COnneCtiOns, cOntrOlS, and indicatOrS:
Mic / line
Adaptation to microphone or line signals. When a microphone is connected, set the switch to the left position (MIC).
When a sound source with a line signal is connected (e.g., mixer), set the switch to the right position (LINE).
SiGnal / liMit led
As soon as an audio signal is present at the input, the LED lights up green. As soon as the speaker is running
at the clipping threshold, the internal limiter is tripped and this LED lights up red. Brief flashing is not a cause
for concern, since the audio limiter compensates for over-modulation. Permanent illumination should be
avoided by reducing the input level (VOLUME control 6).
TIP: If distortion is already audible at low volumes, reduce the input level (volume of the sound source) and
increase the speaker volume (VOLUME control 6).
POwer led
Lights up once the speaker is switched on and properly connected to the power mains. An LED on the front
panel also indicates that the speaker is operational.
nOte: The speakers in the LD OXID Series have temperature-controlled fans.