Lights and Power Settings:
• When the power is on the LCD panel is lit, the light will turn off after 15 seconds of inactivity.
• Press the LIGHT button once and light will go on; press again to shut off
• The motor has 3 speed levels. Press the SPEED button once to start the motor at low speed, press again to
move up to medium speed and once more to reach maximum speed.
• You can stop the motor by pressing the ON/OFF button.
• When re-opening the motor by pressing the ON/OFF button again, the speed will be at the same setting as
when last used.
Timer Settings:
• The control module provides the option to run the motor for a predetermined time period in order to remove
remaining odors from the kitchen.
• The default time period is 5 minutes and can be adjusted from 1 to 60 minutes.
• To adjust the time period turn on the motor at any speed:
- Press the TIMER button to enter the timer setting mode.
- Press the SPEED button to increase the number of minutes and press the LIGHT button to decrease the
number of minutes the motor will run before stopping.
• When you have reached the desired time length press the TIMER button again to confirm and initiate the
timer count down.
• When pressing the TIMER button next time, it will be set to the newly adjusted time.