Figure 19.- Screen of mesurement configuration (QAM signals).
5.13.2 DVB-T/H (COFDM) Digital Channel Configuration
Press the Measurements Configuration
CONFIGURATION menu and turn the rotary selector
signals parameters which can be defined by user and are described below:
Channel BW (channel bandwidth)
Enables the channel bandwidth to be selected between 6 MHz, 7 MHz and 8 MHz.
The selection of this parameter is essential for the correct operation of the tuner,
as it affects the frequency separation of the carriers.
Guard Interval
The Guard Interval parameter corresponds to the dead time between symbols, its
purpose is to permit a correct detection in multi-path situations. This parameter is
defined according to the symbol length: 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32. To modify its value, by
turning the rotary selector
and then press it : a menu with the available values will appear. Turning the rotary
[1] select the desired value and finally press it to validate.
Carriers (Number of carriers)
It defines the number of modulation carriers between 2k, 4k and 8k. To modify its
value, place the marker over the Carriers field by turning the rotary selector and
then press it: a menu will appear on the screen. Turning the rotary selector
select the desired value for the Carriers parameter and finally press it again to
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[1], place the marker over the Guard Interval field
[17] key to access to the
[1] to access the COFDM