5 Operation
5.1 General
5.1.1 Microwave power levels
You can see from the table below from which fi ve power levels you can choose and for
which foods the power levels are suitable. During use it is possible to change the power
by pressing the power/weight button (see 5.2 and 5.4).
Power level
900 W
700 W
450 W
300 W
100 W
5.1.2 Changing the temperature
During use it is possible to change the temperature (see 5.3 and 5.4). The temperature
status can be viewed in the LED status bar. The set temperature is reached when all LED
units in the status bar are lit.
5.1.3 Changing the cooking time
During use it is possible to change the cooking time (see 5.3 and 5.4). The step quantities
for adjusting the time are as follow (the maximum cooking time thet can be set depends
on the chosen mode):
- Boiling water, reheating
- Cooking chicken, fi sh, vegetables
- Reheating
- Cooking mushrooms, shellfi sh
- Cooking dishes containing eggs and cheese
- Cooking rice, soup
- Defrosting
- Melting chocolate and butter
- Defrosting sensitive/delicate foods
- Defrosting irregularly-shaped foods
- Softening ice cream
- Allowing dough to rise
0 - 1 min.
1 - 5 min.
1 sec.
10 sec.
5 - 15 min.
15 - 60 min.
30 sec.
1 min.
60 min.+
5 min.