TractionDrive Cable
1. Remove thegasfromthegastank.Standthesnowthrowerupon the
frontendof theaugerhousing.
WARNING: Drain the gasoline outdoors, away from fire
or flame.
2. Loosenthebolts(A,Figure37)on eachsideof thebottompanel(B).
3. Remove thebottompanel.
4. Disconnect the"Z" fittingfrom thedrivelever(seeFigure35).
5. Slidethecableboot(A, Figure38) offthecableadjustment b racket
(B) I
6. Pushthebottomofthetractiondrivecable(C)throughthecable
adjustment b racket u ntilthe "Z" hook(D)canbe removed.
7. Remove the"Z" hookfrom thecableadjustment b racket. M ovethe"Z"
hookdownto thenextadjustment h ole.
8. Pull thetractiondrivecableup throughthecableadjustment b racket.
91Putthecablebootoverthecableadjustment b racket.
10. Installthethe"Z" hookto thetractiondrivelever(seeFigure35)1
11. Tochecktheadjustment, depress thedriveleverand checkthelength
of thedrivespring(A,Figure39). Incorrectadjustment, thelength
of thedrivespringis a minimum3 inches(76 mm)anda maximum
3-3/8 inches/85mm).
12. Installthebottompanel(B,Figure37)1
13. Tighten thebolts(A) on eachsideof thebottompanel.
Traction DriveCable
Check Adjustment o fTractionDriveCable
Figure 38
Figure 38
Figure 37