tons (11), select "Network Setup" and then verify
with OK (11).
Select "Cellular Providers" and push OK (11). Use
the UP/DOWN buttons (11) to select your country
and push OK (11). You will now see a list of precon-
figured providers in that country. Select your SIM
card provider and push OK (11). You will automati-
cally enter the "Country" menu. Push the LEFT ar-
row button (11) or MENU (15) to enter the "Network
Setup" menu.
Note: If your provider is not listed, please follow
the "Operator Parameter" instructions under "Set-
tings Using the Download Tool Software".
Download Tool
See the instructions under "Settings Using the Down-
load Tool Software".
Remote Control
Here you can activate or deactivate the remote con-
trol for your DTC 1000. You can also set the time
at which the text message (SMS) commands should
be implemented. This function allows you to change
the "Send Mode" of the DTC 1000 via a SMS text
message sent to the camera. This message is read
every day at the predefined time and implemented.
For instructions on how to set up the commands,
please see "Remote Control" under "Settings Using
the Download Tool Software".
Go to the main menu and select "GSM Setup" and
then push OK (11). Using the UP/DOWN arrow but-
tons (11), select "Remote Control" and then verify
with OK (11).
Select "Disable" and push OK (11) to deactivate the
remote control or select "Enable" and push OK (11)
to set the "Receive Time". Use the LEFT/RIGHT arrow
buttons (11) to select the fields and the UP/DOWN
arrow buttons to select the hour and minutes and
verify with OK (11). You will automatically enter the
"Remote Control" menu. Please note, the "Receive
Time" can only be set in the 24 hour format. Push
the LEFT arrow button (11) to enter the "GSM Setup"
menu or MENU (15) to go to Manual Release mode.