Mounting instructions
As the type plate indicates, the normal mounting position of the device is horizontal (also vertical possible) with the electrodes lying in a ho-
rizontal plane. For horizontal mounting the electrodes axis must lie in a horizontal plane (cable head pointing downwards). Conditions of
mounting are given in the table below.
• No in- and outlet section needed
• No radial centered mounting needed (max. radial position offset 10 % of diameter)
Horizontal and vertical mounting possible
Consult the information given on the type plate.
Avoid installing the flow sensor in
long pipes without supports. Avo-
id vibrations.
Partially filled pipes will cause
considerable measuring errors
and must be avoided.
Large initial gaps between pipe
work and flow sensor can result
in large torsional and bending
strains on the device when tigh-
tening the nuts.
In installations with long pipes
connecting to the device, antivi-
bration joints should be used.
In operation, the pipe must be
completely full at all times.
The gaps provided for the ga-
skets must be as small as possi-
ble so that, when tightening the
nuts, the device is not under
MAG Smart