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Retrospec Koa Instructions De Montage page 17


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16. Simple Troubleshooting
The information below is for diagnosing problems only. It is not a recommendation
for the user to carry-out repairs. Any remedy outlined must be carried out by a
professional e-bike repair person who is educated on the safety issues with bikes
& e-bikes.
Trouble Description Possible Causes Trouble Shooting
After the main battery
1) the motor cable
switched on, the motor
(waterproof connection
does not generate
joint) is loose;
assistance when pedaling.
2) brake lever did not return
well, which keeps the switch
in "power off" position;
3) the speed sensor
is too far away from the
magnetic ring on the B.B.
axle; 4) the connection
between the sensor and the
controller is loosen or not
connected well.
The distance per charge
1) charging time is not
becomes short (NOTE:
enough; 2) the environment
performance of the bike
temperature is so low that it
battery is directly related to
affects the battery working.
weight of the rider and any
3) frequently going uphill, or
riding with head wind, or on
constant braking).
poor road condition,
4) the tires have low pres-
sure (to be inflated);
5) frequently braking and
starting. 6) battery has been
stored without using for
quite a long time.
First of all, please check
the battery if it is empty.
If yes, charge the battery
immediately. 1) check if the
connection is securely fixed.
If loose, joint them tightly.
2) make the brake lever
come back to its normal
position with care, without
braking; 3) adjusting the
distance between the
magnetic ring and the
sensor, to make sure the
distance is within 3mm;
4) fix tight the connection
between the sensor and the
1) please charge the battery
according the instruction
(chapter 7.3); 2) in winter
or under 0°C, store the
battery inside the house; 3)
it will be normal if the riding
conditions are improve
and hills are avoided; 4)
Inflate the tires and ensure
tires are fully inflated to
recommended pressure for
your bike; 5) Less frequen
stop and go will result in
improved range; 6) make
regular charging according
to this instruction manual
(refer to Chapter 6.3) If the
above has no effect, please
contact your vendor or
authorized service.
After plugging the power
1) trouble from the power
outlet, no charger indicator
outlet; 2) poor contact
LED is lit.
between charger input plug
and power outlet; 3) the
temperature is too low.
After charging over 4-5
1) environment temperature
hours, the charger indicator
is 40°C and above.
LED is still red, while the
2) environment temperature
battery is still above not full
is under 0°C. 3) failed to
(NOTE: it is very important
charge bike after riding,
to charge your bike strictly
resulting in over discharge.
according to this instruction
4) the output voltage is too
stated in Chapter 7, to avoid
low to charge the battery.
any trouble and damage
occurred to your bike.
1) check and repair the
power outlet. 2) check and
insert the power outlet
tightly. 3) charge it in house.
1) charge the battery in
an area under 40°C, or
according to this instruction
chapter 7; 2). charge the
battery inside the house, or
according to this instruction
chapter 7; 3) please well
maintain the battery
according to the Chapter
6.3 to avoid natural over-
discharge; 4) no charging
when the power supply is
lower than 100V.

