Meat and Fish
Beef (1 kg topside)
Chicken (1.2 kg whole)
Lamb (1.3 kg leg)
Monkfish (0.6 kg fillets) (special case food)
Pork (1 kg roast)
Salmon (4 steaks 0.6 kg) (special case food)
Tuna (4 x 0.6 kg steaks) (special case food)
Golden rules when pressure cooking (for UK Consumers)
• The minimum quantity of liquid required for normal cooking is 250 ml (½ pint)
for the first ¼ hour cooking. For each additional ¼ hour, or part of ¼ hour, add a
further 150 ml (¼ pint) of liquid. For example, 45 minutes cooking requires 600
ml (1 pint) of liquid. Note: This is only a general guide. Certain foods, such as
rice, pulses, steamed puddings and Christmas puddings may require extra water
(see text below).
• When steaming foods in the basket use a minimum of 750 ml (1¼ pint) water in
the cooker.
• Always use a liquid that gives off steam when boiled e.g. water stock, wine, beer,
cider. Never use oil or fat. All pressure cooking requires some liquid.
• Whatever the size of pressure cooker, the maximum filling level when all the
ingredients and liquid have been added are:
Solid foods e.g. vegetables, meat joints: no more than two-thirds full
Liquids and cereals e.g. soups, stews, cereal and pasta: no more than half full
Foods that swell during cooking e.g. rice, dried beans, dried peas, dried vegetables,
stewed fruit, etc: no more than one-third full
• When cooking pulses they swell up and tend to froth up. Use 1.2 litres (2 pints)
water for every 450 g (1 lb) pre-soaked weight of pulses. Remember all dried peas
and dried beans, must be soaked in boiling water for 1 hour before cooking. Drain,
rinse thoroughly and cook in fresh water. Never eat uncooked beans or peas.
Soaking is not necessary for red lentils. The high temperatures achieved in the
pressure cooker ensure that any natural toxins in the pulses are destroyed.
Canned beans and pulses can simply be drained and rinsed before adding to the
pressure cooker.
For 6 Litre models only.
FRESH Valve position
32 min (medium)**
22 min
40 min (medium)**
4 min
28 min
6 min
7 min