What is germinated brown rice(gAbA rice)?
Brown rice has more nutrients than white rice. However, brown rice is tougher and harder to disgest. The GABA menu
option boosts the amino acid in germinated brown rice and makes it softer so it can be easily digested.
features of germinated brown rice
Germinated brown rice(GABA rice) promotes healthier nutrients and enhances taste.
Germinated Brown rice also improves digestibility.
▶ Enhanced taste
▶ Better digestion and rich in nutrients
▶ Rich with dietary fiber
▶ Germinated brown rice(GABA rice) has rich GABA(Gamma Amino Butryc Acid)
GABA promotes metabolic efficiency in the liver and kidneys, lowers blood pressure, promotes brain function
– these effects have been proved by medical studies
how to use the gAbA rice function
In order to promote germination, soak Brown Rice for 16 hours in water.
Before using the "GABA" cooking mode
▶ Rinse Brown Rice and place in a container, pour enough water to cover the rice.
▶ Soak for 16 hours (do not exceed the 16 hour limit). After the 16 hours, make sure to rinse the soaked rice again being
careful not to disturbing the germinated sprouts on the grain.
▶ Unique smell may be generated according to the soaking time of pre-germination.
▶ After rinsing the soaked rice, pour rice into Inner Pot. Pour appropriated volume of water, and use "GABA" menu.
▶ In summer or in a warmer climate, odor may be present.
Press "Menu/Selection" button to select "GABA".
▶ When the "GABA" is selected,"O Hr." is indicated in the display.
Press "TIME/SETTING" button to set time.
▶ If you press the "TIME/SETTING" button while selecting the GABA rice menu, the germination time is selected
repeatedly in the order of 0 hour → 3 hours → 0 hour.
Press the "START/QUICK" button.
▶ Pressing "START/QUICK" button will begin the "GABA"process, after
which. cooking will begin immediately.
▶ During "GABA" mode, "Cooking" indicator will be lit together with the
germination time left.
<When selecting GABA rice>