Even though it's one of the most frequently reported gastrointestinal issues, no one likes to talk
about constipation. Getting backed up is a horrible feeling. The bloating, the discomfort, the's pretty horrible. Quick fix, over the counter solutions don't get to the root of the
problem in the same way that daily proper nutrition can. Simply add one of these juices to your
day and we're confident you'll see "movement" in the right direction.
The Unicorn
½ Head Red Cabbage.
Cabbage has been shown to soften stool,
which can help keep things moving.
But who likes to eat cabbage?
Now you can drink it in this delicious,
stunningly beautiful drink. You won't be-
lieve how pretty this juice is!
Clean and Green
Pears have always been a go-to fruit when
the topic of constipation comes up.
This refreshing blend has all the vitamins,
minerals and enzymes you need to get
your digestive juices flowing.
Prepare and juice
2 Lemons.
1 Apple.
Prepare and juice
1 Pear.
1 Lemon.
2 Handfuls Spinach.