Moving Parts
Keep hands, feet, a ndclothing away f romrotating parts.
Rotating p arts cancontact or entangle h ands, feet,hair,
clothing, or accessories.
Failure t oobserve t hese safety i nstructions will result i n
traumatic amputation orsevere laceration.
* Whenever cleaning, r epairing, or inspecting t hesnowthrower, make surethe
engineis OFF, sparkplugwireis disconnected, andall movingparts have
. Donot puthandsor feetnear o r underrotating parts.Keep clearofthe
discharge opening at all times.
. Neveroperate the snowthrower w ithoutproperguards, a ndothersafety
devicesin placeandworking.
. Neverleavethe snowthrower u nattended w hileengineis running.Always
disengage theaugerandtractioncontrols,stop engine,andremove keys.
. Keep all looseclothingaway from the front of thesnowthrower a ndauger.
Scarves, m ittens,danglingdrawstrings, l ooseclothes,andpantscanquickly
become caughtin therotatingdevice andamputation will occur. T ie up
long hairandremove jewelry.
. Runthe machineafewminutesafterdischarging snowto prevent f reeze-up
of thecollector/impeller.
. Disengage powerto the collector/impeller w hensnowthrower i s transported
or not in use.
Thrown Objects
Objects canbepicked upbyauger a ndthrown from chute.
Never discharge snow toward bystanders or allowanyone in
Failure t o observe these safety
instructions willresult i n death or serious i njury.
* Alwayswearsafetyglasses or eyeshieldswhileduringoperation, a ndwhile
performing an adjustment o r repair.
,, Alwaysbeawareof the directionthe snowis beingthrown.Nearby
pedestrians, pets,or propertymaybe harmed by objectsbeingthrown.
,, Beaware of yourenvironment w hileoperatingthesnowthrower. R unning
overitemssuch as,gravel,doormats, n ewspapers, toys,androckshidden
undersnow,canall bethrownfrom the chuteor jam inthe auger.
,, Useextreme cautionwhenoperatingon or crossinggraveldrives,walks,or
,, Adjustthecollectorhousingheightto cleargravelor crushedrocksurface.
,, Neveroperate the snowthrower n earglassenclosures, a utomobiles, w indow
wells, drop-otis,andthe likewithoutproperadjustment o f the discharge
,, Familiarize y ourselfwiththe areain whichyou planto operate thesnow
thrower.Markoff boundaries of walkways anddriveways.
Tragic a ccidents canoccur if theoperator is notalert t o the
presence ofchildren, Children a reoften attracted totheunit
andtheoperating activity. Never assume t hat c hildren will
remain w here youlastsaw them.
o Keepchildrenout of theareaduringoperation. C hildrenareoftenattracted to
the equipment. B emindfulof all personspresent.
,, Bealertandturn unit off if childrenenterthe area.
,, Neverallowchildrento operate the unit.
,, Useextracarewhenapproaching blindcorners,shrubs,trees,or other
objectsthatmayobscurevision.Childrenmaybe present.
Engine Safety
Safe operaiion
oi t he nowihiower
r<u ie ihe
and maintenance o f the engine.Failureto observe the safety
instructionsin this manualwill result in death or serious
,, Disengage all clutchesandshift into neutralbefore startingthe engine.
,, Letthe engineadjustto outdoortemperatures b efore startingto clearsnow.
,, Usea grounded three-wireplug-infor all snowthrowers e quipped with
electricdrivemotorsor electricstartingmotors.
Engines giveoff carbonmonoxide, a n odorless, c olorless,
Breathing carbonmonoxide cancausenausea, fainting,
or death.
o Startandrun engineoutdoors.
o Donot runthe enginein anenclosed area,evenif doorsor windowsare