Engine Safety (Continued)
j Startingenginecreatessparking.
j Sparkingcanignite nearbyflammable gases.
Explosion andfire could result.
* Ifthereis naturalor LPgas leakage in area,do not startengine.
,, Donot usepressurized startingfluids because vaporsareflammable.
Runningthe engineproducesheat.Engineparts, especially
i muffler, b ecomeextremely hot.
Failureto observethesesafetyinstructionscould result in
i severe thermalburnson contact.
* Nevertoucha hot engineor muffler. A llow muffler, e nginecylinder, a ndfins
to coolbeforetouching.
,, Remove debrisfrom mufflerareaandcylinderarea.
,, Installandmaintaininworkingorderasparkarrester b eforeusingequipment
on forest-covered, grass-covered, or brush-covered unimproved land.
,, U.S.A.Models:It is a violationof California PublicResource Code
Section 4442to useor operate theengineon or nearanyforest-covered,
brush-covered, or grass-covered l andunlessthe exhaust s ystemis equipped
with asparkarrester m eetingany applicable localor statelaws.Otherstates
or federal a reasmayhavesimilar laws.
Maintenanceand Storage
This snowthrower m ustbeproperlymaintained to ensure safe
operationand performance. F ailure to observethe safety
instructionsin this manual c ould resultin deathor serious
* Whenperforming any maintenance o r repairson the snowthrower, shut OFF
theengine,disconnect s parkplug wire,andkeepthewire away from the
plug to prevent s omeone from accidently startingthe engine.
,, Check shearboltsandotherhardware atfrequentintervals for proper
tightness to besurethe snowthrower i s in safeworkingcondition.
,, Keepnutsandboltstight andkeepsnowthrower i n goodcondition.
,, Nevertamper w ith safetydevices.Check their properoperationregularly and
makenecessary r epairsif theyarenot functioningproperly.
,, Components a resubjectto wear,damage, anddeterioration. F requently
checkcomponents andreplace with recommended p arts,when necessary.
,, Check control operation frequently. A djustandserviceas required.
,, Useonly factoryauthorized replacement partswhenmakingrepairs.
,, Alwayscomplywithfactoryspecifications on all settingsandadjustments.
,, Onlyauthorized servicelocationsshouldbe utilizedfor majorserviceand
,, Useonly attachments a ndaccessories a pproved by thefactory(suchas
wheelweights,counterweights, or cabs).
,, Neverattempt t o makeanyadjustments whilethe engineis running(except
whenspecificallyrecommended b ythe factory).
,, Donot allowgreaseor oil to contact t he rubberfrictionwheelor the disc
driveplate.If the discdriveplateor frictionwheelcomein contact w ith
greaseor oil, damage to the rubberfrictionwheelwill result.