Installation Instructions - Stainless Door Panel
Follow the next steps for set screw installation.
For flush mounting, inspect the gap between the panel
and cabinetry at the handle side.
If the vertical gap between the
cabinetry is smaller at the top
than the bottom, insert and drive
the vertical screw on the top
bracket near the hinge side until
the gap is equal along the entire
vertical section. (You may need to
slide the panel to realign the side
gap to 1/8".)
If the vertical gap between the
cabinetry is larger at the top than the
bottom, insert and drive the vertical
screw on the top bracket near the
handle side until the gap is equal
along the entire vertical section.
(You may need to slide the panel to
realign the side gap to 1/8".)
Inspect the alignment at the top of the
panel. Adjustments can be made by turning the vertical
adjustment screws, equally, on the top of the panel
bracket (2 adjustment screws per panel).
Vertical adjustment screw locations.
If the panels do not lay flat, they can be adjusted.
Start by adjusting the top corners and then moving
to the bottom corners. Each corner can be adjusted
If the panel is too deep inside the
cabinetry, the panel needs to move
away from the unit. Install the
outermost horizontal screws in all 4
corners and screw in until panel is in
If the panel is too proud of the
surrounding cabinetry,
to move toward the unit. Install the
innermost horizontal screws in all 4
corners and screw in place until the
is in position.
After the panel has been adjusted to the desired
position, secure the panel by first driving and tightening
the vertical screws at the bottom of the door brackets
and then drive and tighten the remaining horizontal
screws. ALL 12 SET SCREWS should be driven and
firmly tightened in order to properly secure the panel.
After the top and bottom door panel brackets are
secured by installing / tightening all 12 set screws, use
the four 1/4" hex screws and square washer to secure
the center mounting brackets.
Square Washer
the panel needs
31-1000600 Rev. 1