Manufacturer: Sistematica s.r.l.
Operating temperature: -20°C ÷ +55°C
Power voltage: 10/30V ±10%
Typical absorption in standby: 30 mA
Reverse polarity protection of the battery
Microprocessor control
Internal antenna
Receiver category (EN 300-220-1): 2
Main connector: FCI SICMA 24 Header pin
Radio transmission features:
• Modulation: GFSK
• Data rate: 50 KBaud
• Output power: max 10 nominal dBm
• Frequency band:
> 868,1 MHz – 869 MHz
> 2402 MHz – 2480 MHz
> 2403 MHz – 2430 MHz
Dimensions (mm): 108 x 110 x 44
Number of outputs: up to 8
Number of digital inputs: 1
Maximum current available for each channel: 5A
Maximum total deliverable current: 10A
Protection degree: IP67
Dimensions (mm): 133,2 x 154,2 x 44
Maximum number of outputs: up to 20 of which
- Number of proportional outputs: 1 (by losing 2)
- Number of digital inputs: 1 (by losing 1)
Communication interface CANBUS: (optional-trades 2 outputs)
J1939 or proprietary protocol 4-bit CanBus (up to 16 supported nodes)
Maximum current available for each channel: 5A
Maximum total deliverable current: 20A
Protection degree: IP67
Not suitable for high pressure water jets