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Leg exercise
Arm exercise
During this exercise, make sure that your arms are in line with your shoulders, your
thighs are in line with your torso and your back is straight. Slowly lower your body, bend
your arms and tense your body. Stretch your arms back out and lift your body at the
same time.

After your workout

After your workout, always stretch in order to slowly bring your cardiovascular system
back down to a normal level. Below is a number of exercises provided as an example.
Lay down a fi tness mat (e.g. thermo mat) on the fl oor and
place the device in front of it. Sit down on the mat in front of
the device and place your legs on the support pads so that
they are located between your heels and calves. Push the
support pads down with your left and right leg one at a time.
Beginners should switch legs slowly; advanced persons
should do so faster.
Kneel down on the support foot with the seat and place your
hands on the support pads. Push them down with your right
and left arm one at a time. Make sure that you keep your
back straight during the entire exercise. Beginners should
switch legs slowly; advanced persons should do so faster.
Lay down a fi tness mat (e. g. thermo mat)
on the fl oor and place the device on it.
Kneel down in front of it and get into the
push-up position. The device is now un-
derneath you. The support pads should be
directly under your pelvic bone.
Upper body: Stand upright, fold your arms together over your
head and with your right hand, pull your left elbow to the right.
This will move your upper body slightly to the respective side.
Hold the position for approx. 15–20 seconds. Change sides.


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