2.6.10 Collector limit temperature/collector
emergency stop
NOT: Collector limit
Setting range: 80... 200 °C,
Factory setting 130 °C
2.6.11 Collector cooling
OKK: Option collector
Setting range: OFF / ON
Factory setting: OFF
KMX: Maximum collector
Setting range: 70 ... 160 °C,
Factory setting: 110 °C
2.6.12 System cooling
OSYK: System cooling
Setting range: OFF / ON
Factory setting: OFF
DTKE: Start temperature
Setting range: 1.0 ... 30.0 K
Factory setting: 20 K
DTKA: Stop temperature
Setting range: 0.5 ... 29.5 K
Factory setting: 15 K
2.6.13 Cylinder cooling
OSPK: Cylinder cooling
Setting range: OFF / ON
Factory setting: OFF
OURL: Holiday cooling
Setting range: OFF / ON
Factory setting: OFF
TURL: Temperature for
holiday cooling
Setting range: 20 ... 80 °C
Factory setting: 40 °C
The functions collector cooling, system cooling and cylinder cooling are not enabled as long as heating by solar energy is possible.
The solar pump (R1) is switched off when the selected collector limit temperature
is exceeded (NOT), to prevent damaging overheating of solar components (collector
emergency OFF). A hysteresis of 10 K is defaulted as collector temperature limit.
Where the collector limit temperature is exceeded, the display shows
Hinweis: Wenn die Option Drainback aktiviert ist, hat der Parameter NOT den Ein-
stellbereich 80 ... 120 °C und die Werkseinstellung 95 °C.
Note: Risk of injury and appliance damage through water hammer.
If water is used as heat transfer medium in a non-pressurised system,
water starts to boil at a temperature of 100 °C.
Never set the collector limit temperature NOT higher than 95 °C if you are
using a non-pressurised drainback system with water as heat transfer me-
If the collector cooling function has been enabled, the control unit will try to
regulate the collector temperature so that the solar thermal system remains
Solar heating ends when the selected maximum cylinder temperature has been
reached. If the collector temperature rises up to the maximum collector tempe-
rature, then the solar circuit pump remains on until the collector temperature
has fallen by at least 5 K below the maximum collector temperature. The cylinder
temperature can rise further (lower priority than the active maximum cylinder
temperature) but only up to 95 °C (cylinder safety cut-off).
During collector cooling, the display shows
Note: The collector cooling function is only available if the option System cooling
(OSYK) has been disabled.
When system cooling has been enabled, the control unit tries to extend the solar
thermal system standby. The collector cooling function exceeds the maximum
cylinder temperature and ensures a thermal stress reduction of the collector array
and the heat transfer medium on hot days.
The solar thermal system remains active although the cylinder temperature ex-
ceeds the maximum cylinder temperature (S MX) and the start temperature diffe-
rential for system cooling is reached (DTKE). Solar heating continues until either
the cylinder temperature reaches 95 °C (cylinder emergency shutdown), until the
temperature differential is less than the stop temperature differential DTKA or the
collector limit temperature NOT is reached.
Whilst system cooling is active, the display shows
Note: The system cooling function is only available if the option Collector co-
oling (OKK) has been disabled.
If the cylinder cooling function is enabled, the control unit tries to cool down the
cylinder during the night to prepare the cylinder for solar heating the following
When the selected maximum cylinder temperature (S MX ) is exceeded and the
collector temperature falls below the cylinder temperature, the system starts to
cool down the cylinder. Cylinder cooling continues until the cylinder temperature
has dropped below the selected maximum cylinder temperature (S MX). Cylinder
cooling operates with a hysteresis of 2 K.
Temperature differential DT E and DT A are used as reference values.
You can enable the option "Holiday cooling" OURL if you do not expect any DHW
drawings for a longer period. The adjustable temperature TURL then replaces the
maximum cylinder temperature (S MX) as stop temperature for cylinder cooling.
When holiday cooling has been enabled, the display shows
When the holiday cooling function is operational, the display shows