la conducci ´ on puede producir que el funcionamiento del sistema del circuito, o incluso da ˜ nar la indicador de freno se encienda constantemente;...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (59) TABLA DE ESPECIFICACIONES Marcha 3 1,136 Marcha 4 0,917 Tama ˜ no y peso Longitud 1935mm Rendimiento Ancho 755mm Velocidad m ´ axima 88km/h ´ Angulo de subida Alto 1125mm 28 ˚ Base de las ruedas...
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(60) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 UF115 USER’S MANUAL This manual should be considered a permanent part of the motorcycle and should remain with the motorcycle when resold or otherwise transferred to a new owner or operator. manual contains important safety information and instructions which should be read carefully before operating the motorcycle.
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BCAUTION will help ensure maximum life and performance from your Highlights special precautions or procedures that new motorcycle. Haojue parts are manufactured from must be followed in order to avoid damaging the high quality materials, and machined parts are finished motorcycle.
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FUEL TANK of publication. Due to improvements or other changes, FUEL COCK there may be some discrepancies in this manual. Haojue GEAR SHIFT LEVER reserves the right to make changes at any time. REAR ABSORBER SPRING ADJUSTMENT Please note that this manual applies to all specifications...
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Haojue dealer if you have any questions. motorcycle and as near to the center of gravity as is BWARNING feasible.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (65) The vehicle identification number 1 is stamped on the movement of the rider and may limit his or her ability to control the motorcycle. saddle frame, it can be seen when the saddle is open.
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(66) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 SAFE RIDING RECOMMENDATION avoid accidents. Motorcycle riding requires that some extra precautions be BE EXTRA SAFETY CAUTIONS ON BAD ROAD taken to ensure the safety of the rider and passenger. CONDITION These precautions are: Never ride a motorcycle under the Riding in bad road conditions, especially wet ones, influence of alcohol or drugs.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (67) CONTROLS VERSION (A) LOCATION OF PARTS 1 Left handle switches 4 Right handle switches 7 Air cleaner Main stand 2 Instrument panel 5 Throttle grip 8 Fuel cock Side stand 3 Ignition switch...
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(68) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 VERSION (B) VERSION (A) 7 Air cleaner Main stand 8 Fuel cock Helmet holders Engine oil dipstick Side stand Kick start lever Rear brake pedal 9 Gear shift leve (68) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (69) VERSION (B) KEYS This motorcycle comes equipped with a main ignition key and a spare one. Keep the spare key in a safe place. IGNITION SWITCH The ignition switch contains three positions: “*” (on) position The ignition circuit is completed and the engine can now be started.
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(70) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 BWARNING BCAUTION Never attempt to move the motorcycle when the Never wipe the dashboard with any cloth that steering is locked. has been in contact with gasoline, kerosene, alcohol, brake fluids or other organic solvents, or...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (71) LEFT HANDLE SWITCHES gear the motorcycle is in. There are gear 1, 2, 3 and 4. When shifting gears, these indicators will light up. When shifted to the neutral position, the indicator (green) “N” will light up.
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(72) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 LIGHT SWITCH 2 will engage the right turn signals. The indicator on the dashboard will also flash. To cancel turn signal operation, “+” position push the switch inward. The headlight, front position light, dashboard lights, tail light will be turned on together.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (73) CHOKE LEVER BWARNING When cleaning the motorcycle, do not directly clean its electric parts, particularly its handle switch. BWARNING Do not use the electric start function and the kick To make starting convenient, the motorcycle is provided lever function at the same time.
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(74) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 FUEL COCK the fuel tank cap, and screw up it clockwise, press down the saddle and lock the saddle lock. BWARNING Overfilling the fuel tank can cause the fuel to overflow when it expands due to heat from the engine or the sun.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (75) GEAR SHIFT LEVER BCAUTION Before shifting, close throttle grip completely. REAR ABSORBER SPRING ADJUSTMENT (A)Forward stepping (B)Backward stepping (C)Only when stopping The operation of the gearshift is as shown above. After a speed is chosen, the gear shift lever will automatically return to its original position for next gear shifting.
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(76) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 STORAGE CASE REAR BRAKE PEDAL Press on the rear brake pedal to engage the rear wheel brake. The brake light will also be engaged. The storage case is under the saddle. Open the saddle lock, open the saddle, then will see the storage.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (77) Side stand 2 HELMET HOOK The side stand is for temporary parking. When use the The method to use the helmet hook: side stand, stop the engine, then rotate the side stand to...
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(78) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 FUEL AND OIL RECOMMENDATIONS BREAK-IN Correctly breaking in the motorcycle can improve its life, and at the same time fully bring out the performance FUEL OCTANE RATING of motorcycle. The following guidelines explain proper...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (79) engine. BWARNING Failure to perform break-in of the tires could cause tire slip and loss of control. Use extra care when riding on new tires. Perform proper break-in of the tires as described in this section and avoid hard acceleration, hard cornering, and hard braking for the first 160 km.
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(80) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 INSPECTION BEFORE RIDING Item Key points Lights headlight, tail/brake lights, Please check the following items carefully before riding. dashboard lights, turning lights and Never neglect the importance of these checks. All checks front position light can be lit up and necessary repairs must be completed before riding.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (81) RIDING TIP BWARNING BWARNING Crosswinds usually exist at tunnel exits or valleys or when big vehicles overtake. Drive calmly and at If this is your first ride on a motorcycle of this reduced speed at these times.
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(82) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 4. Retract the choke lever halfway after startup, keep the BWARNING engine idling until it is adequately heated. Exhaust contains carbon monoxide, 5. Retract the choke lever to its original position (refer to dangerous gas that is difficult to defect because...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (83) STARTING OFF BCAUTION BWARNING Running the engine too long without riding may cause the engine to overheat. Overheating can Riding this motorcycle excessive speed result in damage to internal engine components increases your chances of losing control.
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(84) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 USING THE TRANSMISSION BWARNING The transmission is provided to keep the engine operating Before starting the motorcycle, make sure its side smoothly in its normal operating speed range. stand is in the corresponding highest position gear ratios have been carefully chosen to meet the rather than any other position.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (85) RIDING ON HILLS STOPPING AND PARKING When climbing steep hills, the motorcycle may begin 1. Twist the throttle grip away from you to close the • to slow down and show reduced power. At this point throttle completely.
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(86) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 BWARNING BWARNING Following another vehicle too closely can lead to a Riding too close to other vehicles will result in collision. As motorcycle speeds increase, stopping rear-end collisions. A greater riding speed should distance increases progressively.
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When replacing parts on your motorcycle, use maximum safety, we suggest that you have these items only genuine Haojue replacement parts or their inspected and serviced by your authorized Haojue dealer equivalent. or a qualified service mechanic NOTE: Please properly handle wastes (such as...
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(88) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE INSPECTION TABLE Interval km Initial 1000 Every 3000 Every 6000 Interval km Initial 1000 Every 3000 Every 6000 Items Month Initial 3 Every 6 Every 12 Items Month Initial 3 Every 6...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (89) REGULAR LUBRICATION TABLE BCAUTION Interval Every 6000km Every 12,000km Items marked with “++” in the table indicates that Items or 6 months or 12 months the filter element uses oily filter paper, which is...
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(90) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 BATTERY BWARNING BWARNING Batteries contain toxic substance including sulfuric acid and lead. They could have potential Battery posts, terminals, and related accessories negative consequences for the environment and contain lead and lead compounds. Lead is harmful human health.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (91) Battery installation dusty, wet or muddy conditions, you will need to check the 1. Install the battery in the reverse order of removal. filter much more frequently. Use the following procedure to remove the filter and check it.
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(92) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 BCAUTION If any defect such as clog, damage or dust infiltration occurs, replace filter immediately instead of waiting until scheduled maintenance. 2. Loosen the screws 1, loosen the hook. BCAUTION 3. Remove the cover 2 of the air filter.
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BCAUTION Use one spark plug listed below or equivalent. SPARK PLUG Consult your Haojue dealer or a qualified mechanic Spark plug inspection if you are not sure which spark plug is correct for your type of usage. Remarks...
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(94) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 Spark plug installation BCAUTION BCAUTION The standard spark plug for application on the motorcycle of this model is carefully chosen and A cross-threaded or over-tightened spark plug will can be used in most of operating conditions. If damage the aluminum threads of the cylinder head.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (95) Inspect the engine oil level following the steps below. help of the main stand. 2. Remove the engine oil dipstick 1. 1. Stop the engine and support it on a flat ground with the help of the main stand.
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(96) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 Engine oil strainer 1/8 loop), there is no need to adjust the separation clearance, clockwise revolve the adjust screw 2 to BWARNING the position (A), then secure the locking nut 1 and mark it. If it exceeds 30–45 degrees range, go to the Due to that the cover of the right crankcase must be following “Adjust separation clearance”.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (97) CARBURETOR 3. Turn the adjuster 2 so that the throttle cable has 0.5–1.0mm play. Stable carbureting evaporation is the most fundamental 4. Tighten the lock nut 1. requirement for the carburetor. The carbureting evaporation has been accurately set in the factory.
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(98) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 damaged, immediately replace it. 1. Whether the sprockets have excessive abrasion 2. Whether wheel teeth are broken DRIVE CHAIN or damaged BWARNING 3. Whether the sprocket is loose To ensure safety, checkup and adjustment of the drive chain should be completed before actual riding.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (99) BCAUTION The drive chain of this motorcycle is made of special materials carefully processed. authentic parts (420SB 100 links) when replacing the drive chain. Using parts with different specifications may cause early damage to the chain.
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(100) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 Brake fluid BWARNING Check the brake fluid level in the Brakes are extremely important parts for safety brake fluid reservoir. If the level in of both rider and passenger, so they should be the reservoir is below the “LOWER”...
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If you need to replace brake disc or brake pads, brake disc thickness 1 is smaller than 3mm and, if it is, have your Haojue dealer do these works. Inspect replace the brake disc with a new one. and maintain the brake disc and brake pads as...
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(102) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 position of the brake handle when it is grasped to make REAR BRAKE (DRUM BRAKE) the front wheel begin to brake. Adjustment of rear brake pedal When adjusting the free stroke 2 of the brake handle, remove the rubber bush 1 along the cable and turn the adjusting nut 5 on the front brake.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (103) 3 (see the figure) marked on the wear limit mark pressure is too high or too low, it will affect ride stability, 2, otherwise have the component in the rear brake and will cause the tire to wear.
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(104) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 Front brake switch BWARNING Replace a tire when worn to the specified limit, or if find damage such as cuts or cracks. Tire specification When replacing a tire, make sure the new tire condition...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (105) FUSE BCAUTION The fuse box is located on the Failure to use a light bulb with the correct wattage outside of next to the battery. rating can overload the electrical system of your a sudden power failure or circuit motorcycle or cause the bulb to burn out sooner.
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(106) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 TROUBLESHOOTING BWARNING If the engine fails to start, please check the following to Do not fix the spark plug near the spark plug hole help determine the cause. for inspection, because combustible mixed gas is 1.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (107) TRANSPORTATION STORAGE Before the motorcycle is transported, drain the fuel in it If the motorcycle is kept out of service in winter or any because it is highly combustible and tends to explode in other seasons, it should be maintained using proper certain conditions.
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(108) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 NOTICE OF THE FILLED BATTERY Tires Inflate the tires to the pressure recommended in this • USAGE manual. 1. ACTIVATION OF THE FILLED BATTERY Exterior 1.1 * Checking before start using Spray all rubber parts with a rubber protective agent.
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3.2 Installation of anti-burglar alarm will also affect the battery. It is suggested to use an anti-burglar alarm recommended by Haojue, other alarms may lead to abnormal operation of the circuit system, or even damage the battery or ignition device and rectifier.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (111) UF115 MANUEL D’UTILISATION Ce manuel fait partie de la moto et doit ˆ etre conserv ´ e et remis au nouveau propri ´ etaire de la moto en cas de revente. Ce manuel contient des informations et des instructions importantes pour la s ´...
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` a votre moto. Les pi ` eces Souligne des pr ´ ecautions ou des proc ´ edures Haojue sont fabriqu ´ ees ` a partir de mat ´ eriaux de qualit ´ e sp ´ eciales qui doivent ˆ etre suivies afin d’ ´ eviter sup ´...
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´ esenter certaines diff ´ erences avec le mod ` ele de R ´ EGLAGE DU RESSORT D’AMORTISSEUR votre machine. Haojue se r ´ eserve le droit de proc ´ eder ` a ARRI ` ERE toute modification ` a tout moment.
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Tous les accessoires danger pour la s ´ ecurit ´ e. Haojue n’est pas en mesure install ´ es sur cette moto doivent ˆ etre des pi ` eces de tester tous les accessoires vendus dans le commerce d’origine Haojue ou leur ´...
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(116) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 mont ´ es de fac ¸ on rigide. choix et l’installation des accessoires. V ´ erifier que la garde au sol et l’angle d’inclinaison Ne pas tracter de remorque, ni de sidecar. Cette •...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (117) CONSEILS DE SECURITE A la moto et ses commandes. Ne jamais oublier que c’est en forgeant que l’on devient forgeron. L’INTENTION DES MOTOCYCLISTES CONNAITRE SES LIMITES motocyclisme requiert certaines pr ´ ecautions Toujours conduire dans les limites de ses propres particuli ` eres pour garantir la s ´...
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(118) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 COMMANDES VERSION (A) EMPLACEMENT DES PI ` ECES 1 Poign ´ ee gauche 4 Poign ´ ee droite 7 Filtre a air B ´ equille centrale 2 Tableau de bord 5 Tuyau de gaz 8 Robinet d’essence...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (119) VERSION (B) VERSION (A) 7 Filtre a air B ´ equille centrale 8 Robinet d’essence B ´ equille penchant Porte-casque Jauge d’huile moteur 9 Levier de vitesse P ´ edale de frein Manivelle...
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(120) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 VERSION (B) CL ´ ES Cette moto est fournie avec une cl ´ e de contact principale et une cl ´ e de rechange. Conserver la CL2 de rechange dans un endroit s ˆ ur.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (121) TABLEAU DE BORD BAVERTISSEMENT BATTENTION Avant de tourner la cl ´ e de contact sur la position “4”, arr ˆ eter le moteur de la moto et la placer sur sa Ne pas pulv ´ eriser d’eau sous haute pression b ´...
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(122) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 TEMOIN DE FEU-ROUTE 7 9 NOTE: Si le clignotant ne fonctionne pas correctement du fait d’une d ´ efaillance de l’ampoule ou du circuit ´ electrique, Ce t ´ emoin s’allume lorsque le feu de route est allum ´ e.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (123) BATTENTION BAVERTISSEMENT Le fait de maintenir l’inverseur entre les positions Ne pas allumer les clignotants avant de changer “9” et “'” allume les deux faisceaux du phare, de direction ou ne pas les ´ eteindre ensuite peut “9”...
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(124) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 BOUTON PHARE 2 BAVERTISSEMENT Position “+” Lors du nettoyage de la moto, ne pas nettoyer Le phare, le feu de position avant, l’ ´ eclairage du tableau directement ses composants ´ electriques, de bord, et le feu arri ` ere s’allument ensemble.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (125) LEVIER STARTER r ´ eservoir ` a carburant dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d’une montre et retirez-le. Une fois le remplissage termin ´ e, faites attention ` a sa fente et installez le bouchon du r ´...
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(126) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 LEVIER DE VITESSE NOTE: Lors du nettoyage de la moto, ne pas rincer le bouchon du r ´ eservoir avec de l’eau sous haute pression sous peine que cette eau sous haute pression ne s’ ´ ecoule dans le r ´...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (127) ` a la position d’origine. BAVERTISSEMENT En cas de changement de vitesse conform ´ ement aux Il faut placer les ressorts de suspension arri ` ere des ´ etapes ci-dessus, une usure inutile des composants de c ˆ...
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(128) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 BAVERTISSEMENT BATTENTION Une fois le moteur d ´ emarr ´ e, bien v ´ erifier que le Les objets sensibles ` a la temp ´ erature ne doivent manivelle a ´ et ´ e ramen ´ e ` a sa position normale.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (129) PORTE-BAGAGE ARRI ` ERE SUPPORT DE STATIONNEMENT (Selon mod ` ele) La moto est ´ equip ´ ee ` a la fois d’une b ´ equille centrale et d’une b ´ equille penchant.
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(130) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 RECOMMANDATIONS POUR LE l’environnement. Nous vous conseillons de recueillir l’huile usag ´ ee dans un r ´ ecipient herm ´ etiquement ferm ´ e CARBURANT ET L’HUILE-MOTEUR et de l’amener jusqu’ ` a un site de recyclage alentours. Ne pas la jeter dans une poubelle ni la r ´...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (131) RODAGE BAVERTISSEMENT Une bonne op ´ eration de rodage d’assurer ` a la fois une Des pneus non rod ´ es risquent de d ´ eraper et de dur ´ ee de vie et des performances maximum ` a votre moto.
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(132) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 CONTROLES AVANT DE PRENDRE LA du moteur s’accouplent et s’ajustent l’une ` a l’autre. L’entretien requis au d ´ ebut inclut la correction de tous ROUTE les r ´ eglages, le resserrage des pi ` eces et la vidange de Avant de prendre le guidon, bien v ´...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (133) CONSEILS DE PILOTAGE Point de V ´ erifier contr ˆ ole BAVERTISSEMENT Carburant Quantit ´ e d’essence suffisante pour le parcours envisag ´ e. S’il s’agit de la premi ` ere fois que vous conduisez...
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(134) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 l’arri ` ere. BAVERTISSEMENT 3. Appuyer sur le bouton du d ´ emarreur ´ electrique ou Des vents lat ´ eraux sont g ´ en ´ eralement pr ´ esents ` a enfoncer le levier de kick pour d ´ emarrer rapidement la sortie des tunnels ou des vall ´...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (135) Quand le moteur est chaud BAVERTISSEMENT 1. Tourner la manette des gaz de Ne jamais d ´ emarrer la moto lorsque les niveaux 1/8 ` a 1/4 de tour. d’huile-moteur ou de carburant sont insuffisants.
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(136) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 POUR COMMENCER BAVERTISSEMENT BAVERTISSEMENT Avant de d ´ emarrer la moto, bien v ´ erifier que la b ´ equille penchant est dans sa position haute Une vitesse de conduite excessive sur cette moto correspondante, au lieu de toute autre position.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (137) UTILISATION DE LA BOITE DE VITESSES CONDUITE EN MONTAGNE La boˆ ı te de vitesses est un organe qui permet au moteur Sur les pentes raides, la moto risque de ralentir et •...
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(138) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 ARR ˆ ET ET STATIONNEMENT BAVERTISSEMENT 1. Couper enti ` erement les gaz en tournant la poign ´ ee Ne pas suivre de trop pr ` es un autre usager sous vers l’ext ´ erieur.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (139) BAVERTISSEMENT BATTENTION Freiner l ´ eg ` erement et avec prudence sur les Si la moto est gar ´ ee ` a l’aide de la b ´ equille penchant surfaces glissantes ou accident ´ ees. Un freinage sur une pente l ´...
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´ ecurit ´ e maximale, il est conseill ´ e d’en confier le contr ˆ ole Les gaz d’ ´ echappement contiennent du monoxyde et l’entretien ` a un concessionnaire agr ´ e ´ e Haojue ou ` a un de carbone, un gaz dangereux difficile ` a d ´ etecter m ´...
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*Boulons et ´ ecrous Resserrer Resserrer Pour remplacement des pi ` eces, n’utiliser que des de l’ ´ echappement pi ` eces d’origine Haojue ou leur ´ equivalent. Boulons et ´ ecrous Resserrer Resserrer de culasse NOTE: Veiller ` a traiter correctement les d ´ echets (tels que *Jeu des Contr ˆ...
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(142) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 Intervalle km Les 1000 premiers Tous les 3000 Tous les 6000 avant changement (ou v ´ erification, nettoyage), r ´ eglages Op ´ eration Mois Les 3 premiers Tous les 6 Tous les 12 ajust ´...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (143) TABLEAU DE LUBRIFICATION R ´ EGULI ` ERE Intervalle Tous les 6000km Tous les 12.000km Op ´ eration ou tous les 6 mois ou tous les 12 mois Intervalle Tous les 6000km Tous les 12.000km...
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(144) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 BAVERTISSEMENT Les batteries produisent de l’hydrog ` ene qui risque d’exploser en pr ´ esence de flammes ou d’ ´ etincelles. Tenir la batterie ` a l’ ´ ecart de toute flamme ou ´...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (145) BATTENTION BAVERTISSEMENT Ne pas inverser les c ˆ ables de la batterie sous peine Utiliser le moteur sans ´ el ´ ement du filtre ` a air peut de d ´ et ´ erioration du syst ` eme de charge et de la s’av ´...
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(146) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 D ´ epose du filtre ` a air 1. Nettoyage le poussi ` ere en filtre coque int ´ erieur. 1. Retirez la feuille de caoutchouc de crochet. 2. Remettre le filtre nettoy ´ e ou le nouveau filtre dans l’ordre inverse de la d ´...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (147) 3. Vider tout le reste de carburant du tuyau collecteur 2. BATTENTION 4. Remonter le tuyau collecteur de carburant 2 en conduite dans conditions serrant la bride 1. poussi ´ ereuses, raccourcir intervalles NOTE: Faites attention en remontant le collecteur.
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` a votre concessionnaire Visser et serrer avec soin la bougie ` a la main dans Haojue ou ` a un m ´ ecanicien qualifi ´ e. le filetage. Si la bougie est neuve, la resserrer avec une cl ´...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (149) V ´ erification du niveau d’huile BATTENTION La bougie d’allumage standard ` a employer pour une moto de ce mod ` ele est soigneusement choisie et peut ˆ etre utilis ´ ee dans la plupart des conditions de fonctionnement.
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(150) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 Vidange de l’huile-moteur BATTENTION Utiliser l’huile-moteur recommand ´ ee dans “Recommandations pour le carburant et l’huile- moteur”. BATTENTION Effectuer la vidange d’huile moteur chaud de sorte que le V ´ erifiez soigneusement si les pi ` eces du moteur qui moteur se vide enti ` erement de son huile.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (151) EMBRAYAGE R ´ eglage du jeu de s ´ eparation V ´ erifier le d ´ edouanement 1. Tournez la vis de r ´ eglage 2 dans le sens des aiguilles 1. Alignez la ligne de rep ` ere (A) d’une montre, en veillant ` a ne pas trop tourner.
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(152) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 3. Tourner le dispositif de r ´ eglage 2 de sorte que le carburateur a ´ et ´ e r ´ egl ´ ee avec pr ´ ecision en usine. Veiller ` a ne pas modifier sa configuration.
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (153) inf ´ erieure de la carrosserie. Son ´ el ´ ement doit ˆ etre 1. Est-ce que le pignon pr ´ esente r ´ eguli ` erement contr ˆ ol ´ e, nettoy ´ e ou remplac ´ e. Utilisez de une usure excessive l’air comprim ´...
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(154) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 seule ligne droite avec les pignons avant et arri ` ere en BAVERTISSEMENT vous assurant de la correspondance gauche-droite de Une chaˆ ı ne mal tendue risque de sauter des la position des signes 3 de la fourche de roue arri ` ere pignons et d’entraˆ...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (155) NOTE: Apr ` es r ´ eglage de la chaˆ ı ne de transmission, V ´ erifier quotidiennement les points suivants sur le s’assurer d’avoir contr ˆ ol ´ e la course libre de la p ´ edale de circuit de frein frein arri ` ere.
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(156) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 BAVERTISSEMENT BATTENTION Le liquide de frein est un produit toxique en cas Les ´ eclaboussures de liquide de frein peuvent de contact avec la peau ou les yeux et il peut attaquer les surfaces peintes les pi ` eces en s’av ´...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (157) BAVERTISSEMENT BAVERTISSEMENT Apr ` es installation de nouvelles plaquettes ou Tout manquement termes contr ˆ ole, de nouveaux disques de frein, ne roulez pas d’entretien remplacement selon imm ´ ediatement, mais serrez et rel ˆ achez les recommandation des plaquettes ou des disques poign ´...
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(158) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 r ´ eglage, serrer le contre- ´ ecrou 3 et remonter la bague en La course libre 1 de la p ´ edale de frein fait r ´ ef ´ erence ` a caoutchouc 1.
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Demandez ` a votre Roue arri ` ere 2,25 2,80 revendeur de Haojue ou ` a un m ´ ecanicien qualifi ´ e BAVERTISSEMENT de remplacer les sabots de frein si les chaussures sont us ´ ees ` a la limite.
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(160) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 ` a la stabilit ´ e de pilotage. contenu de la section “Contr ˆ oles avant de prendre la route”. BAVERTISSEMENT Contacteur de frein avant Remplacer un pneu lorsqu’il est us ´ e jusqu’ ` a la limite sp ´...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (161) FUSIBLE l’ampoule. La boˆ ı te de fusibles se trouve ` a BATTENTION l’ext ´ erieur ` a c ˆ ot ´ e de la batterie. Si soudainement une panne de Bien utiliser une ampoule de wattage appropri ´ e courant d ´...
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(162) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 D ´ EPANNAGE bon ´ etat, une ´ etincelle bleue doit se former entre les ´ electrodes de la bougie. S’il n’y a pas d’ ´ etincelles, Si le moteur refuse de d ´ emarrer, en d ´ eterminer la cause faire r ´...
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Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 (163) TRANSPORT REMISAGE Avant de transporter la moto, vider le carburant qu’elle Si la moto n’est pas utilis ´ ee pendant l’hiver, ou une contient car il est hautement inflammable et risque autre saison, un entretien sp ´ ecial qui n ´ ecessite le d’exploser sous certaines conditions.
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(164) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 AVIS DEL’UTILISATION DE LA Pneus Gonfler les pneus ` a la pression recommand ´ ee dans le • BATTERIE REMPLIE pr ´ esent manuel. 1. ACTIVATION DE L’UTILISATION DE LA BATTERIE Ext ´ erieur...
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Saisir la manette de frein ou appuyer sur la p ´ edale • recommand ´ ee par Haojue, les autres alarmes pouvant de frein arri ` ere pendant la conduite, provoquant ainsi conduire ` a un fonctionnement anormal du syst ` eme l’allumage permanent du t ´...
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(166) Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2019-4-11 TABLEAU DES CARACT ´ ERISTIQUES Performances Vitesse maximale 88km/h Taille et poids Aptitude en c ˆ ote 28 ˚ Longueur 1935mm Distance de freinage ≤6m Largeur 755mm Conduite Hauteur 1125mm Rayon de braquage...