3. Quick operation guide
In this mode TX-145 camera can only be configured by
iOS or Android APP!
Start TX-145
→ Connect the device with the power adapter to a socket, TX-145 starts
automatically. The prompt voice will tell you when ready to start with the
configuration via App.
→ To download the App Security Premium from the Appstore or the Playstore
search for "Technaxx Security Premium" or scan the QR-code below.
[iOS 9.0 or above; Android 7.0 or above (06-2020)]
APP icon
→ Open the Security Premium App on your device.
→ Register for user mode your data will be saved and can be restored. For
testing the App you can simply press App testing.
→ After entering the App press the plus + symbol on the top right corner and
choose Add device
→ Select the type of camera for TX-145 it is WiFi camera.
→ For the WiFi configuration of the TX-145 follow the shown steps in the App.
Important: The indicator light to show the current status is find at the LAN
connection. Please answer the question in the app while configuration mode
with Yes when you are asked for a flashing indicator light.
→ After finishing the configuration the device is connected to your WiFi router
and is ready to use.
Note: For Android phone users, in order to facilitate the configuration, App will
obtain the WIFI information surrounding. So the Smartphone will ask whether
to allow the application to obtain relevant permission. Click "Allow".