Manual Management
Press the REC button or go to panic recording in the
main menu in order to start a manual image / video re-
cording or to switch to an alarm output.
Select the camera to start manual recording by click-
ing the corresponding button.
Click "Analog" to record all connected cameras.
Continous Capture
Select the camera to manually record continuous instant
images. You can set the time interval in which these are
recorded in the recording menu (see p. 135).
Click the control button for this.
In order to switch on one of the alarm outputs, select the
alarm output with a left click and click on Trigger for one,
or Trigger All, to switch on all outputs. To reset the out-
put(s) again, click on Clear or Clear all.
Select "Lock" to lock the operating menu.
Select "ShutDown" to switch off the device.
Select "Reboot" to reboot the system (switch
off and back on).
Manual Management