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All manuals and user guides at Progressive Scan CCD IP Kamera Installationsanleitung Version 1.1 TV7220 - TV7223...
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Sehr geehrte Kundin, sehr geehrter Kunde, wir bedanken uns für den Kauf dieser Progressive Scan CCD Netzwerkkamera der EYSEO Serie aus dem Hause ABUS Security-Center. Mit diesem Gerät haben Sie ein Produkt erworben, das nach dem heutigen Stand der Technik gebaut wurde.
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All manuals and user guides at Vor Inbetriebnahme des Produkts Die Inbetriebnahme von Überwachungsanlagen kann in bestimmten Ländern per Gesetz verboten sein. Diese Progressive Scan CCD Netzwerkkamera ist nicht nur eine für den Web-Betrieb entwickelte Hochleistungskamera, sondern kann ebenfalls als Teil einer flexiblen Überwachungsanlage eingesetzt werden.
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All manuals and user guides at Inhaltsverzeichnis Vorwort ..........................2 Sicherheitshinweise ....................... 2 Vor Inbetriebnahme des Produkts .................... 3 Inhaltsverzeichnis ........................4 Lieferumfang ......................... 5 Hardwareinstallation ....................... 6 Externe Anschlüsse ....................7 Anschlüsse auf der Rückseite ..................7 I/O-Anschlussleiste ..................... 7 Erster Zugang zu Netzwerkkamera ...................
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All manuals and user guides at Lieferumfang Progressive Scan CCD Netzwerkkamera TV7220/TV7221/TV7222/TV7223 Objektiv Antenne (nur TV7221,TV7223) Netzadapter Kamerastativ Software CD Installationsanleitung (auf CD)
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All manuals and user guides at Hardwareinstallation Stellen Sie sicher, dass im Lieferumfang alle Zubehörteile und Artikel, die auf der vorherigen Liste aufgeführt sind, vorhanden sind. Je nach Anwendung durch den Benutzer Ethernet-Kabel erforderlich. Dieses Ethernet- Kabel muss den Spezifikationen der UTP- Kategorie 5 (CAT 5) entsprechen und darf eine Länge von 100 Metern nicht überschreiten.
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All manuals and user guides at Externe Anschlüsse Anschlüsse auf der Rückseite Audio Ausgang Umschalter Antenne internes/externes Mikrophon 12VDC Audio Eingang Ethernet- Anschluss I/O-Port Reset- Knopf I/O-Anschlussleiste 1 : nicht verwendet 2 : nicht verwendet 3 : nicht verwendet 4 : nicht verwendet 5 : Masse 6 : Schalteingang...
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All manuals and user guides at Erster Zugang zu Netzwerkkamera Der erste Zugang zur Netzwerkkamera erfolgt unter Verwendung des Installationsassistenten 2. Nach dem Start des Assistenten sucht dieser nach angeschlossenen Eyseo Netzwerkkameras und Videoservern in Ihrem Netzwerk. Die Standard IP-Adresse des Videoservers lautet Falls ein DHCP-Server in Ihrem Netzwerk vorhanden ist, so erfolgt die Vergabe der IP-Adresse automatisch, entsprechend Ihrer Netzwerkkonfiguration.
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All manuals and user guides at Zugriff auf die Netzwerkkamera mit dem Internet Explorer Erstellen eines Passworts zur Vermeidung unbefugten Zugriffs Ab Werk ist in der Progressive Scan CCD Netzwerkkamera kein Administratorkennwort vergeben. Aus Sicherheitsgründen sollte der Administrator umgehend ein neues Passwort bestimmen. Nach dem Speichern eines solchen Administrator-Passworts fragt die Progressive Scan CCD Netzwerkkamera vor jedem Zugang nach dem Benutzernamen und dem Passwort.
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All manuals and user guides at Ändern des Administrator-Passworts Klicken Sie nun auf den Punkt „Konfiguration“ und anschließend auf den Punkt „Sicherheit“. Geben Sie bei dem Punkt „Root-Passwort“ das Passwort des Administrators ein, und bestätigen Sie dieses unter dem Punkt „Passwort bestätigen“. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche „Speichern“.
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All manuals and user guides at Installation des Plug-Ins Beim ersten Zugang zur Progressive Scan CCD Netzwerkkamera unter Windows fragt der Web- Browser nach der Installation eines neuen Plug-Ins für die Progressive Scan CCD Netzwerkkamera. Diese Abfrage hängt von den Internet-Sicherheitseinstellungen des PC’s des Benutzers ab. Falls die höchste Sicherheitsstufe eingestellt ist, kann der Computer jede Installation und jeden Versuch einer Ausführung verweigern.
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All manuals and user guides at Grundlegende Benutzerfunktionen Hauptfenster und Kamera-Ansicht Die Darstellung der Hauptseite besteht aus zwei Teilen: Konfiguration: Über diese Punkte kann die Kamera konfiguriert werden. Kamera-Ansicht: Videostream der Kamera Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche „Konfiguration“ rechts neben dem Bildfenster, um zu Konfigurationsseite zu gelangen.
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All manuals and user guides at Digitaler Zoom und Momentaufnahme Klicken Sie auf das Lupen-Symbol unter der Kamera-Ansicht. Danach erscheint das Bedienfeld für den digitalen Zoom. Deaktivieren Sie das Kästchen „Digitalen-Zoom deaktivieren“ und ändern Sie den Zoomfaktor mit dem Schieberegler. Klicken Sie auf „Momentaufnahme“.
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All manuals and user guides at Kunden-Einstellungen Beim ersten Zugang zu “Kunden-Einstellung” unter Windows fragt der Web-Browser nach der Installation eines neuen Plug-Ins. Dieser Plug-In wurde zur Zertifizierung registriert und kann zum Abändern der Parameter auf der Client-Seite benutzt werden. Zum Installieren des Plug-Ins klicken Sie auf „Installieren“.
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All manuals and user guides at Die Wahl des Protokolls wird normalerweise in folgender Reihenfolge empfohlen: UDP – TCP – HTTP. Nach dem erfolgreichen Anschließen der Progressive Scan CCD Netzwerkkamera zeigen die “Protokoll-Optionen” das gewählte Protokoll an. Das gewählte Protokoll wird im PC des Benutzers registriert und für den nächsten Anschluss benutzt.
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All manuals and user guides at Administrator-Einstellungen Konfiguration / Video Die beste Leistung zeichnet sich durch die schnellste Bildwiederholrate mit bester Videoqualität und mit der geringstmöglichen Netzwerkbandbreite aus. Die drei Faktoren, “Maximale Bildrate”, “Fixe Bitrate” und “Fixe Qualität” auf der Seite für die Video-Konfiguration stehen miteinander in Wechselbeziehung.
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All manuals and user guides at Für Bilder mit hoher Qualität: Zum Erreichen der besten Videoqualität stellen Sie die “Fixe Qualität” auf “Sehr hoch” oder “Ausgezeichnet” und die “Maximale Bildrate” so ein, damit diese der Bandbreite Ihres Netzwerks entspricht. Falls Ihr Netzwerk langsam ist und Sie “gebrochene” Bilder erhalten gehen Sie zum TCP- Protokoll unter “Verbindungstyp”...
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Informationen finden Sie auf den Seiten „Systemkonfiguration“. Aktualisieren der Software-Version Der Benutzer kann die neuste Software von der Webseite abrufen. Für das Aktualisieren der Progressive Scan CCD Netzwerkkamerasoftware steht ein benutzerfreundlicher Aktualisierungsassistent (Installationsassistent / Upgrade) zur Verfügung. Nur der Administrator kann die Funktion zur Aktualisierung starten.
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All manuals and user guides at Systemkonfiguration Allein der Administrator hat Zugang zur Systemkonfiguration. Jede Kategorie auf der linken Spalte wird auf den folgenden Seiten erläutert. Die fettgedruckten Texte stellen die spezifischen Angaben auf den Options-Seiten dar. Der Administrator kann die URL unter der Abbildung eingeben, um direkt zur Bildseite der Konfiguration zu gelangen.
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All manuals and user guides at System "Host-Name" Der Text zeigt den Titel auf der Hauptseite an. “LED-Anzeige ausschalten” Wählen Sie diese Option, um die LED-Anzeige auf der Vorderseite der Kamera auszuschalten. Hiermit kann verhindert werden, dass andere Personen den Betrieb der Kamera feststellen können.
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All manuals and user guides at Netzwerk Sämtliche Änderungen, die auf dieser Seite vorgenommen werden, führen zu einem Neustart des Systems, um diese Änderungen wirksam werden zu lassen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Felder jeweils richtig ausgefüllt sind, bevor Sie auf klicken.
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All manuals and user guides at RTSP-Übertragung: „RTSP-Authentifizierung“ Die Authentifizierung kann deaktiv (Standard) oder im einfachen bzw. erweiterten Modus sein. Ist diese aktiviert, so muss beim RTSP Verbindungsaufbau ein Benutzername und ein Passwort eines gültigen Benutzers eingegeben werden (z.B. Administrator). HINWEIS: Die RTSP Authentifizierung muss vom Videoplayer unterstützt werden (z.B.
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All manuals and user guides at <URL> http://<Netzwerkkamera>/setup/network.html <Netzwerkkamera> ist die IP-Adresse oder der Hostname der Netzwerkkamera.
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All manuals and user guides at WLAN-Konfiguration „SSID“ (Service Set Identifier) Dies ist der Name, der das drahtlose Netzwerk identifiziert. Der Access Point und die WLAN-Netzwerkkamera müssen den gleichen SSID-Namen verwenden. Die Werkeinstellung lautet „default“. ACHTUNG: Die max. Länge beträgt 32 Zeichen ausgenommen: „ , “, <, >...
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All manuals and user guides at <URL> http://<Netzwerkkamera>/setup/wireless.html <Netzwerkkamera> ist die IP-Adresse oder der Hostname der Netzwerkkamera.
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All manuals and user guides at DDNS-Einstellungen “DDNS aktivieren” Mit dieser Option wird die DDNS-Funktion aktiviert. “Dienstanbieter” Die Anbieterliste enthält vier Hosts, welche die DDNS-Dienstleistungen anbieten. Stellen Sie eine Verbindung mit der Webseite des Dienstleistungsanbieters her, um sicherzustellen, dass die Dienstleistung verfügbar ist. “Host-Name”...
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All manuals and user guides at Zugangsliste „Zugelassene IPs“ Hier wird der IP-Bereich der akzeptierten IPs eingetragen und zur Zugangsliste hinzu-gefügt. Als Werkeinstellung werden alle IPs akzeptiert. Löschen Sie diesen Gesamtbereich bei Bedarf. „Start-IP-Adresse“ Geben Sie hier die erste Adresse des gewünschten Bereiches ein. „End-IP-Adresse“...
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All manuals and user guides at Video und Audio Video “Videotitel” Der Text erscheint im schwarzen Balken über dem Video-Fenster mit einem Zeitstempel. Dieser Zeitstempel (Datum und von der Uhrzeit) wird von der Progressive Scan CCD Netzwerkkamera geliefert, wobei dieses Datum und die Uhrzeit von einer integrierten Echtzeituhr beibehalten werden. “Farbe”...
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All manuals and user guides at Bildeinstellungen Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche , um ein weiteres Fenster zu öffnen, indem Sie die “Helligkeit”, “Kontrast”, “Schärfe” und die “Sättigung” für das Videobild abstimmen können. Um die geänderten Einstellungen der Bilder anzusehen, klicken Sie auf .
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All manuals and user guides at CCD-Einstellungen „Belichtungsstufe“ Steuert manuell die Apertur des Auto Iris Objektivs „AGC“ Automatische Verstärkung: Normal oder Maximal „BLC“ Gegenlichtkompensation: verbessert das Erkennen von Objekten vor Lichtquellen „Umschaltung zu S/W im Nacht-Modus“ Option: Schwarz/Weiss-Bild im Nachtmodus „IR cut filter“...
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All manuals and user guides at
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All manuals and user guides at Anwendung Die Anwendungskonfiguration besteht aus 3 Bereichen: Ereignis, Server und Medium. Um eine Anwendungsaktion zu einzustellen, muss als erstes der Bereich „Medium“, dann der Bereich „Server“ und anschließend der Bereich „Ereignis“ konfiguriert werden. Die Bereiche werden in dieser Reihenfolge beschrieben.
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All manuals and user guides at Videoclip „Quelle“ Die Aufnahme kann von Video-Stream 1 oder 2 erfolgen. „Voralarm-Aufzeichnung“ Voralarm Aufzeichnungsintervall in Sekunden (max. 10 Sekunden) „Maximale Dauer“ Maximale Dauer pro Datei (max. 10 Sekunden) „Maximale Dateigröße“ Maximale Größe der Datei in kByte (max.
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All manuals and user guides at Nach der Eingabe von Serverdaten kann über die Schaltfläche „Test“ die Verbindung zu diesem Server getestet werden. Das Ergebnis wird in einem separaten Fenster angezeigt. Netzlaufwerk „Netzlaufwerk Speicherort“ Pfad eines Netzlaufwerks für den Medien-Upload „Arbeitsgruppe“...
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All manuals and user guides at Aufnahme Die Kamera unterstützt eine Aufnahme von Videodaten auf ein Netzlaufwerk. Maximal 2 Aufnahmeeinträge können konfiguriert werden, zuerst muss jedoch unter Anwendung / Server / Netzlaufwerk ein Laufwerk konfiguriert werden. <URL> http://<Netzwerkkamera>/setup/recording.html <Netzwerkkamera> ist die IP-Adresse oder der Hostname der Kamera. „Aufnahme-Eintrag“...
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Firmware Update Hier ist es möglich, analog zum Update mit dem Installationsassistenten, die Firmware der Netzwerkkamera auf den neuesten Stand zu bringen. Die aktuellste Firmware ist unter www.abus- erhältlich. Wählen Sie die Update-Datei (flash.bin) aus, und drücken Sie die Schaltfläche UPDATE.
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All manuals and user guides at Anhang A. Fehlersuche Status LEDs Zustand / LED Farbe Grün Systemstart 1/s (einmalig) Während Boot-Prozess Netzwerksuche/-setup Netzwerk ok Während Firmware Upgrade 0.1/s Rücksetzen und Wiederherstellen Auf der Rückseite der Netzwerkkamera befindet sich ein Taster. Mit diesem Taster wird das System rückgesetzt oder die werkseitig voreingestellten Parameter werden wiederhergestellt.
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All manuals and user guides at B. Häufig gestellte Fragen F. Was tun, wenn das Passwort vergessen wurde? A. Jeder Zugang zum Progressive Scan CCD Netzwerkkamera erfordert eine Authentifizierung. Falls Sie einer der verwaltenden Benutzer sind wenden Sie sich wegen dem Passwort an den Administrator.
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All manuals and user guides at F. Weshalb ist kein Zugang zur Progressive Scan CCD Netzwerkkamera beim Einstellen von gewissen Optionen in der Anwendung möglich? A. Beim Starten der Progressive Scan CCD Netzwerkkameras durch Ereignisse beanspruchen die Momentaufnahmen mehr Zeit, da diese in die Speicher geschrieben werden. Falls die Ereignisse zu oft auftreten wird das System immer damit beschäftigt sein, die Bilder abzuspeichern.
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All manuals and user guides at C. URL-Kommandos Für die Kunden, die bereits über ihre eigene Webseite oder Web-Steuerungs-Anwendung verfügen, kann die Security-Netzwerkkamera über URLs leicht integriert werden. In diesem Abschnitt werden die Kommandos im URL-Format in Übereinstimmung mit den Grundfunktionen der Security- Netzwerkkamera aufgeführt.
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All manuals and user guides at Security level SECURITY SUB-DIRECTORY DESCRIPTION LEVEL anonymous Unprotected. 1 [view] anonymous, viewer, 1. Can view, listen, talk to camera dido, camctrl 2. Can control dido, ptz of camera 4 [operator] anonymous, viewer, Operator’s access right can modify most of camera’s dido, camctrl, operator parameters except some privilege and network options 6 [admin]...
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All manuals and user guides at Content-Type: text/html\r\n Context-Length: <length>\r\n \r\n <parameter pair> where <parameter pair> is <parameter>=<value>\r\n [<parameter pair>] <length> is the actual length of content. Example: request IP address and it’s response Request: Response: HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n Content-Type: text/html\r\n Context-Length: 33\r\n \r\n...
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All manuals and user guides at PARAMETER VALUE DESCRIPTION <group>_<name> value to assigned Assign <value> to the parameter <group>_<name> update <boolean> set to 1 to actually update all fields (no need to use update parameter in each group) return <return page>...
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All manuals and user guides at string[<n>] Text string shorter than ‘n’ characters password[<n>] The same as string but display ‘*’ instead integer Any number between (-2 – 1) and (2 – 1) positive integer Any number between 0 and (2 –...
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All manuals and user guides at <domain name>, NTP server <ip address>, <blank> timezoneindex -489 ~ 529 Indicate timezone and area -480: GMT-12:00 Eniwetok, Kwajalein -440: GMT-11:00 Midway Island, Samoa -400: GMT-10:00 Hawaii -360: GMT-09:00 Alaska -320: GMT-08:00 Las Vegas, San_Francisco, Vancouver -280: GMT-07:00 Mountain Time,...
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All manuals and user guides at 82: GMT 02:00 Lebanon, Minsk 83: GMT 02:00 Israel 120: GMT 03:00 Baghdad, Kuwait, Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nairobi 121: GMT 03:00 Iraq 140: GMT 03:30 Tehran 160: GMT 04:00 Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan 180: GMT 04:30 Kabul...
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All manuals and user guides at 86400, update interval. 604800, 2592000 restore Restore the system parameters to default value. Restart the server <positive integer> after <value> seconds. reset Restart the server after <value> seconds. <positive integer> restoreexceptnet Restore the system parameters to default value except (ipaddress, <positive integer>...
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All manuals and user guides at onlinenum_httppush integer current HTTP push server connection numbers Group: di_i<0~(ndi-1)> NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) normalstate high, indicate whether open circuit or closed circuit represents inactive status Group: do_i<0~(ndo-1)> NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) normalstate open,...
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All manuals and user guides at pppoe resetip <boolean> 1 => get ipaddress, subnet, router, dns1, dns2 from DHCP server at next reboot 0 => use preset ipaddress, subnet, rounter, dns1, and dns2 ipaddress <ip address> IP address of server subnet <ip address>...
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All manuals and user guides at port 554, 1025 ~ RTSP port 65535 authmode disable, RTSP authentication mode basic, digest s0_accessname string[32] RTSP access name for stream1 s1_accessname string[32] RTSP access name for stream2 Subgroup of rtsp_s<0~(n-1)>: multicast, n is stream count NAME VALUE SECURITY...
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All manuals and user guides at allow_i<0~9>_start ~ Allowed starting IP address for RTSP connection allow_i<0~9>_end ~ Allowed ending IP address for RTSP connection deny_i<0~9>_start ~ Denied starting IP address for RTSP connection deny_i<0~9>_end ~ Denied ending IP address for RTSP...
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All manuals and user guides at text string[16] enclosed caption imprinttimestamp <boolean> Overlay time stamp on video maxexposure 1~120 Maximum exposure time s<0~(m-1)>_codectype mpeg4, mjpeg video codec type s<0~(m-1)>_keyinterval 1, 3, 5, 10, 30, Key frame interval 60, 90, 120 s<0~(m-1)>_resolution 176x144, Video resolution in pixel...
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All manuals and user guides at NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) source micin, micin => use external microphone input linein linein => use line input, i.e. internal microphone mute 0, 1 Enable audio mute gain 0~31 Gain of input boostmic 0, 1 Enable microphone boost...
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All manuals and user guides at Group: motion_c<0~(n-1)> for n channel product NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) enable <boolean> enable motion detection win_i<0~2>_enable <boolean> enable motion window 1~3 win_i <0~2>_name string[14] name of motion window 1~3 win_i <0~2>_left 0 ~ 320 Left coordinate of window position.
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All manuals and user guides at <provider>_servernam string[128] The server name for safe100. (This field only exists for provider is customsafe100) Group: upnppresentation NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) enable <boolean> Enable or disable the UPNP presentation service. Group: upnpportforwarding NAME VALUE SECURITY...
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All manuals and user guides at Group: privacymask_c<0~(n-1)> for n channel product NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) enable <boolean> Enable the privacy mask win_i<0~4>_enable <boolean> Enable the privacy mask window win_i<0~4>_name string[14] The name of privacy mask window win_i<0~4>_left 0 ~ 320/352 Left coordinate of window position.
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All manuals and user guides at <positive integer> ptzenabled < boolean > indicate whether to support PTZ control protocol_https < boolean > indicate whether to support http over protocol_rtsp < boolean > indicate whether to support rtsp protocol_sip <boolean> indicate whether to support sip protocol_maxconnection <positive integer>...
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All manuals and user guides at audio_linein <boolean> indicate whether to support external line input audio_lineout <boolean> indicate whether to support line output audio_headphoneout <boolean> indicate whether to support headphone output audioin_codec <a list of the available codec list available codec types separaters by comma)
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All manuals and user guides at enable 0, 1 To enable or disable this event. priority 0, 1, 2 Indicate the priority of this event. “0” indicates low priority. “1” indicates normal priority. “2” indicates high priority. delay 1~999 Delay seconds before detect next event.
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All manuals and user guides at endtime hh:mm End time of weekly schedule. (00:00 ~ 24:00 means always.) action_do_i<0~(ndo- 0, 1 To enable or disable trigger digital output. 1)>_enable action_do_i<0~(ndo- 1~999 The duration of digital output is triggered in 1)>_duration seconds.
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All manuals and user guides at email_senderemail string[128] The email address of sender. email_recipientemail string[128] The email address of recipient. ns_location string[128] The location to upload or store the media. ns_username string[64] The username to login in the server. ns_passwd string[64] The password of the user.
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All manuals and user guides at Group: record_i<0~1> PARAMETER VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) name string[40] The identification of this entry enable 0, 1 To enable or disable this recoding. priority 0, 1, 2 Indicate the priority of this recoding. “0”...
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All manuals and user guides at http://<servername>/cgi-bin/dido/setdo.cgi?do1=<state>[&do2=<state>] [&do3=<state>][&do4=<state>][&return=<return page>] Where state is 0, 1. “0” means inactive or normal state while “1” means active or triggered state. PARAMETER VALUE DESCRIPTION do<num> 0, 1 0 – inactive, normal state 1 – active, triggered state return <return page>...
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All manuals and user guides at Request: http://myserver/cgi-bin/dido/getdi.cgi?di1 Response: HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n Content-Type: text/plain\r\n Content-Length: 7\r\n \r\n di1=1\r\n Query status of the digital output Note: This request requires the privilege of viewer. Method: GET/POST Syntax: http://<servername>/cgi-bin/dido/getdo.cgi?[do0][&do1][&do2][&do3] If no parameter is specified, all the status of digital output will be returned. Return: HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n Content-Type: text/plain\r\n...
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All manuals and user guides at do1=1\r\n Capture single snapshot Note: This request require normal user privilege Method: GET/POST Syntax: http://<servername>/cgi-bin/viewer/video.jpg?[channel=<value>][&resolution=<value>] [&quality=<value>] If the user requests the size larger than all stream setting on the server, this request will failed! PARAMETER VALUE DEFAULT DESCRIPTION...
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All manuals and user guides at PARAMETER VALUE DESCRIPTION method Add an account to server. When using this method, “username” field is necessary. It will use default value of other fields if not specified. delete Remove an account from server. When using this method, “username”...
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All manuals and user guides at Note: This request requires administrator privilege Method: POST Syntax: http://<servername>/cgi-bin/admin/upgrade.cgi Post data: fimage=<file name>[&return=<return page>]\r\n \r\n <multipart encoded form data> Server will accept the upload file named <file name> to be upgraded the firmware and return with <return page>...
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All manuals and user guides at start <ip address> The start IP address to add or to delete. <ip address> The end IP address to add or to delete. index <value> The start position to add or to delete. return <return page>...
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All manuals and user guides at D. Technische Daten Video Netzwerk Kompression: MPEG-4 & MJPEG 10/100 Mbps Ethernet, RJ-45 Max. Auflösung: 640x480 Pixel Protokolle (u.a.): IPv4,TCP/IP, HTTP, UPnP, Verfügbare Auflösungen 640x480, 320x240, RTSP/RTP/RTCP, IGMP, SMTP, FTP, DHCP, 176x144 NTP, DNS, DDNS, und PPPoE Bildrate: max.
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Der Lizenztext zur GNU General Public Licence ist auf der beiliegenden Software CD oder auf der Security-Center Homepage unter einzusehen. Source Code Die verwendeten Sourcecodes sind auf der ABUS Security-Center Homepage unter zum kostenfreien Download bereitgestellt. Lauffähigkeit des Gesamtsystems Die zum Download angebotenen Software Pakete (Source Codes) ermöglichen es nicht, ein funktionierendes Gesamtsystem zu errichten.
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All manuals and user guides at Progressive Scan CCD network camera Installation instructions Version 1.1 TV7220 - TV7223...
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Preface Dear Customer, Thank you for purchasing this network camera of the Eyseo series from ABUS Security-Center. You made the right decision in choosing this state-of-the-art technology, which complies with the current standards of domestic and European regulations. The CE has been proven and all related certifications are available from the manufacturer upon request.
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All manuals and user guides at Before using this product The use of surveillance equipment may be forbidden by law in some countries. This network camera is not only high-quality web camera but can also be used as part of a flexible surveillance system. Before using this equipment, make sure that all your surveillance activities are completely legal.
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All manuals and user guides at Contents Preface ..............................2 Precautions ...............................2 Before using this product ..........................3 Contents ..............................4 Scope of delivery ............................5 Hardware installation ..........................6 Consult your dealer for the correct installation of peripheral devices............6 External connections ........................7 Connections at the rear side ....................
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All manuals and user guides at Scope of delivery Network camera TV7220/TV7221/TV7222/TV7223 Lens Antenna (only TV7221/23) Transformer Camera stand Software CD Installation instructions (on CD)
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All manuals and user guides at Hardware installation Make sure that all accessories and articles listed above are present in the scope of delivery. Depending on application, an Ethernet cable may be required. This Ethernet cable must meet the specifications of UTP Category 5 (CAT 5) and must not be longer than 100 meters.
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All manuals and user guides at External connections Connections at the rear side Audio output Switch: internal / Antenna external Microphone 12VDC Audio input Ethernet connector I/O-Port Reset button I/O-connector 1 : not used 2 : not used 3 : not used 4 : not used 5 : Ground 6 : Digital input...
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All manuals and user guides at First access to network camera The first access to the network camera should be done by using the Installation Wizard 2. After the startup of this tool the wizard will search for any connected Eyseo network camera or videoserver.
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All manuals and user guides at Access to the network camera via the Internet Explorer Defining a password to prevent unauthorised access When delivered, no administrator password is defined for the network camera. The network camera asks for this number at the start of operation. For security reasons, the administrator should define a new password immediately.
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All manuals and user guides at Changing the administrator password Click “Configuration” and then “Security”. Under “Root password”, enter the administrator password and confirm it under Confirm password. Click The new administrator password is saved. Click “HOME” in the column on the left to exit configuration.
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All manuals and user guides at Installing the plug-in When you first access the network camera under Windows, the web browser may ask for the installation of a new plug-in for the network camera. This query depends on the Internet security settings of your PC.
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All manuals and user guides at Basic user functions Main window and camera view The view of the main page consists of two parts: Configuration: You can configure the camera with these steps. Camera view: Camera video stream Click the configuration link on the left of the picture to open the configuration page. Language: Selection for the GUI language of the camera.
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All manuals and user guides at Digital Zoom and Snapshot Click the magnifying glass under camera view. The control field for digital zooming appears. Disable the Disable Digital Zoom box and change the zoom factor with the slider. Click “Snapshot”. The web browser displays a new window containing the snapshot. To save the snapshot, either left-click it and then click the diskette icon or right-click it and select Save from the context menu.
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All manuals and user guides at Client Settings When you first access the Connection Type page under Windows, the web browser asks for the installation of a new plug-in. This plug-in was registered at certification and can be used to change parameters on the Client settings page.
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All manuals and user guides at The selection of the client is normally recommended in the following order: UDP – TCP – HTTP. When the network camera has been successfully connected, the “Protocol Options” box shows the selected protocol. The selected protocol is registered in your PC and used for the next connection. After changing the network environment or if you want to search again for the network camera using the web browser, select the UDP protocol manually, save it and then return to “HOME”...
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All manuals and user guides at Administrator settings Configuration / video and audio Best performance is produced by the maximum frame rate with best video quality and minimum network bandwidth. The three factors “Max frame rate”, “Constant bit rate” and “Fixed quality” on the video configuration page are interrelated.
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All manuals and user guides at For higher-quality pictures For best video quality, set “Fixed quality” to “Detailled” or “Excellent” and the “Max frame rate” so that it corresponds to the bandwidth of your network. If your network is slow and you get “broken” images, go to the TCP protocol under Connection Type and select a more suitable transmission mode.
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For detailed information, see “System configuration”. Updating the software version You can download the latest software from the website A user-friendly update wizard is provided for updating the network camera software (Installation Wizard / Upgrade). Only the administrator can start the update function. To update the system: 1.
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All manuals and user guides at System configuration Only the administrator has access to system configuration. The following sections explain each element in the left column. Specific tasks on the Options page are printed bold. The administrator can enter the URL under the picture to jump direct to the pictures page of the configuration. <URL>http://”Network Camera”/setup/config.html <Network Camera>...
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All manuals and user guides at System „Host name“ The text represents the title of the homepage. „Turn off the LED indicator“ Select this option to switch off the LED on the front of the camera. This prevents other persons knowing that the camera is in use. „Keep current date and time“...
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All manuals and user guides at Network All changes made on this page cause a system reboot so that they can take effect. Make sure that the fields are correctly filled before you click “Save”. Network connection “LAN” The default is LAN. Use this setting if the camera is connected to a LAN. You also have to make other settings such as the IP address or the subnet mask.
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All manuals and user guides at RTSP streaming: “RTSP-Authentication” Enable the authentication of RTSP. On connection to an RTSP client username and password will be checked. Note: This function must be supported by the media player (e.g. Realplayer 10.5) “Access name for stream 1”...
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All manuals and user guides at <URL> http://<Network Camera>/setup/network.html <Network Camera> is the domain name or original IP address of the network camera.
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All manuals and user guides at WLAN configuration “SSID” (Service Set Identifier) The name that identifies the wireless network. The access point and the WLANnetwork camera must use the name SSID. The factory setting is “default”. IMPORTANT: The max. length is 32 characters; do not use: “ , ”, <, > and spaces. “Wireless mode”...
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All manuals and user guides at <URL> http://<Network Camera>/setup/wireless.html <Network Camera> is the domain name or original IP address of the network camera.
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All manuals and user guides at Enable the DDNS function „Provider“ The provider list contains four hosts that provide DDNS services. Connect to the service- provider’s website to make sure that the service is available. „Host name“ This field must be completed if you want to use the DDNS service. Enter the hostname registered with the DDNS server.
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All manuals and user guides at Access list “Allow list” The IP list of accepted IPs is entered here and added to the access list. As a factory default, all IPs are accepted. If necessary, delete the entire list. “Start IP address”...
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All manuals and user guides at Video and audio Video “Video title” The text appears in the black bar above the video window with a timestamp. This timestamp (date and time) is supplied by the network camera, and the date and time are supplied by an integrated realtime clock.
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All manuals and user guides at Picture settings Click “Image settings” to open another window in which you can set the “Brightness”, “Contrast”, “Saturation” and the “Sharpness” of the video picture. To check your settings, click “Preview”. To save the picture parameters, click “Save”. To discard your changes, click “Restore”.
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All manuals and user guides at CCD settings „IRIS level“ Controls the aperture of the auto iris lens manually „AGC“ Automatic gain control: Normal or Maximum „BLC“ Backlight compensation: It will help to identify objects in front of strong light sources. „Swich to B/W in night mode“...
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All manuals and user guides at Motion sensor “Enable motion detection” Enables motion detection. “New” Adds a new window. A maximum of three windows can be open simultaneously. To resize the window or move the title bar, click the window frame, keep the mouse button pressed and drag the window to the required size.
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All manuals and user guides at Application There are 3 sections in application page: Event, Server and Media Settings. To create an application event the basic order for configuration is: Media -> Server -> Event. There can be setup at most 3 events, 5 servers and 5 medias. <URL>...
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All manuals and user guides at Server Server name The unique name for a server. There are four kind of servers supported. Those are email server, FTP server, HTTP server and network storage. Email Server Sender email address The email address of the sender Recipient email address The email address of the recipient...
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All manuals and user guides at Event Event name The unique name for an event. Enable this event Check it to enable this event. Priority The event with higher priority will be executed first. Delay second(s) before detecting next event The delay to check next event. It is used in motion detection and digital input trigger type.
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All manuals and user guides at Recording The network camera supports recording on network storage. The operation of editing recording item is the same as the one in the application page. User can define the recording name, status, weekly and time schedule, stream source and destination of recording.
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Like an update with the installation wizard, you can update the firmware of the network camera here. You can download the latest firmware from Select the update file (flash.bin) and click “Upgrade”. The update takes a short time. When you restart the camera, it is started with the new...
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All manuals and user guides at Appendix A. Troubleshooting Status LEDs Condition / LED Color Green System start 1/s (once) During boot up Network search/setup Network ok During Firmware Upgrade 0.1/s Resetting and restoring At the back side of the netzwork camera is a button. Press this button to reset the system or restore the factory parameter settings.
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All manuals and user guides at B. Frequently asked questions (FAQ) Q. What do I do if I forget my password? A. Every access to the network camera requires an authentication. If you are one of the managing users, ask your administrator for your password. If you are the administrator, there is no way of reactivating the root password.
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All manuals and user guides at Q. Why is access to the network camera not possible while I am setting options in the application? A. If the network cameras are started by events, snapshots need more time since they are written to memory.
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All manuals and user guides at C. URL-Commands Style convention In URL syntax and in descriptions of CGI parameters, a text within angle brackets denotes a content that is to be replaced with either a value or a string. When replacing the text string also the angle brackets shall be replaced.
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All manuals and user guides at http://mywebserver/cgi-bin/dido/setdo.cgi?do1=1 Security level SECURITY SUB-DIRECTORY DESCRIPTION LEVEL anonymous Unprotected. 1 [view] anonymous, viewer, 1. Can view, listen, talk to camera dido, camctrl 2. Can control dido, ptz of camera 4 [operator] anonymous, viewer, Operator’s access right can modify most of camera’s dido, camctrl, operator parameters except some privilege and network options...
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All manuals and user guides at any parameters, all the parameters on the server will be returned. If you specify only <group>, the parameters of related group will be returned. When query parameter values, the current parameter value are returned. Successful control request returns paramter pairs as follows.
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All manuals and user guides at Syntax: http://<servername>/cgi-bin/anonymous/setparam.cgi? <parameter>=<value> [&<parameter>=<value>…][&update=<value>][&return=<return page>] http://<servername>/cgi-bin/viewer/setparam.cgi? <parameter>=<value> [&<parameter>=<value>…][&update=<value>] [&return=<return page>] http://<servername>/cgi-bin/operator/setparam.cgi? <parameter>=<value> [&<parameter>=<value>…][&update=<value>] [&return=<return page>] http://<servername>/cgi-bin/admin/setparam.cgi? <parameter>=<value> [&<parameter>=<value>…][&update=<value>] [&return=<return page>] PARAMETER VALUE DESCRIPTION <group>_<name> value to assigned Assign <value> to the parameter <group>_<name> update <boolean>...
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All manuals and user guides at where <parameter pair> is <parameter>=<value>\r\n [<parameter pair>] Only the parameters that you set and readable will be returned. Example: Set the IP address of server to Request: http://myserver/cgi-bin/admin/setparam.cgi?network_ipaddress= Response: HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n Content-Type: text/html\r\n Context-Length: 33\r\n \r\n...
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All manuals and user guides at Disable]. <value1>, Enumeration. Only given values are valid. <value2>, <value3>, … blank A blank string everything inside <> As description NOTE: The camera should prevent to restart when parameter changed. Group: system NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION...
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All manuals and user guides at -360: GMT-09:00 Alaska -320: GMT-08:00 Las Vegas, San_Francisco, Vancouver -280: GMT-07:00 Mountain Time, Denver -281: GMT-07:00 Arizona -240: GMT-06:00 Central America, Central Time, Mexico City, Saskatchewan -200: GMT-05:00 Eastern Time, New York, Toronto -201: GMT-05:00 Bogota, Lima, Quito, Indiana -160: GMT-04:00 Atlantic Time,...
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All manuals and user guides at 83: GMT 02:00 Israel 120: GMT 03:00 Baghdad, Kuwait, Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nairobi 121: GMT 03:00 Iraq 140: GMT 03:30 Tehran 160: GMT 04:00 Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan 180: GMT 04:30 Kabul 200: GMT 05:00 Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent...
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All manuals and user guides at Is., New Caledonia 480: GMT 12:00 Aucklan, Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall 520: GMT 13:00 Nuku'Alofa updateinterval 0 to Disable automatic time adjustment, otherwise, it means the seconds between NTP automatic 3600, update interval. 86400, 604800, 2592000...
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All manuals and user guides at 1)> Group: status NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) di_i<0~(ndi-1)> <boolean> 0 => Inactive, normal 1 => Active, triggered do_i<0~ndi-1)> <boolean> 0 => Inactive, normal 1 => Active, triggered onlinenum_rtsp integer current RTSP connection numbers onlinenum_httppush integer current HTTP push server connection...
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All manuals and user guides at user_i0_pass string [64] Root’s password user_i<1~20>_pass string [64] User’s password user_i0_privilege admin Root’s privilege user_i<1~20>_ privilege viewer, User’s privilege. operator, admin Group: network NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) type lan, Network connection type pppoe resetip <boolean>...
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All manuals and user guides at Subgroup of network: http NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) port 80, 1025 ~ HTTP port 65535 alternateport 1025~65535 Alternative HTTP port authmode basic, HTTP authentication mode digest s0_accessname string[32] Http server push access name for stream 1 s1_accessname string[32]...
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All manuals and user guides at audioport 1025 ~ 65535 Multicast audio port 1 ~ 255 Mutlicast time to live value Subgroup of network: rtp NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) videoport 1025 ~ 65535 video channel port for RTP audioport 1025 ~ 65535 audio channel port for RTP...
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All manuals and user guides at whitebalance auto, auto, auto white balance indoor, indoor, 3200K fluorescent, fluorescent, 5500K outdoor outdoor, > 5500K Group: videoin_c<0~(n-1)> for n channel products, m is stream number NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) color 0, 1 0 =>monochrome 1 =>...
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All manuals and user guides at 640x480,, s<0~(m- cbr, vbr cbr, constant bitrate 1)>_ratecontrolmode vbr, fix quality s<0~(m-1)>_quant 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 quality of video when choosing vbr in “ratecontrolmode”. 1 is worst quality and 5 is the best quality. s<0~(m-1)>_bitrate 20000, set bit rate in bps when choose cbr in...
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All manuals and user guides at input linein linein => use line input, i.e. internal microphone mute 0, 1 Enable audio mute gain 0~31 Gain of input boostmic 0, 1 Enable microphone boost s<0~(m-1)>_codectype aac4, gamr set audio codec type for input s<0~(m-1)>_aac4_bitrate 16000, set AAC4 bitrate in bps...
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All manuals and user guides at mode settings. -5 ~ 5 Adjust hue of image according to mode settings. Group: motion_c<0~(n-1)> for n channel product NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) enable <boolean> enable motion detection win_i<0~2>_enable <boolean> enable motion window 1~3 win_i <0~2>_name string[14] name of motion window 1~3...
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All manuals and user guides at Custom server using safe100 method <provider>_hostname string[128] Your dynamic hostname. <provider>_username string[64] Your user or email to login ddns email service provider <provider>_passwordk string[64] Your password or key to login ddns service provider <provider>_servernam string[128] The server name for safe100.
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All manuals and user guides at importance of information. 0: LOG_EMERG 1: LOG_ALERT 2: LOG_CRIT 3: LOG_ERR 4: LOG_WARNING 5: LOG_NOTICE 6: LOG_INFO 7: LOG_DEBUG Group: privacymask_c<0~(n-1)> for n channel product NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) enable <boolean> Enable the privacy mask win_i<0~4>_enable <boolean>...
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All manuals and user guides at number of digital output <positive integer> naudioin number of audio input <positive integer> naudioout number of audio output <positive integer> nvideoin <positive integer> number of video input nmediastream <positive integer> number of media stream per channel nvideosetting <positive integer>...
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All manuals and user guides at 2 => videoin_resolution <a list of the available resolutions list available resolution separates by comma) videoin_codec <a list of the available codec list available codec types separaters by comma) videoout_codec <a list of the available codec list available codec types separaters...
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All manuals and user guides at wireless_802dot11b <boolean> Indicate whether to support the wireless 802.11b+ wireless_802dot11g <boolean> Indicate whether to support the wireless 802.11g wireless_encrypt_wep <boolean> Indicate whether to support the wireless WEP wireless_encrypt_wpa <boolean> Indicate whether to support the wireless WPA wireless_encrypt_wpa2 <boolean>...
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All manuals and user guides at mdwin <integer> Indicate which motion detection windows detected. This field is required when trigger condition is “md”. One bit represents one window. The LSB indicates the 1 window. For example, to detect the 1 and 3 windows, set mdwin as 5.
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All manuals and user guides at Group: server_i<0~4> PARAMETER VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) name string[40] The identification of this entry type email, Indicate the server type. ftp, “email” is email server. http, “ftp” is ftp server. “http” is http server. “ns”...
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All manuals and user guides at Group: media_i<0~4> PARAMETER VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) name string[40] The identification of this entry type snapshot, The media type to send to the server or store by the server. systemlog videoclip snapshot_source <integer> Indicate the source of media stream.
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All manuals and user guides at enable 0, 1 To enable or disable this recoding. priority 0, 1, 2 Indicate the priority of this recoding. “0” indicates low priority. “1” indicates normal priority. “2” indicates high priority. source <integer> Indicate the source of media stream.
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All manuals and user guides at Syntax: http://<servername>/cgi-bin/dido/setdo.cgi?do1=<state>[&do2=<state>] [&do3=<state>][&do4=<state>][&return=<return page>] Where state is 0, 1. “0” means inactive or normal state while “1” means active or triggered state. PARAMETER VALUE DESCRIPTION do<num> 0, 1 0 – inactive, normal state 1 –...
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All manuals and user guides at [di0=<state>]\r\n [di1=<state>]\r\n [di2=<state>]\r\n [di3=<state>]\r\n where <state> can be 0 or 1. Example: Query the status of digital input 1 Request: http://myserver/cgi-bin/dido/getdi.cgi?di1 Response: HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n Content-Type: text/plain\r\n Content-Length: 7\r\n \r\n di1=1\r\n Query status of the digital output Note: This request requires the privilege of viewer.
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All manuals and user guides at [do0=<state>]\r\n [do1=<state>]\r\n [do2=<state>]\r\n [do3=<state>]\r\n where <state> can be 0 or 1. Example: Query the status of digital output 1 Request: http://myserver/cgi-bin/dido/getdo.cgi?do1 Response: HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n Content-Type: text/plain\r\n Content-Length: 7\r\n \r\n do1=1\r\n Capture single snapshot Note: This request require normal user privilege Method: GET/POST Syntax:...
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All manuals and user guides at quality The quality of image Server will return the most up-to-date snapshot of selected channel and stream in JPEG format. The size and quality of image will be set according to the video settings on the server. Return: HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n...
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All manuals and user guides at privilege <value> The privilege of user to add or to modify. viewer viewer’s privilege operator operator’s privilege admin administrator’s privilege return <return page> Redirect to the page <return page> after the parameter is assigned.
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All manuals and user guides at Post data: fimage=<file name>[&return=<return page>]\r\n \r\n <multipart encoded form data> Server will accept the upload file named <file name> to be upgraded the firmware and return with <return page> if indicated. IP filtering Note: This request requires administrator access privilege Method: GET/POST Syntax:...
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All manuals and user guides at <ip address> The end IP address to add or to delete. index <value> The start position to add or to delete. return <return page> Redirect to the page <return page> after the parameter is assigned.
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All manuals and user guides at D. Technical data Video Network Compression: MPEG-4 & MJPEG 10/100 Mbps Ethernet, RJ-45 Max. Resolution: 640x480 Pixel Protocols (among others): IPv4,TCP/IP, HTTP, Available resolutions: 640x480, 320x240, UPnP, RTSP/RTP/RTCP, IGMP, SMTP, FTP, 176x144 DHCP, NTP, DNS, DDNS, PPPoE Framerate: max.
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ABUS Security-Center Homepage under Downloads/Software?q=GPL Source Code The used source codes are available on the ABUS Security-Center Homepage under for free download. Operation of the total system With a download of the software packages (source codes) it is not possible to built a running total...
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All manuals and user guides at Progressive Scan CCD Caméra réseau Instructions d’installation V1.1 TV7220 - TV7223...
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Chère cliente, cher client, Nous vous remercions d’avoir porté votre choix sur cette caméra réseau de la série Eyseo proposée par la société ABUS Security-Center. Par l’achat de ce produit, vous disposez maintenant d’un appareil faisant appel à une technologie de pointe.
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All manuals and user guides at Généralités : Des travaux d'installation non conformes et incorrects risquent d’être à l’origine de perturbations et d'une mauvaise qualité d'image. Lire donc attentivement l'intégralité de la présente notice et tenir compte lors de l'installation du système de la désignation exacte des câbles et des composants utilisés.
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All manuals and user guides at Préalablement à la mise en service du produit Il se peut que la mise en service de systèmes de surveillance soit interdite par la loi dans certains pays. Cette caméra réseau est non seulement une caméra puissante conçue pour fonctionner sur le Web, mais elle peut également être intégrée à...
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All manuals and user guides at Table des matières Préface ..............................2 Consignes de sécurité ..........................2 Préalablement à la mise en service du produit ..................4 Table des matières ..........................5 Livraison ..............................6 Installation matérielle ..........................7 Branchement externe .........................
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All manuals and user guides at Livraison Caméra réseau TV7220/TV7221/TV7222/TV7223 Objectif Antenne (SEULEMENT TV7221/23) Adaptateur secteur Pied de caméra CD logiciel Instructions d’installation (sur CD)
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All manuals and user guides at Installation matérielle S’assurer que tous les accessoires et les articles listés ci-dessus fassent partie de la livraison. Suivant l’utilisation faite du produit, il se peut qu’un câble Ethernet soit nécessaire. dernier doit être conforme spécifications de la catégorie UTP 5 (CAT 5) et ne doit pas faire plus de 100 mètres de long.
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All manuals and user guides at Branchement externe Connections à l’arriere Sortie audio Commutateur Antenne microphone interne/externe 12VDC Entrè audio Connectio n Ethernet Port I/O Bouton Sortie / entrè de commutation 1 : pas utilisé 2 : pas utilisé 3 : pas utilisé...
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All manuals and user guides at Premier accès à la camera Le premier accès au serveur vidéo se fait en utilisant l’assistant d’installation 2. Après avoir démarré l’assistant il détecte les caméras réseau Eyseo et les serveurs vidéo branchés sur votre réseau.
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All manuals and user guides at Accès à la caméra réseau par le biais d’Internet Explorer Définition d'un mot de passe évitant un accès non autorisé La caméra réseau n’a pas de mot de passe administrateur. Pour des raisons de sécurité, l’administrateur doit immédiatement définir un nouveau mot de passe. A l’issue de l’enregistrement d’un tel mot de passe administrateur, la caméra réseau invite à...
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All manuals and user guides at Modification du mot de passe administrateur Cliquez sur « Configuration« , puis sur « Sécurité« . Entrez le mot de passe de l'administrateur dans le champ « Mot de passe d’origine« et confirmez-le dans le champ «...
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All manuals and user guides at Installation du plug-in Lors du premier accès à la caméra réseau sous Windows, le navigateur Internet invite, le cas échéant, à installer un nouveau plug-in pour cette dernière. Cette invitation dépend des paramètres de sécurité...
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All manuals and user guides at Droits de l’administrateur Ecran « Network camera » La fenêtre principale affichée est en deux parties : « Configuration » : Ces éléments d'interface utilisateur permettent de configurer la caméra. « Zone d’affichage des données d’image de la caméra »: séquence vidéo de la caméra Un clic sur le lien «...
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All manuals and user guides at Zoom numérique et enregistrement instantané Cliquez sur l’icône représentant une loupe sous la zone d’affichage de l’image. Le système affiche ensuite les boutons de commande du zoom numérique. Désactivez la case « Disable digital zoom » et modifiez le facteur de zoom à...
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All manuals and user guides at « Client Settings » (Configuration client) Au premier affichage de l'écran « Client settings » sous Windows, le navigateur Internet invite à installer un nouveau plug-in. Ce plug-in a été enregistré à des fins de certification et peut permettre de modifier les paramètres de l’écran «...
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All manuals and user guides at L’ordre recommandé de sélection du client est normalement le suivant : UDP – TCP – HTTP. A l’issue de la réussite du branchement de la caméra réseau , la zone « Protocol options » affiche le protocole sélectionné.
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All manuals and user guides at Paramètres Administrateur « Configuration / Audio et vidéo» La meilleure performance est obtenue avec une fréquence d’images élevée, un rendu vidéo de très bonne qualité et une bande passante réseau la plus faible possible. Les trois facteurs « Taux d’image maximal », «...
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All manuals and user guides at Pour des images haute qualité En vue d’obtenir la meilleure qualité vidéo, mettez l’option « Qualité fixée » sur « Detailled » ou sur « Excellent » et réglez le taux « Max frame rate« de manière à ce que ce taux corresponde à la bande passante du réseau.
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Mise à jour du logiciel L’utilisateur peut télécharger la version actuelle à partir du site Internet Un assistant Mise à jour convivial est disponible pour la mise à jour du logiciel de la caméra réseau (Installation Wizard / Upgrade). L’exécution de la fonction de mise à jour est réservée à...
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All manuals and user guides at Configuration du système L’accès à la configuration du système est réservé à l’administrateur. Les pages suivantes décrivent chacune des catégories de la barre gauche. Les termes en caractères gras sont des termes affichés sur les écrans d’options.
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All manuals and user guides at Ecran « System » „Nom hôte“ ce champ affiche le titre de la fenêtre principale. „Eteindre l’indicateur LED“ L’activation de cette option permet de désactiver l’affichage à DEL sur la face avant de la caméra. Ceci permet d’éviter que des tiers puissent remarquer que la caméra est en cours de fonctionnement.
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All manuals and user guides at Ecran « Network » Toutes les modifications apportées sur cet écran entraînent un redémarrage du système, afin que les modifications apportées deviennent effectives. Vérifiez d’avoir complété correctement les champs correspondants, avant de cliquer sur « Sauvegarder ». Connexion –...
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All manuals and user guides at Transmission RTSP (RTSP streaming) „Authentification“ L’authentification peut être désactivée (standard) ou se trouver dans le mode simple ou élargie. Si celle-ci est activée, un nom d’utilisateur et un mot de passe d’un utilisateur valable doivent être introduits lors de la création de la connexion RTSP (ex.
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All manuals and user guides at « url » http://“Network Camera“/setup/network.html « Network Camera » est le nom de domaine ou l’adresse IP par défaut de la caméra réseau .
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All manuals and user guides at « WLAN Configuration » (Wireless LAN) « SSID » (Service Set Identifier) est le nom identifiant le réseau sans fil. Le point d’accès et la caméra réseau WLAN doivent utiliser le même nom SSID. La valeur par défaut est « default ». ATTENTION : la longueur maximale est de 32 caractères et les caractères : „...
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All manuals and user guides at « url » http://“Network Camera“/setup/wireless.html « Network Camera » est le nom de domaine ou l’adresse IP par défaut de la caméra réseau . Ecran « DDNS „Activer DDNS“ Cette option permet d'activer la fonction DDNS. „Fournisseur d’accès Internet“...
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All manuals and user guides at Liste d’accès « Liste autorisée » Cette zone permet d’entrer la page des IP acceptées et de l’ajouter à la liste d'accès. Toutes les IP sont acceptées par défaut. Supprimez, le cas échéant, l'intégralité de cette page.
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All manuals and user guides at Vidéo et audio Ecran « Video » „Titre vidéo“ Le texte apparaît dans la barre noire au-dessus de la fenêtre vidéo accompagné des informations de date enregistrées. Ces informations de date (date et heure) sont fournies par la caméra réseau et peuvent être retenues par le biais d'une horloge temps réel intégrée.
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All manuals and user guides at « Image settings » Cliquez sur le bouton « Réglages d’image», pour faire apparaître la boîte de dialogue permettant de définir la luminosité, le contraste, la saturation et la teinte Luminosité, Contraste, Saturation et Qualité) de l’image vidéo.
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All manuals and user guides at Configuration CCD „L'étape d'exposition « mettez manuellement l’aperture d’IRIS d'objectif auto „AGC“ Renforcement automatique: Normal ou Maximal „BLC“ Contre lumière: la reconnaissance des objets devant des sources lumineuses „Options de commutation B/N en mode Nuit: Images blanche/noire pendant la nuit „IR cut filter“...
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All manuals and user guides at Ecran « Motion Detection » « Activer masquage de zones privées » Cochez cette case pour activer la détection de mouvement. « Nouveau » Un clic sur ce bouton permet d'ajouter une fenêtre. Trois fenêtres peuvent au total être visualisées simultanément.
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All manuals and user guides at Application La configuration d’application est composée de 3 sections: évènement, serveur et média. Pour configurer une action d’application la section „Médium“ doit d’abord être configurée, puis la section „Serveur“ et ensuite la section „Evènement“. Les sections sont décrites dans cet ordre. Au plus 3 évènements, 5 entrées de serveur et 5 entrée de médias peuvent être créés.
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All manuals and user guides at Clip vidéo „Source“ L’enregistrement peut se faire par stream vidéo 1 ou 2. „Enregistrement de pré-alarme“ Intervalle d’enregistrement de pré-alarme en secondes (max. 10 secondes) „Durée maximale“ Durée maximale par donnée (max. 10 secondes) „Grandeur maximale de donnée“...
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All manuals and user guides at Serveur http „URL“ URL pour la mise à jour des médias. „Nom d’utilisateur“ Nom d’utilisateur autorisé sur le serveur HTTP externe. „Mot de passe“ Mot de passe autorisé sur le serveur e-mail externe. Lecteur réseau „Mémoire du lecteur réseau“...
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All manuals and user guides at Enregistrement Le camera supporte un enregistrement de données vidéo sur un lecteur réseau. Il est possible de configurer au plus 2 entrées d’enregistrement, mais d’abord un lecteur doit être configuré sous Application / Serveur / Lecteur réseau. „Entrée d’enregistrement“...
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Ici aussi il y a la possibilité d’actualiser le progiciel. Les progiciels actuels sont disponibles sur le site .Choisissez le fichier Update et appuyez sur l’écran « Mise à jour ». La mise á jour prend un peut de temps. Après le redémarrage, la...
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All manuals and user guides at Annexe A. Troubleshooting Status LED Couleur du LED Vert Rouge Mise en tension activé 1/s (1 fois) Procès Boot désactivé Configuration/recherche de réseau activé désactivé Réseau ok activé Mise a jour du micro logiciel 0.1/s Réinitialisation et rétablissement Le Bouton de réinitialisation est situé...
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All manuals and user guides at B. Questions fréquemment posées (FAQ) Q. Que faire lorsque vous avez oublié le mot de passe ? R. Tout accès à la caméra réseau nécessite une authentification. Si vous êtes l’un des utilisateurs chargés de tâches gestion, adressez-vous à...
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All manuals and user guides at Q. Dans quelle mesure la caméra réseau est-elle capable de contrôler rapidement l’état des entrées numériques ? R. La caméra réseau vérifie l’état de l’entrée en moins d’une demi-seconde. Cependant, afin d'éviter les conditions d'un contrôle réitéré et pour assurer le fonctionnement correct des périphériques reliés aux sorties numériques, la caméra réseau temporise de 3 seconde à...
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All manuals and user guides at C. URL-Commands Style convention In URL syntax and in descriptions of CGI parameters, a text within angle brackets denotes a content that is to be replaced with either a value or a string. When replacing the text string also the angle brackets shall be replaced.
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All manuals and user guides at LEVEL anonymous Unprotected. 1 [view] anonymous, viewer, 1. Can view, listen, talk to camera dido, camctrl 2. Can control dido, ptz of camera 4 [operator] anonymous, viewer, Operator’s access right can modify most of camera’s dido, camctrl, operator parameters except some privilege and network options 6 [admin]...
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All manuals and user guides at \r\n <parameter pair> where <parameter pair> is <parameter>=<value>\r\n [<parameter pair>] <length> is the actual length of content. Example: request IP address and it’s response Request: Response: HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n Content-Type: text/html\r\n Context-Length: 33\r\n \r\n network.ipaddress=\r\n Set server parameter values...
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All manuals and user guides at update <boolean> set to 1 to actually update all fields (no need to use update parameter in each group) return <return page> Redirect to the page <return page> after the parameter is assigned. The <return page> can be a full URL path or relative path according the the current path.
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All manuals and user guides at integer Any number between (-2 – 1) and (2 – 1) positive integer Any number between 0 and (2 – 1) <m> ~ <n> Any number between ‘m’ and ‘n’ domain name[<n>] A string limited to contain a domain name shorter than ‘n’ characters (eg. email address [<n>] A string limited to contain a email address shorter than ‘n’...
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All manuals and user guides at <blank> timezoneindex -489 ~ 529 Indicate timezone and area -480: GMT-12:00 Eniwetok, Kwajalein -440: GMT-11:00 Midway Island, Samoa -400: GMT-10:00 Hawaii -360: GMT-09:00 Alaska -320: GMT-08:00 Las Vegas, San_Francisco, Vancouver -280: GMT-07:00 Mountain Time, Denver -281: GMT-07:00 Arizona -240: GMT-06:00 Central America,...
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All manuals and user guides at Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nairobi 121: GMT 03:00 Iraq 140: GMT 03:30 Tehran 160: GMT 04:00 Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan 180: GMT 04:30 Kabul 200: GMT 05:00 Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent 220: GMT 05:30 Calcutta, Chennai, Mumbai, New Delhi...
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All manuals and user guides at restore Restore the system parameters to default value. Restart the server <positive integer> after <value> seconds. reset Restart the server after <value> seconds. <positive integer> restoreexceptnet Restore the system parameters to default value except (ipaddress, <positive integer>...
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All manuals and user guides at Group: di_i<0~(ndi-1)> NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) normalstate high, indicate whether open circuit or closed circuit represents inactive status Group: do_i<0~(ndo-1)> NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) normalstate open, indicate whether open circuit or closed circuit represents inactive grounded status...
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All manuals and user guides at 0 => use preset ipaddress, subnet, rounter, dns1, and dns2 ipaddress <ip address> IP address of server subnet <ip address> subnet mask router <ip address> default gateway dns1 <ip address> primary DNS server dns2 <ip address>...
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All manuals and user guides at basic, digest s0_accessname string[32] RTSP access name for stream1 s1_accessname string[32] RTSP access name for stream2 Subgroup of rtsp_s<0~(n-1)>: multicast, n is stream count NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) alwaysmulticast <boolean> Enable always multicast ipaddress <ip address>...
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All manuals and user guides at deny_i<0~9>_start ~ Denied starting IP address for RTSP connection deny_i<0~9>_end ~ Denied ending IP address for RTSP connection Group: videoin NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) freq 50, 60 frequency whitebalance auto, auto, auto white balance...
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All manuals and user guides at s<0~(m-1)>_codectype mpeg4, mjpeg video codec type s<0~(m-1)>_keyinterval 1, 3, 5, 10, 30, Key frame interval 60, 90, 120 s<0~(m-1)>_resolution 176x144, Video resolution in pixel 320x240, 640x480,, s<0~(m- cbr, vbr cbr, constant bitrate 1)>_ratecontrolmode vbr, fix quality s<0~(m-1)>_quant 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
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All manuals and user guides at microphone mute 0, 1 Enable audio mute gain 0~31 Gain of input boostmic 0, 1 Enable microphone boost s<0~(m-1)>_codectype aac4, gamr set audio codec type for input s<0~(m-1)>_aac4_bitrate 16000, set AAC4 bitrate in bps 32000, 48000, 64000,...
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All manuals and user guides at enable <boolean> enable motion detection win_i<0~2>_enable <boolean> enable motion window 1~3 win_i <0~2>_name string[14] name of motion window 1~3 win_i <0~2>_left 0 ~ 320 Left coordinate of window position. win_i <0~2>_top 0 ~ 240 Top coordinate of window position.
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All manuals and user guides at NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) enable <boolean> Enable or disable the UPNP presentation service. Group: upnpportforwarding NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) enable <boolean> Enable or disable the UPNP port forwarding service. upnpnatstatus The status of UpnP port forwarding, used internally.
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All manuals and user guides at win_i<0~4>_enable <boolean> Enable the privacy mask window win_i<0~4>_name string[14] The name of privacy mask window win_i<0~4>_left 0 ~ 320/352 Left coordinate of window position. win_i<0~4>_top 0 ~ 240/288 Top coordinate of window position. win_i<0~4>_width 0 ~ 320/352 Width of privacy mask window...
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All manuals and user guides at protocol_rtsp < boolean > indicate whether to support rtsp protocol_sip <boolean> indicate whether to support sip protocol_maxconnection <positive integer> The maximum allowed simultaneous connections protocol_rtp_multicast_ <boolean> indicate whether to support scalable multicast scalable protocol_rtp_multicast_ <boolean>...
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All manuals and user guides at audioin_codec <a list of the available codec list available codec types separaters by comma) audioout_codec <a list of the available codec list available codec types separaters by comma) camctrl_httptunnel <boolean> Indicate whether to support the http tunnel for camera control uart_httptunnel <boolean>...
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All manuals and user guides at delay 1~999 Delay seconds before detect next event. trigger boot, Indicate the trigger condition. “boot” indicates system boot. motion, “di” indicates digital input. seq, “motion” indicates video motion detection. “seq” indicates periodic condition. <integer>...
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All manuals and user guides at action_server_i<0~4>_en 0, 1 To enable or disable this server action. able The default value is 0. action_server_i<0~4>_m NULL, 0~4 The index of attached media. edia Group: server_i<0~4> PARAMETER VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) name string[40] The identification of this entry type...
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All manuals and user guides at ns_passwd string[64] The password of the user. ns_workgroup string[64] The workgroup for network storage. Group: media_i<0~4> PARAMETER VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) name string[40] The identification of this entry type snapshot, The media type to send to the server or store by the server.
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All manuals and user guides at enable 0, 1 To enable or disable this recoding. priority 0, 1, 2 Indicate the priority of this recoding. “0” indicates low priority. “1” indicates normal priority. “2” indicates high priority. source <integer> Indicate the source of media stream.
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All manuals and user guides at PARAMETER VALUE DESCRIPTION do<num> 0, 1 0 – inactive, normal state 1 – active, triggered state return <return page> Redirect to the page <return page> after the parameter is assigned. The <return page> can be a full URL path or relative path according the the current path.
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All manuals and user guides at Content-Type: text/plain\r\n Content-Length: 7\r\n \r\n di1=1\r\n Query status of the digital output Note: This request requires the privilege of viewer. Method: GET/POST Syntax: http://<servername>/cgi-bin/dido/getdo.cgi?[do0][&do1][&do2][&do3] If no parameter is specified, all the status of digital output will be returned. Return: HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n Content-Type: text/plain\r\n...
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All manuals and user guides at Syntax: http://<servername>/cgi-bin/viewer/video.jpg?[channel=<value>][&resolution=<value>] [&quality=<value>] If the user requests the size larger than all stream setting on the server, this request will failed! PARAMETER VALUE DEFAULT DESCRIPTION channel 0~(n-1) the channel number of video source resolution <available The resolution of image...
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All manuals and user guides at edit Modify the account password and privilege. When using this method, “username” field is necessary, and other fields are optional. If not specified, it will keep original settings. username <name> The name of user to add, delete or edit userpass <value>...
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All manuals and user guides at Post data: fimage=<file name>[&return=<return page>]\r\n \r\n <multipart encoded form data> Server will accept the upload file named <file name> to be upgraded the firmware and return with <return page> if indicated. IP filtering Note: This request requires administrator access privilege Method: GET/POST Syntax:...
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All manuals and user guides at relative path according the the current path. If you omit this parameter, it will redirect to an empty page. RTSP SDP Note: This request requires viewer access privilege Method: GET/POST Syntax: http://<servername>/viewer/<0~(n-1)>/<network_accessname_<0~(m-1)>> rtsp://<servername>/<0~(n-1)>/<network_accessname_<0~(m-1)>> “n”...
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All manuals and user guides at D. Fiche technique Video Reseau Compression: MPEG-4 & MJPEG 10/100 Mbps Ethernet, RJ-45 Resolution max.: 640x480 Pixel Protocols (u.a.): IPv4,TCP/IP, HTTP, UPnP, Resolutions posible 640x480, 320x240, 176x144 RTSP/RTP/RTCP, IGMP, SMTP, FTP, DHCP, NTP, DNS, DDNS, und PPPoE Taux d'image: max.
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CDROM:\GNU_GPL\GPL-Licence.txt ou sur le site internet Security-center sous : http://www.abus- Source Code Die verwendeten Sourcecodes sind auf der ABUS Securtiy-Center Homepage unter zum kostenfreien Download bereitgestellt. Fonctionnement du système entier Les paquets de logiciel ( SourceCodes) offerts à téléchargés ne garantissent pas le fonctionnement parfais du système entier.
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All manuals and user guides at Progressive Scan CCD netwerkcamera Installatie handleiding V1.1 TV7220 - TV7223...
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Voorwoord Geachte klant, Wij bedanken u voor de aankoop van deze netwerkcamera van de serie Eyseo van de firma ABUS Security- Center. Met dit toestel heeft u een product gekocht, dat volgens de allernieuwste techniek werd gebouwd. Dit product voldoet aan de eisen van de geldende Europese en nationale richtlijnen. De overeenstemming werd aangetoond, de overeenkomstige verklaringen en documenten zijn bij de fabrikant gedeponeerd.
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All manuals and user guides at Algemeen: Ondeskundige of slordige installatiewerkzaamheden kunnen tot storingen en een slechte beeldkwaliteit leiden. Lees daarom deze handleiding aandachtig door en let tijdens de installatie van het systeem op de precieze benaming van de gebruikte leidingen en componenten. Technische wijzigingen zonder voorafgaande aankondiging voorbehouden.
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All manuals and user guides at Voor de ingebruikname van het product Het gebruik van bewakingscamera's kan in sommige landen wettelijk verboden zijn. Deze netwerkcamera is niet alleen een voor het webgebruik ontwikkelde precisiecamera, maar kan tevens als onderdeel van een flexibele bewakingsinstallatie gebruikt worden. De gebruiker dient zich vóór de ingebruikname van de installatie ervan te vergewissen, dat de bewaking binnen de rechtsregels valt.
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All manuals and user guides at Inhoud Voorwoord ............................... 2 Veiligheidstips ............................2 Voor de ingebruikname van het product ....................4 Inhoud ..............................5 Inhoud van de levering ..........................6 Installatie ..............................7 Richt u voor een juiste installatie van randapparatuur tot uw speciaalzaak..........7 Externe aansluiting ........................
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All manuals and user guides at Inhoud van de levering Netwerkcamera TV7220/TV7221/TV7222/TV7223 Lens Antenne (alleen TV7221/23) Netadapter camerastatief Software CD Installatiehandleiding(op CD)
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All manuals and user guides at Installatie Controleer of alle onderdelen en artikelen die in voorgaande lijst genoemd zijn, aanwezig zijn. Al naar de toepassing door de gebruiker is een ethernetkabel noodzakelijk. Deze ethernetkabel moet voldoen specificaties van UTP-kategorie 5 (CAT 5) en mag niet langer zijn dan 100 meter.
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All manuals and user guides at Externe aansluiting Aansluitingen achterzijde Audio uitgang Omschakelen Antenne interne/externe microphoon 12VDC Audio ingang Ethernet- Aansluiting I/O-Port Reset- Knop I/O-aansluitingen 1 : not used 2 : not used 3 : not used 4 : not used 5 : GND 6 : Schakelingang 7 : Schakeluitgang...
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All manuals and user guides at Eerste toegang tot de netwerkcamera De eerste verbinding met de netwerkcamera verloopt via het installatiehulpprogramma 2. Nadat het programma is gestart zoekt het naar aangesloten Eyseo netwerkcamera's en videoservers in uw netwerk. Het standaard IP-adres van de netwerkcamera is Wanneer er een DCHP server in uw netwerk aanwezig is, wordt er automatisch een IP-adres toegewezen in overeenstemming met uw netwerkconfiguratie.
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All manuals and user guides at Toeggang tot de netwerkkamera via Internet Explorer Instellen van een paswoord om onbevoegd gebruik te voorkomen In de fabriek is in de netwerkcamera geen administrator-identificatie ingesteld. Om veiligheidsredenen dient de administrator een nieuw paswoord kiezen. Na het opslaan van administrator paswoord vraagt de netwerkcamera vóór elke toegang naar de gebruikersnaam en het paswoord.
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All manuals and user guides at Wijziging van het administrator-paswoord Klik nu op button “Configuratie” een daarna op punt “Veiligheid”. Voer bij punt “Rootwachtwoord” het administrator paswoord in en bevestig dit bij „Rootwachtwoord bevestigen”. Klik nu op button « Opslaan ». Het nieuwe administrator paswoord is opgeslagen.
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All manuals and user guides at Installatie van de plug-in Bij de eerste toegang tot de netwerkcamera in Windows vraagt de webbrowser eventueel om de installatie van een nieuwe plug-in voor de netwerkcamera. De vraag is afhankelijk van de veiligheidsinstellingen van de PC van de gebruiker.
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All manuals and user guides at Fundamentele gebruikerfuncties Hoofdvenster en camerabeeld De weergave van de hoofdpagina bestaat uit twee delen: Configuratie: Met deze punten kan de camera configureerd worden. Camerabeeld: Videostream van de camera Klik op "Configuratie" naast het beeldvenster om naar de configuratiepagina te gaan. Taal: Hier kunt u de taal van het menu veranderen.
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All manuals and user guides at Digitale zoom en momentopname Klik op de loep onder het camerabeeld. Daarna verschijnt het bedieningsvlak voor digitaal zoomen. Deactiveer het vakje "Digitale zoom uitschakelen" en wijzig de zoomfactor met de glijbalk. Op “Snapshot” klikken. De webbrowser laat een nieuw venster zien, waarin de momentopname getoond wordt.
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All manuals and user guides at Client instelling Bij de eerste toegang tot de "Client Settings" onder Windows vraagt de webbrowser naar de installatie van een nieuwe plug-in. Deze plug-in werd ter certificering geregistreerd en kan voor het wijzigen van de parameters in de Client-pagina gebruikt worden.
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All manuals and user guides at Voor de selectie van de Client wordt normaal deze volgorde aanbevolen: UDP – TCP – HTTP. Nadat de netwerkcamera met succes is aangesloten geeft de “protocolopties” het gekozen protocol aan. Het gekozen protocol wordt in de PC van de gebruiker geregistreerd en voor de volgende aansluiting gebruikt.
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All manuals and user guides at Administrator-instellingen Configuratie / Video Het beste resultaat krijgt u door de snelste refreshrate met de hoogste videokwaliteit en de laagst mogelijke bandbreedte. De drie factoren „Maximale beeldfrequentie“, „Constante bitrate“ en „Vaste kwaliteit“ op de pagina voor de videoconfiguratie staan met elkaar in een onderlinge verhouding. Mobile toegrijpen op de netwerkcamera Veel moderne mobiele telefoons ondersteunen de toegang tot MPEG-4-videostream en GSM-AMR- audiogegevens.
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All manuals and user guides at Voor beelden van hoge kwaliteit Voor de beste videokwaliteit stelt u “Vaste kwaliteit” in op „Detailled“ of „Excellent“ en de „Maximale beeldfrequentie“ zo in, zodat dit afgestemd is op de bandbreedte van uw netwerk. Heeft u een langzaam netwerk en krijgt u „gebroken”beelden, ga dan naar het TCP-protocol onder “Client Settings”...
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“Systeemconfiguratie”. Updaten van de software-versie De gebruiker kan de nieuwste software van de website ophalen. Voor het updaten van de netwerkcamerasoftware, is een gebruiksvriendelijke update-assistent ter beschikking (Installation Wizard / Upgrade). Alleen de administrator kan de update-functie starten. Voor het updaten van het systeem gaat u als volgt te werk.
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All manuals and user guides at Systeemconfiguratie Alleen de administrator heeft toegang tot de systeemconfiguratie. Elke categorie in de linkerkolom wordt op de volgende pagina's uitgelegd. De vetgedrukte teksten stellen de specifieke aanduidingen op de optiepagina's voor. De administrator kan de URL onder de afbeelding invoeren, om direct naar de configuratie-pagina te gaan.
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All manuals and user guides at Systeem „Hostnaam“ De tekst toont de titel op de Homepage. „LED indicator uitschakelen“ Kies deze optie om de LED-diode op de voorkant van de camera uit te schakelen. U voorkomt daarmee, dat anderen kunnen zien of de camera in werking is. „Huidige tijd en datum behouden“...
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All manuals and user guides at Netwerk Na het aanbrengen van de veranderingen op deze pagina, moet het systeem opnieuw opgestart worden om die wijzigingen te activeren. Controleer eerst of alle velden correct ingevuld zijn, voor u op „Opslaan” klikt Netwerkverbinding „LAN“...
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All manuals and user guides at RTSP streaming: RTSP authenticatie: De authenticatie kan uitgeschakeld zijn (standaard) of in de eenvoudige of uitgebreide modus staan. Wanneer deze is ingeschakeld moet bij het maken van een RTSP verbinding een gebruikersnaam en een wachtwoord van een bestaande gebruiker worden ingevoerd (bv. Administrator).
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All manuals and user guides at <URL> http://<Netzwerkkamera>/setup/network.html <Netzwerkkamera> is de domeinnaam of originele IP-adres van de netwerkcamera.
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All manuals and user guides at WLAN-configuratie “SSID” (Service Set Identifier) Dit is de naam die het draadloze netwerk identificeert. Het access point en de WLAN-netzwerkcamera moeten dezelfde SSID-naam gebruiken. De fabrieksinstelling is “default”. LET OP: De max. lengte bedraagt 32 tekens met uitzondering van: „ , “, <, > en spaties. “Draadloze modus”...
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All manuals and user guides at Verkeerde instellingen kunnen ertoe leiden dat de toegang tot de camera geweigerd wordt. Als het systeem niet meer aanspreekbaar is, lees dan de opmerkingen over het herstellen van de basisinstellingen van het systeem in de bijlage. <URL>...
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All manuals and user guides at DDNS-Einstellungen „DDNS inschakelen“ Met deze optie wordt de DDNS-functie geactiveerd. „Aanbieder“ De aanbiederslijst telt vier hosts, die DDNS-services aanbieden. Maak een verbinding met de website van de service-provider, om te controleren of deze service beschikbaar is. “Hostnaam”...
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All manuals and user guides at Toegangslijst “Lijst toegestaan” Hier wordt het IP-bereik van de geaccepteerde IP’s genoteerd en aan de toegangslijst toegevoegd. Als fabrieksinstelling worden alle IP’s geaccepteerd. Wis dit gehele bereik indien nodig. “Start IP-adres” Voer hier het eerste adres van het gewenste bereik in. “IP-adres beëindigen”...
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All manuals and user guides at Video en Audio Video “Videotitel” De tekst verschijnt in de zwarte balk boven het videovenster met een tijdsaanduiding. Deze tijdsaanduiding (datum en uur) wordt door de netwerkcamera gegeven, waar deze datum en het uur door een geïntegreerde realtime klok bijgehouden wordt.
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All manuals and user guides at Beeldinstellingen Klik op deze button “Afbeeldingsinstellingen”, om een nieuw venster te openen waarin u Helderheid, Contrast, Verzadiging en Scherpte voor het videobeeld kunt afregelen. Om de gewijzigde beeldinstellingen te bekijken, klikt u “ Voorbeeldweergave” .
Page 248
All manuals and user guides at CCD-instellingen „Belichtingsstap “ Stuurt handmatig de apertur van het auto-iris objectief. „AGC“ Automatische Versterking: Normaal of maximaal „BLC“ Tegenlichtcompensatie: verbetert het herkennen van objecten voor lichtbronnen „Omschakeling naar z/w/ in nacht modus“ Optie: Zwart/wit beeld in nachtmodus „IR cut filter“...
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All manuals and user guides at Bewegingsdetectie “ Bewegingsherkenning inschakelen” Kies deze optie om de bewegingsdetectie te activeren. “ Nieuw” Klik op deze button, om een nieuw venster toe te voegen. Er kunnen hoogstens drie vensters tegelijk open zijn. Om de grootte van het venster opnieuw in te stellen of de titelbalk te verschuiven klikt u met de linkermuisknop op kader van het venster, houdt de muisknop ingedrukt en trekt het kader op de gewenste grootte.
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All manuals and user guides at Toepassing De gebruikersconfiguratie bestaat uit 3 schermen: gebeurtenis, server en medium. Om een gebruikersfunctie in te stellen, moet als eerste het scherm "Media", dan het scherm "Server" en tenslotte het scherm "Gebeurtenis" worden geconfigureerd. De schermen worden in deze volgorde beschreven.
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All manuals and user guides at Videoclip Bron: De opname kan van videostream 1 of 2 komen. Vooralarm opname: Opname interval van de vooralarmopname in seconden (max. 10 seconden) Maximale duur: Maximale opnameduur per bestand (max. 10 seconden) Maximale bestandsgrootte: Maximale grootte van het bestand in kByte (max.
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All manuals and user guides at HTTP-server URL: URL voor het uploaden van bestanden. Gebruikersnaam: Bestaande gebruikersnaam voor de externe HTTP-server. Wachtwoord: Bestaand wachtwoord voor de externe e-mail server. Na het invoeren van de servergegevens kan met de knop "Test" de verbinding met de server worden getest.
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All manuals and user guides at Opname De videoserver ondersteunt de opname van videogegevens via een netwerkstation. Er kunnen maximaal 2 opname opdrachten worden geconfigureerd, als eerste moet echter onder Toepassing / Server / Netwerkstation een station worden geconfigureerd. <URL>...
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Hier is het mogelijk, analoog met de update met de installatie-wizard, de firmware van de netwerkcamera op de nieuwste stand te brengen. De nieuwste firmware kunt u onder www.abus- downloaden. Kies het update-bestand (flash.bin) en druk op de knop “Bijwerken”. De update duurt maar kort.
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All manuals and user guides at Annex Status LEDs Toestand / LED kleur Groen Rood Systeemstart 1/s (eenmalig) Tijden opstartproces Netwerk zoeken/-setup Netwerk ok Tijdens Firmware Upgrade 0.1/s A. Resetten / Terugzetten Op de achterkant van de netwerkcamera is een drukknop. Met deze knop wordt het systeem gereset of worden alle fabrieksinstellingen worden teruggezet.
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All manuals and user guides at B. Veel gestelde vragen (FAQ) V. Wat als u het paswoord bent vergeten? A. Elke toegang tot de netwerkcamera vereist identificatie. Als u een van de toegelaten gebruikers bent en uw paswoord bent vergeten, dan vraagt u dat aan de administrator. Als u de administrator bent, is er geen mogelijkheid het paswoord te achterhalen.
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All manuals and user guides at V. Waarom is er geen toegang mogelijk tot de netwerkcamera bij het instellen van bepaalde opties? A. Bij het starten van de netwerkcamera door detecties vragen de momentopnamen meer tijd, omdat die in het geheugen geschreven worden. Als er teveel detecties optreden zou het systeem continu bezig zijn met het opslaan van beelden.
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All manuals and user guides at C. URL Commands Style convention In URL syntax and in descriptions of CGI parameters, a text within angle brackets denotes a content that is to be replaced with either a value or a string. When replacing the text string also the angle brackets shall be replaced.
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All manuals and user guides at LEVEL anonymous Unprotected. 1 [view] anonymous, viewer, 1. Can view, listen, talk to camera dido, camctrl 2. Can control dido, ptz of camera 4 [operator] anonymous, viewer, Operator’s access right can modify most of camera’s dido, camctrl, operator parameters except some privilege and network options 6 [admin]...
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All manuals and user guides at \r\n <parameter pair> where <parameter pair> is <parameter>=<value>\r\n [<parameter pair>] <length> is the actual length of content. Example: request IP address and it’s response Request: Response: HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n Content-Type: text/html\r\n Context-Length: 33\r\n \r\n network.ipaddress=\r\n Set server parameter values...
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All manuals and user guides at update <boolean> set to 1 to actually update all fields (no need to use update parameter in each group) return <return page> Redirect to the page <return page> after the parameter is assigned. The <return page> can be a full URL path or relative path according the the current path.
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All manuals and user guides at integer Any number between (-2 – 1) and (2 – 1) positive integer Any number between 0 and (2 – 1) <m> ~ <n> Any number between ‘m’ and ‘n’ domain name[<n>] A string limited to contain a domain name shorter than ‘n’ characters (eg. email address [<n>] A string limited to contain a email address shorter than ‘n’...
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All manuals and user guides at <blank> timezoneindex -489 ~ 529 Indicate timezone and area -480: GMT-12:00 Eniwetok, Kwajalein -440: GMT-11:00 Midway Island, Samoa -400: GMT-10:00 Hawaii -360: GMT-09:00 Alaska -320: GMT-08:00 Las Vegas, San_Francisco, Vancouver -280: GMT-07:00 Mountain Time, Denver -281: GMT-07:00 Arizona -240: GMT-06:00 Central America,...
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All manuals and user guides at Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nairobi 121: GMT 03:00 Iraq 140: GMT 03:30 Tehran 160: GMT 04:00 Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan 180: GMT 04:30 Kabul 200: GMT 05:00 Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent 220: GMT 05:30 Calcutta, Chennai, Mumbai, New Delhi...
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All manuals and user guides at restore Restore the system parameters to default value. Restart the server <positive integer> after <value> seconds. reset Restart the server after <value> seconds. <positive integer> restoreexceptnet Restore the system parameters to default value except (ipaddress, <positive integer>...
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All manuals and user guides at Group: di_i<0~(ndi-1)> NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) normalstate high, indicate whether open circuit or closed circuit represents inactive status Group: do_i<0~(ndo-1)> NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) normalstate open, indicate whether open circuit or closed circuit represents inactive grounded status...
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All manuals and user guides at 0 => use preset ipaddress, subnet, rounter, dns1, and dns2 ipaddress <ip address> IP address of server subnet <ip address> subnet mask router <ip address> default gateway dns1 <ip address> primary DNS server dns2 <ip address>...
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All manuals and user guides at basic, digest s0_accessname string[32] RTSP access name for stream1 s1_accessname string[32] RTSP access name for stream2 Subgroup of rtsp_s<0~(n-1)>: multicast, n is stream count NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) alwaysmulticast <boolean> Enable always multicast ipaddress <ip address>...
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All manuals and user guides at deny_i<0~9>_start ~ Denied starting IP address for RTSP connection deny_i<0~9>_end ~ Denied ending IP address for RTSP connection Group: videoin NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) freq 50, 60 frequency whitebalance auto, auto, auto white balance...
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All manuals and user guides at s<0~(m-1)>_codectype mpeg4, mjpeg video codec type s<0~(m-1)>_keyinterval 1, 3, 5, 10, 30, Key frame interval 60, 90, 120 s<0~(m-1)>_resolution 176x144, Video resolution in pixel 320x240, 640x480,, s<0~(m- cbr, vbr cbr, constant bitrate 1)>_ratecontrolmode vbr, fix quality s<0~(m-1)>_quant 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
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All manuals and user guides at microphone mute 0, 1 Enable audio mute gain 0~31 Gain of input boostmic 0, 1 Enable microphone boost s<0~(m-1)>_codectype aac4, gamr set audio codec type for input s<0~(m-1)>_aac4_bitrate 16000, set AAC4 bitrate in bps 32000, 48000, 64000,...
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All manuals and user guides at enable <boolean> enable motion detection win_i<0~2>_enable <boolean> enable motion window 1~3 win_i <0~2>_name string[14] name of motion window 1~3 win_i <0~2>_left 0 ~ 320 Left coordinate of window position. win_i <0~2>_top 0 ~ 240 Top coordinate of window position.
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All manuals and user guides at NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) enable <boolean> Enable or disable the UPNP presentation service. Group: upnpportforwarding NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) enable <boolean> Enable or disable the UPNP port forwarding service. upnpnatstatus The status of UpnP port forwarding, used internally.
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All manuals and user guides at win_i<0~4>_enable <boolean> Enable the privacy mask window win_i<0~4>_name string[14] The name of privacy mask window win_i<0~4>_left 0 ~ 320/352 Left coordinate of window position. win_i<0~4>_top 0 ~ 240/288 Top coordinate of window position. win_i<0~4>_width 0 ~ 320/352 Width of privacy mask window...
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All manuals and user guides at protocol_rtsp < boolean > indicate whether to support rtsp protocol_sip <boolean> indicate whether to support sip protocol_maxconnection <positive integer> The maximum allowed simultaneous connections protocol_rtp_multicast_ <boolean> indicate whether to support scalable multicast scalable protocol_rtp_multicast_ <boolean>...
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All manuals and user guides at audioin_codec <a list of the available codec list available codec types separaters by comma) audioout_codec <a list of the available codec list available codec types separaters by comma) camctrl_httptunnel <boolean> Indicate whether to support the http tunnel for camera control uart_httptunnel <boolean>...
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All manuals and user guides at delay 1~999 Delay seconds before detect next event. trigger boot, Indicate the trigger condition. “boot” indicates system boot. motion, “di” indicates digital input. seq, “motion” indicates video motion detection. “seq” indicates periodic condition. <integer>...
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All manuals and user guides at action_server_i<0~4>_en 0, 1 To enable or disable this server action. able The default value is 0. action_server_i<0~4>_m NULL, 0~4 The index of attached media. edia Group: server_i<0~4> PARAMETER VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) name string[40] The identification of this entry type...
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All manuals and user guides at ns_passwd string[64] The password of the user. ns_workgroup string[64] The workgroup for network storage. Group: media_i<0~4> PARAMETER VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) name string[40] The identification of this entry type snapshot, The media type to send to the server or store by the server.
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All manuals and user guides at enable 0, 1 To enable or disable this recoding. priority 0, 1, 2 Indicate the priority of this recoding. “0” indicates low priority. “1” indicates normal priority. “2” indicates high priority. source <integer> Indicate the source of media stream.
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All manuals and user guides at PARAMETER VALUE DESCRIPTION do<num> 0, 1 0 – inactive, normal state 1 – active, triggered state return <return page> Redirect to the page <return page> after the parameter is assigned. The <return page> can be a full URL path or relative path according the the current path.
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All manuals and user guides at Content-Type: text/plain\r\n Content-Length: 7\r\n \r\n di1=1\r\n Query status of the digital output Note: This request requires the privilege of viewer. Method: GET/POST Syntax: http://<servername>/cgi-bin/dido/getdo.cgi?[do0][&do1][&do2][&do3] If no parameter is specified, all the status of digital output will be returned. Return: HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n Content-Type: text/plain\r\n...
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All manuals and user guides at Syntax: http://<servername>/cgi-bin/viewer/video.jpg?[channel=<value>][&resolution=<value>] [&quality=<value>] If the user requests the size larger than all stream setting on the server, this request will failed! PARAMETER VALUE DEFAULT DESCRIPTION channel 0~(n-1) the channel number of video source resolution <available The resolution of image...
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All manuals and user guides at edit Modify the account password and privilege. When using this method, “username” field is necessary, and other fields are optional. If not specified, it will keep original settings. username <name> The name of user to add, delete or edit userpass <value>...
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All manuals and user guides at Post data: fimage=<file name>[&return=<return page>]\r\n \r\n <multipart encoded form data> Server will accept the upload file named <file name> to be upgraded the firmware and return with <return page> if indicated. IP filtering Note: This request requires administrator access privilege Method: GET/POST Syntax:...
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All manuals and user guides at relative path according the the current path. If you omit this parameter, it will redirect to an empty page. RTSP SDP Note: This request requires viewer access privilege Method: GET/POST Syntax: http://<servername>/viewer/<0~(n-1)>/<network_accessname_<0~(m-1)>> rtsp://<servername>/<0~(n-1)>/<network_accessname_<0~(m-1)>> “n”...
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All manuals and user guides at D. Technische gegevens Video Netwerk Compressie: MPEG-4 & MJPEG 10/100 Mbps Ethernet, RJ-45 Max. resolutie: 640x480 Pixels Protokol (o.a.): IPv4,TCP/IP, HTTP, UPnP, Beschikbare resoluties 640x480, 320x240, RTSP/RTP/RTCP, IGMP, SMTP, FTP, DHCP, 176x144 NTP, DNS, DDNS, en PPPoE Opnamesnelheid: max.
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The licence text of the GNU General Public Licence can be found on the included software CD in or on the ABUS Security-Center Homepage under Downloads/Software?q=GPL Source Code The used source codes are available on the ABUS Securtiy-Center Homepage under http://www.abus- for free download. Operation of the total system With a download of the software packages (source codes) it is not possible to built a running total system.
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All manuals and user guides at Progressive scan CCD netværkskamera Installationsvejledning V1.1 TV7220 - TV7223...
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Forord Kære kunde! Vi takker for købet af dette netværkskamera fra ABUS Security-Centers Eyseo serie. Med dette apparat har du købt et produkt, som er blevet bygget efter nutidens tekniske standard. Dette produkt opfylder kravene fra de gældende europæiske og nationale retningslinjer. Det er blevet dokumenteret, og de pågældende erklæringer og dokumenter ligger hos producenten.
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All manuals and user guides at Generelt: En forkert eller sjusket installation kan føre til fejl eller dårlig billedkvalitet. Derfor skal du læse denne vejledning grundigt igennem, og du skal være opmærksom på de nøjagtige betegnelser af de anvendte ledninger og komponenter, når du installerer anlægget. Tekniske ændringer forbeholdes.
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All manuals and user guides at Inden du tager produktet i brug Brugen af overvågningsanlæg kan i nogle lande være forbudt ved lov. Dette netværkskamera er et kamera af høj kvalitet, som ikke kun er blevet udviklet til web-brug, men som også kan bruges som en del af det fleksible overvågningsanlæg.
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All manuals and user guides at Indhold Forord ..........................2 Sikkerhedsoplysninger ......................2 Inden du tager produktet i brug ....................4 Indhold ..........................5 Leveringsomfang ........................6 Hardwareinstallation ....................... 7 Den første adgang til netværkskameraet ................... 9 Adgang til netværkskameraet med Internet Explorer ..............10 Oprettelse af password for at undgå...
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All manuals and user guides at Leveringsomfang netværkskamera TV7220/TV7221/TV7222/TV7223 Objektiv Antenne (kun TV7221/23) Netadapter Kamerastativ Software CD Installationsvejledning (på CD)
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All manuals and user guides at Hardwareinstallation Kontroller, at alle tilbehørsdele og artikler fra ovenstående liste er med i leveringsomfanget. Alt efter anvendelse skal der anvendes et Ethernet- kabel. Dette Ethernet-kabel skal opfylde specifikationerne af UTP-kategori 5 (CAT 5) og må ikke være længere end 100 meter.
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All manuals and user guides at Eksterne tilslutninger Tilslutninger på bagside Lydudgang Omskifter: Antenne intern/ekstern microfon 12VDC Lydindgan Ethernet tilslutning I/O-Port Reset knap I/O-tilslutning 1 : not used 2 : not used 3 : not used 4 : not used 5 : Jord 6 : Digital indgang 7 : Digital udgang...
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All manuals and user guides at Den første adgang til netværkskameraet Den første adgang til videoserveren foregår under anvendelse af installationsassistent 2. Efter assistenten er startet, søger denne efter tilsluttede Eyseo netværkskameraer og videoservere i dit netværk. Videoserverens standard IP-adresse er Hvis der findes en DHCP-server i dit netværk, sker tildelingen af IP-adressen automatisk, jf.
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All manuals and user guides at Adgang til netværkskameraet med Internet Explorer Oprettelse af password for at undgå adgang af uvedkommende Fabriksindstillingen er, at der i netværkskameraet ikke er tildelt et administratorpassword. Af sikkerhedshensyn bør administratoren omgående bestemme sig for et nyt password. Efter dette administratorpassword er blevet gemt, spørger netværkskameraet efter brugernavn og password inden adgang.
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All manuals and user guides at Ændre administratorpassword Klik nu på punktet „Konfigurering“ og derefter på punktet „Sikkerhed“. Indtast administratorens password under punktet „Root-password“, og bekræft dette under punktet „ Bekræft root password”. Klik på knappen „Gem”. Det nye administratorpassword er nu blevet gemt. Klik på...
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All manuals and user guides at Installation af plug-ins Ved den første adgang til netværkskameraet i Windows spørger webbrowseren efter installationen af et nyt plug-in for netværkskameraet. Denne forespørgsel afhænger af PC'ens internet- sikkerhedsindstillinger. Hvis den er indstillet til det højeste sikkerhedsniveau, kan computeren nægte alle installationer og alle forsøg på...
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All manuals and user guides at Grundlæggende brugerfunktioner Hovedvindue og kameravisning Hovedsiden består af to dele: Configuration: Via disser punkter kan kameraet konfigureres. Camera view: Videostream af kameraet Klik på knappen „Configuration“ til venstre for billedvinduet for at åbne konfigureringssiden. Digital udgang: Her kan du manuelt til og fra koble relæudgangen.
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All manuals and user guides at Digital zoom og momentoptagelse Klik på forstørrelsesglas-symbolet under kameravisningen. Herefter åbner betjeningsfeltet for digital zoom. Du skal deaktivere boksen „Digital zoom fra“ og ændre zoomfaktoren med visernålen. Klik på “Momentoptagelse”. Webbrowseren åbner et nyt vindue, hvor momentoptagelsen vises. For at gemme skal du enten klikke på...
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All manuals and user guides at Kundeindstillinger Ved den første adgang til “Kundeindstillinger” i Windows spørger webbrowseren efter installationen af et nyt plug-in. Dette plug-in er blevet registreret til certificeringsformål og kan bruges til at ændre parametrene på klient-siden. For at installerede dette plug-in skal du klikke på .
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All manuals and user guides at Der anbefales at bruge følgende rækkefølge ved valg af protokol: UDP – TCP – HTTP. Efter en succesfuld tilslutning af netværkskameraet viser “Protocol Options” den valgte protokol. Den valgte protokol registreres i brugerens PC og anvendes ved den næste tilslutning. Ved ændringer i forbindelse med netværkssteder eller hvis brugeren starter en webbrowser-søgning efter netværkskameraet, skal du vælge UDP-protokollen manuelt, gemme den og gå...
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All manuals and user guides at Administrator-indstillinger Konfigurering / Video Den bedste ydelse er kendetegnet ved den hurtigste billedgentagelsesrate med den bedste videokvalitet og den mindst mulige netværksbåndbredde. Der er et indbyrdes forhold mellem de tre faktorer “Maksimal billedrate”, “Fast bitrate” og “Fast kvalitet” på siden om videokonfigurering. Mobil adgang til netværkskameraet Mange moderne mobiltelefoner understøtter adgangen til MPEG4-videostream og GSM-AMR- audiodata.
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All manuals and user guides at For at opnå billeder af høj kvalitet: For at opnå den bedste videokvalitet skal du stille den “Faste kvalitet“ på “Meget høj” eller “Udmærket” og den “Maksimale billedrate” på en sådan måde, at denne svarer til dit netværks båndbredde. Hvis dit netværk er langsomt og du modtager billeder, der er “i stykker”, skal du gå...
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„Netværk“, „Bevægelsessensor“ og „Anvendelse“. Yderligere informationer finder du på siderne om „Systemkonfigurering“. Aktualisering af softwareversion Brugeren kan downloade den nyeste software på websiden Den brugervenlige aktualiseringsassistent (installationsassistent / upgrade) hjælper med aktualisere netværkskamerasoftwaren. Kun administratoren kan starte aktualiseringsfunktionen. For at aktualisere systemet skal du gøre som følger.
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All manuals and user guides at Systemkonfigurering Kun administratoren har adgang til systemkonfigureringen. På den følgende sider forklares alle kategorier i venstre spalte. Teksterne med fed er specifikke oplysninger på Options-siderne. Administratoren kan indtaste url'en under billedet for at komme direkte til konfigureringens billedside. <URL>...
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All manuals and user guides at System "Hostnavn" Denne tekst viser titlen på hovedsiden. "Sluk LED-visning” Vælg denne option for at slukke LED-visningen på forsiden af kameraet. På den måde kan du forhindre, at andre personer kan se, at kameraet kører. "Behold aktuel dato og klokkeslæt"...
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All manuals and user guides at Netværk Alle ændringer, der foretages på denne side, fører til en genstart af systemet, så ændringerne udføres. Kontroller, at felterne er udfyldt korrekt, inden du klikker på Netværksforbindelse: „LAN“ LAN er forudindstillet. Anvend denne indstilling, når kameraet er fundet med LAN. Flere indstillinger er påkrævet som f.eks.
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All manuals and user guides at RTSP-overførsel: „RTSP godkendelse“ Godkendelsen kan være deaktiv (standard) eller i enkel hhv. udvidet modus. Når denne er aktiveret, skal der indtastes et brugernavn og password for en gyldig bruger (f.eks. administrator) ved RTSP forbindelsesoprettelse. OPLYSNING: RTSP-godkendelsen skal understøttes af videoafspilleren (f.eks.
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All manuals and user guides at <URL> http://<Netværkskamera>/setup/network.html <Netværkskamera> er netværkskameraets IP-adresse eller hostnavn.
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All manuals and user guides at WLAN-konfigurering „SSID“ (Service Set Identifier) Dette er navnet, som identificerer det trådløse netværk. Access Point og WLAN-netværkskameraet skal anvende det samme SSID-navn. Fabriksindstillingen er „default“. OBS: Maks.længden er på 32 tegn, undtaget: „ , “, <, > og mellemrum. „WLAN-modus“...
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All manuals and user guides at <URL> http://<Netværkskamera>/setup/wireless.html <Netværkskamera> er netværkskameraets IP-adresse eller hostnavn.
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All manuals and user guides at DDNS-indstillinger “Aktiver DDNS” Med denne option aktiveres DDNS-funktionen. “Udbyder” Listen over udbydere indeholder fire hosts, som tilbyder DDNS-tjenester. Opret en forbindelse med tjenesteudbyderens website for at være sikker på, at tjenesten tilbydes. “Hostnavn” For at kunne anvende DDNS-tjenesten skal dette felt udfyldes. Indtast hostnavnet, som er registreret ved DDNS-serveren.
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All manuals and user guides at Adgangsliste „Tilladte IP'er“ Her indtastes IP-området med de accepterede IP'er og tilføjes til adgangslisten. Som fabriksindstilling accepteres alle IP'er. Slet hele området ved behov. „Start-IP-adresse“ Indtast her den første adresse for det ønskede område. „Slut-IP-adresse“...
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All manuals and user guides at Video og audio Video “Videotitel” Teksten optræder i den sorte bjælke over videovinduet med et tidsstempel. Dette tidsstempel (dato og af klokkeslæt) leveres af netværkskameraet, hvorved denne dato og klokkeslættet vedligeholdes af et indbygget realtime-ur. “Farve”...
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All manuals and user guides at Billedindstillinger Klik på knappen ”Billedindstilling” for at åbne et nyt vindue, hvor du kan justere “Lysstyrke”, “Kontrast”, “Farve” og “Mætning” for videobilledet. For at se de ændrede indstillinger for billederne skal du klikke på ”Preview”.
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All manuals and user guides at CCD-indstilling „Eksponering“ Styres manuelt af kameraet via Auto Iris Objektivet „AGC“ Automatisk forstækning: Normal eller maksimal „BLC“ Baggrundslyskompensation: Forbedre genkendelse af obtjekter i modlys. „Omskiftning til S/H ved Nat modus“ Mulighed: Sort/hvid billede om natten „IR cut filter“...
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All manuals and user guides at Bevægelsessensor “Aktiver bevægelsesalarmen” Vælg denne option for at aktivere bevægelsesgenkendelsen. ”Ny” Klik på denne knap for at tilføje et nyt vindue. Der kan være maks. tre vinduer på samme tid. For at genindstille vinduestørrelsen eller for at flytte topbjælken skal du klikke på vinduerammen med venstre musetast, holde den nede og trække den med cursoren til den ønskede størrelse.
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All manuals and user guides at Anvendelse Anvendelseskonfigureringen består af 3 dele: Hændelse, Server og Medium. For at indstille en anvendelseshandling skal der som det første konfigureres området „Medium“, derefter området „Server“ og til sidst området „Hændelse“. Områder beskrives i denne rækkefølge. Der kan maks.
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All manuals and user guides at Videoclip „Kilde“ Optagelse kan ske fra Video-Stream 1 eller 2. „Foralarm-optagelse“ Foralarm-optagelselsinterval i sekunder (maks. 10 sekunder) „Maks. varighed“ Maks. varighed pr. fil (maks. 10 sekunder) „Maks. filstørrelse“ Maks. størrelse af filer i kByte (maks. 800 kByte) „Filnavn-tilføjelse“...
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All manuals and user guides at Netdrev „Netdrev lagringssted“ Sti af et netdrev for media-upload „Arbejdsgruppe“ Arbejdsgruppe for netdrevet „Brugernavn“ Gyldigt brugernavn til netdrevet. „Password“ Gyldigt password til netdrevet. Efter indtastningen af serverdata kan forbindelsen til denne server testes med knappen „Test“. Resultatet vises i et separat vindue.
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All manuals and user guides at Optagelse Kamearet understøtter optagelsen af videodata på et netdrev. Der kan konfigureres maks. 2 optagelsesposteringer, dog skal der først konfigureres et drev under Anvendelse / Server / Netdrev. <URL> http://<kameraet>/setup/recording.html <kameraet> er videoserverens IP-adresse eller hostnavn. „Optagelsespostering“...
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Firmware-opdatering Her kan du ligesom i opdateringen med installationsassistenten opdatere netværkskameraets firmware. Det nyeste firmware finder du under Vælg opdateringsfilen (flash.bin), og tryk på knappen OPDATERING. Opdatering er færdig efter kort tid. Efter den afsluttende genstart af kameraet kører kameraet efterfølgende med den nyeste firmware.
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All manuals and user guides at Appendiks A. Status Status LEDs Tilstand / LED Farve Grøn Rød Systemstart 1/s (kun en gang) Under Booting Netværks søgning Netværk ok Under Firmware Upgradering 0.1/s Nulstilling og gendannelse På bagsiden af netværkskameraet er der en kontakt. Med denne kontakt nulstilles systemet eller de forudindstillede fabriksindstillinger gendannes.
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All manuals and user guides at B. Hyppigt stillede spørgsmål F. Hvad skal jeg gøre, hvis jeg har glemt mit password? A. Adgangen til netværkskameraet kræver en godkendelse. Hvis du er en af de administrerende brugere, skal du henvende dig til administratoren. Hvis du er administrator, er der ingen mulighed for at genfinde root-passwordet.
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All manuals and user guides at F. Hvorfor er der ikke muligt at få adgang til netværkskameraet ved indstillingen af nogle optioner i anvendelsen? A. Når netværkskameraets startes af nogle hændelser, bruger momentoptagelserne mere tid, da disse gemmes i hukommelsen. Hvis hændelserne optræder for hyppigt, er systemet udelukkende i gang med at gemme billeder.
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All manuals and user guides at C. URL-Commands Style convention In URL syntax and in descriptions of CGI parameters, a text within angle brackets denotes a content that is to be replaced with either a value or a string. When replacing the text string also the angle brackets shall be replaced.
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All manuals and user guides at LEVEL anonymous Unprotected. 1 [view] anonymous, viewer, 1. Can view, listen, talk to camera dido, camctrl 2. Can control dido, ptz of camera 4 [operator] anonymous, viewer, Operator’s access right can modify most of camera’s dido, camctrl, operator parameters except some privilege and network options 6 [admin]...
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All manuals and user guides at \r\n <parameter pair> where <parameter pair> is <parameter>=<value>\r\n [<parameter pair>] <length> is the actual length of content. Example: request IP address and it’s response Request: Response: HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n Content-Type: text/html\r\n Context-Length: 33\r\n \r\n network.ipaddress=\r\n Set server parameter values...
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All manuals and user guides at update <boolean> set to 1 to actually update all fields (no need to use update parameter in each group) return <return page> Redirect to the page <return page> after the parameter is assigned. The <return page> can be a full URL path or relative path according the the current path.
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All manuals and user guides at integer Any number between (-2 – 1) and (2 – 1) positive integer Any number between 0 and (2 – 1) <m> ~ <n> Any number between ‘m’ and ‘n’ domain name[<n>] A string limited to contain a domain name shorter than ‘n’ characters (eg. email address [<n>] A string limited to contain a email address shorter than ‘n’...
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All manuals and user guides at <blank> timezoneindex -489 ~ 529 Indicate timezone and area -480: GMT-12:00 Eniwetok, Kwajalein -440: GMT-11:00 Midway Island, Samoa -400: GMT-10:00 Hawaii -360: GMT-09:00 Alaska -320: GMT-08:00 Las Vegas, San_Francisco, Vancouver -280: GMT-07:00 Mountain Time, Denver -281: GMT-07:00 Arizona -240: GMT-06:00 Central America,...
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All manuals and user guides at Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nairobi 121: GMT 03:00 Iraq 140: GMT 03:30 Tehran 160: GMT 04:00 Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan 180: GMT 04:30 Kabul 200: GMT 05:00 Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent 220: GMT 05:30 Calcutta, Chennai, Mumbai, New Delhi...
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All manuals and user guides at restore Restore the system parameters to default value. Restart the server <positive integer> after <value> seconds. reset Restart the server after <value> seconds. <positive integer> restoreexceptnet Restore the system parameters to default value except (ipaddress, <positive integer>...
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All manuals and user guides at Group: di_i<0~(ndi-1)> NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) normalstate high, indicate whether open circuit or closed circuit represents inactive status Group: do_i<0~(ndo-1)> NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) normalstate open, indicate whether open circuit or closed circuit represents inactive grounded status...
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All manuals and user guides at 0 => use preset ipaddress, subnet, rounter, dns1, and dns2 ipaddress <ip address> IP address of server subnet <ip address> subnet mask router <ip address> default gateway dns1 <ip address> primary DNS server dns2 <ip address>...
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All manuals and user guides at basic, digest s0_accessname string[32] RTSP access name for stream1 s1_accessname string[32] RTSP access name for stream2 Subgroup of rtsp_s<0~(n-1)>: multicast, n is stream count NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) alwaysmulticast <boolean> Enable always multicast ipaddress <ip address>...
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All manuals and user guides at deny_i<0~9>_start ~ Denied starting IP address for RTSP connection deny_i<0~9>_end ~ Denied ending IP address for RTSP connection Group: videoin NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) cmosfreq 50, 60 CMOS frequency whitebalance auto, auto, auto white balance...
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All manuals and user guides at s<0~(m-1)>_codectype mpeg4, mjpeg video codec type s<0~(m-1)>_keyinterval 1, 3, 5, 10, 30, Key frame interval 60, 90, 120 s<0~(m-1)>_resolution 176x144, Video resolution in pixel 320x240, 640x480,, s<0~(m- cbr, vbr cbr, constant bitrate 1)>_ratecontrolmode vbr, fix quality s<0~(m-1)>_quant 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
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All manuals and user guides at linein linein => use line input, i.e. internal microphone mute 0, 1 Enable audio mute gain 0~31 Gain of input boostmic 0, 1 Enable microphone boost s<0~(m-1)>_codectype aac4, gamr set audio codec type for input s<0~(m-1)>_aac4_bitrate 16000, set AAC4 bitrate in bps...
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All manuals and user guides at (get/set) enable <boolean> enable motion detection win_i<0~2>_enable <boolean> enable motion window 1~3 win_i <0~2>_name string[14] name of motion window 1~3 win_i <0~2>_left 0 ~ 320 Left coordinate of window position. win_i <0~2>_top 0 ~ 240 Top coordinate of window position.
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All manuals and user guides at Group: upnppresentation NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) enable <boolean> Enable or disable the UPNP presentation service. Group: upnpportforwarding NAME VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) enable <boolean> Enable or disable the UPNP port forwarding service. upnpnatstatus The status of UpnP port forwarding, used internally.
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All manuals and user guides at enable <boolean> Enable the privacy mask win_i<0~4>_enable <boolean> Enable the privacy mask window win_i<0~4>_name string[14] The name of privacy mask window win_i<0~4>_left 0 ~ 320/352 Left coordinate of window position. win_i<0~4>_top 0 ~ 240/288 Top coordinate of window position.
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All manuals and user guides at protocol_rtsp < boolean > indicate whether to support rtsp protocol_sip <boolean> indicate whether to support sip protocol_maxconnection <positive integer> The maximum allowed simultaneous connections protocol_rtp_multicast_ <boolean> indicate whether to support scalable multicast scalable protocol_rtp_multicast_ <boolean>...
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All manuals and user guides at audio_headphoneout <boolean> indicate whether to support headphone output audioin_codec <a list of the available codec list available codec types separaters by comma) audioout_codec <a list of the available codec list available codec types separaters by comma) camctrl_httptunnel <boolean>...
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All manuals and user guides at priority 0, 1, 2 Indicate the priority of this event. “0” indicates low priority. “1” indicates normal priority. “2” indicates high priority. delay 1~999 Delay seconds before detect next event. trigger boot, Indicate the trigger condition. “boot”...
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All manuals and user guides at endtime hh:mm End time of weekly schedule. (00:00 ~ 24:00 means always.) action_do_i<0~(ndo- 0, 1 To enable or disable trigger digital output. 1)>_enable action_do_i<0~(ndo- 1~999 The duration of digital output is triggered in 1)>_duration seconds.
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All manuals and user guides at email_senderemail string[128] The email address of sender. email_recipientemail string[128] The email address of recipient. ns_location string[128] The location to upload or store the media. ns_username string[64] The username to login in the server. ns_passwd string[64] The password of the user.
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All manuals and user guides at Group: record_i<0~1> PARAMETER VALUE SECURITY DESCRIPTION (get/set) name string[40] The identification of this entry enable 0, 1 To enable or disable this recoding. priority 0, 1, 2 Indicate the priority of this recoding. “0”...
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All manuals and user guides at http://<servername>/cgi-bin/dido/setdo.cgi?do1=<state>[&do2=<state>] [&do3=<state>][&do4=<state>][&return=<return page>] Where state is 0, 1. “0” means inactive or normal state while “1” means active or triggered state. PARAMETER VALUE DESCRIPTION do<num> 0, 1 0 – inactive, normal state 1 – active, triggered state return <return page>...
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All manuals and user guides at Request: http://myserver/cgi-bin/dido/getdi.cgi?di1 Response: HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n Content-Type: text/plain\r\n Content-Length: 7\r\n \r\n di1=1\r\n Query status of the digital output Note: This request requires the privilege of viewer. Method: GET/POST Syntax: http://<servername>/cgi-bin/dido/getdo.cgi?[do0][&do1][&do2][&do3] If no parameter is specified, all the status of digital output will be returned. Return: HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n Content-Type: text/plain\r\n...
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All manuals and user guides at do1=1\r\n Capture single snapshot Note: This request require normal user privilege Method: GET/POST Syntax: http://<servername>/cgi-bin/viewer/video.jpg?[channel=<value>][&resolution=<value>] [&quality=<value>] If the user requests the size larger than all stream setting on the server, this request will failed! PARAMETER VALUE DEFAULT DESCRIPTION...
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All manuals and user guides at PARAMETER VALUE DESCRIPTION method Add an account to server. When using this method, “username” field is necessary. It will use default value of other fields if not specified. delete Remove an account from server. When using this method, “username”...
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All manuals and user guides at Note: This request requires administrator privilege Method: POST Syntax: http://<servername>/cgi-bin/admin/upgrade.cgi Post data: fimage=<file name>[&return=<return page>]\r\n \r\n <multipart encoded form data> Server will accept the upload file named <file name> to be upgraded the firmware and return with <return page>...
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All manuals and user guides at start <ip address> The start IP address to add or to delete. <ip address> The end IP address to add or to delete. index <value> The start position to add or to delete. return <return page>...
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All manuals and user guides at D. Tekniske data Video Netzværk Kompression: MPEG-4 & MJPEG 10/100 Mbps Ethernet, RJ-45 Maks. opløsning: 640x480 Pixel Protokol (u.a.): IPv4,TCP/IP, HTTP, UPnP, Videreførelse opløsning 640x480, 320x240, RTSP/RTP/RTCP, IGMP, SMTP, FTP, DHCP, 176x144 NTP, DNS, DDNS, og PPPoE Billedrate: max.
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Licensteksten for GNU General Public Licence kan ses på den vedlagte software-CD eller på Security Center's hjemmeside på Kildekode De anvendte kildekoder kan hentes som gratis download på ABUS Securtiy Center's hjemmeside på Totalsystemets funktionsdygtighed Softwarepakkerne (kildekoderne), der tilbydes som download, gør det ikke muligt at oprette et fungerende totalsystem.
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