If splitting a log that has already been split, always place the log
so that the split face is uppermost and the bark covered outer
face of the log is against the bed of the log splitter.
Electric log splitters are best suited to splitting green logs. When splitting seasoned and hard logs,
do not hold the opertaing lever down for anymore than 4 to 5 seconds, holding it down longer may
result in serious damage to the machine if the log suddenly splits with a bang. There is also a danger
of wood flying off at speed and causing injury if a log splits suddenly.
If a log does not split easily, release the pressure and rotate the log around it's long axis and try
splitting at a new position.
Additionally, do not exert force on the operating lever to try and split a log. This will generate no
additional pressure and may bend the lever, which can allow the operating valve to shoot out.
WARNING: Never place the split face or faces of a log against the bed of the log splitter.
IMPORTANT: Never keep pressure on a log for more than 5 seconds to force it to split
very hard wood.
NEVER place a split log with the split face or faces against
the bed of the log splitter, as this can cause the log to jam
against the log guides as it splits, thereby bending and possibly
breaking the log guides and possibly the body of the log splitter.
FM5, FM8 & FM10 (Versions D, T & TW)