Depending on your settings, two different cases are possible:
Weekly and daily programme
Your devices have been programmed and execute Comfort and Eco mode commands
on the basis of the settings and time periods you have chosen (see the section
"Integrated weekly and daily schedule", page 23).
Depending on your settings, two different cases are possible:
No programme
For the version without an occupancy detector, if the weekly and daily programme
is not activated, the device will operate in continuous Comfort mode 7 days a week.
Comfort mode
Continuous Comfort mode. The devices will work
24 hours a day to reach the set temperature (e.g.
19°C). The user can adjust the temperature level in
the Comfort mode (see page 19).
Eco mode
Eco means -3,5°C temperature in Comfort mode.
This allows you to lower the temperature without
having to change the Comfort mode temperature.
Select this mode for short-term absences (between
2 and 24 hours) or at night.
Freeze Protection
This mode allows you to protect your home from the
effects of cold weather (frozen pipes, etc.)
It maintains a minimum room temperature of 7°C.
Select this mode if you plan to be away from home
for a long time (more than 5 days).
To restore the factory settings: see page 39, 49 or 55
Overview of modes