4.1.Montage sur socle
'Ce chapitre ne concerne pas les tables de lecture TD 125 MkII
d6j8 montées sur socle.
4. 2.Emboitoge
Un cadre d'embottage CE 50? est livrable comme accessoire.
Le montage de 1a toble de lecture dons ce cadre d'embottoge
1 fait de lo méme manidre qu'indiqué au chapitre 4. 1., mon-
toge sur socle ST 509. Placer le corre d'emboTtoge dors le trou
rectengulaire de 451 x 341 mm, percé selon gobarit
tage XB30-2. Le ponneau d'emboftage doit avoir une épais~
sour minimum de 12 mm.
Veiller & ce que le chassis en fonte injectée ne touche nulle
patt le panneau d'embottage, une entiare liberté de la sus-
pension élastique étant indispensable av parfait fonctionne=
ment de Io table de lecture TD 125 Mil.
4.1. Mounting tumtoble on @ bose
For the turntables which ore delivered ready mounted on bose
this chapter is not applicable.
Remove the outer turntable platter before proceeding to mount
the unit,
If the turntable is to be operated free standing outside of
furniture it has to be mounied into o bare No ST 509 or equi
valent. The chossis must be fastened from underneath with the
4 screws which ore supplied with the turntable.
If the holes of the base do not fit to the turntable threads,
slocken screws @. Then threod-bors can be moved according
to the holes in the base,
4.2.Mounting turntable into furniture
The TD 125 MkII turntable should be mounted on « ply- wood
'mounting Boord of not less than 1/2"
thickness ond cut out
eccording to the template X 830-2, This is « rectonguler hole
with the dimensions 451 x 341 rom (17.75 13.42"). In this
hole the mounting Frome CE 509 fits without further fastening.
The turntable chassis TD 125 MklI is fastened into the mour-
frame os described under 4.1.
In order to ensure efficient operation of the floating suspen
tion it is essential when fitting the unit to allow sufficivat
clearance between the die cast chassis end the mounting