Instrument and control functions
Fuel tank cap
To open the fuel tank cap
Open the fuel tank cap lock cover, insert
the key into the lock, and then turn it 1/4
turn clockwise. The lock opens and it is
possible to raise the fuel cap.
To close the fuel tank cap
1) Insert the key in the lock.
2) Turn the key back to its original position
by turning it anticlockwise and then re-
move it.
Make sure that the fuel tank cap is pro-
perly closed after lling fuel.
Leaking fuel is a re hazard.
3 - 12
Make sure there is su cient gasoline in
the tank.
Gasoline and gasoline vapors are ex-
tremely ammable. To avoid res and
explosions and to reduce the risk of
injury when refueling, follow these in-
• Before refueling, turn o the engine
and be sure that no one is sitting
on the vehicle. Never refuel while
smoking, or while in the vicinity of
sparks, open ames, or other sources
of ignition such as the pilot lights of
water heaters and clothes dryers.
• Do not over ll the fuel tank. When
refueling, be sure to insert the pump
nozzle into the fuel tank ller hole.
Stop lling when the fuel reaches
the bottom of the ller tube. Because
fuel expands when it heats up, heat
from the engine or the sun can cause
fuel to spill out of the fuel tank.