BaSic inStaLLation inStructionS
3. Mount filter Head under Sink
notE: two sets of unions are included to connect to the 3/8-
inch head connections. if your existing braided tubing
has 1/2-inch connections, use the 1/2-inch x 3/8-inch
unions instead of the 3/8-inch x 3/8-inch unions. You
will have 2 extra fittings with either installation.
the following instructions are for a typical
installation using 1/2-inch supply lines.
A. Apply plumber tape to the small threads of one Union
Fitting and screw into the open end of the Elbow. Wrap tape
in direction of the threads to assure a tight fit and avoid
small leaks.
B. Apply plumber tape to the threads of the Elbow Fitting
and screw into the inlet (left) side of the Filter Head. Hand
tighten only.
C. Apply plumber tape to the small threads of the second
Union Fitting, and screw into the right side of the filter
head in the same manner.
D. Securely mount the filter head on the cabinet wall using
the enclosed mounting screws and washers.
4. connect inlet Water Supply
E. Locate and close the cold water shut-off valve under your
sink. Open cold water line of faucet to release
water pressure.
F. Unscrew and disconnect the braided tubing on top of cold
water shut-off valve.
G. Attach one end of the new braided tubing to the top of the
cold water shut-off valve.
H. Attach the other end of the new Braided Tubing to the inlet
side of the filter head (Union & Elbow Fittings).
5. attach filtered Water to cold Line of faucet
I. Attach open end of existing Braided Tubing to Union Fitting
on outlet side (right) of new Filter Head. Hand tighten to
avoid damage to fittings.
6. install and flush filter cartridge
J. Lift handle of the build-in shut off (QC Valve) on the Head.
K. Hold Head firmly with one hand.
L. Align cartridge lug with label on filter Head.
M. Insert filter Cartridge—Push upwards.
N. Turn it to the right—About 1⁄4 turn—Until rotation stops.
O. Open cold water valve and check for leaks up to Inlet
Elbow Fitting.
P. Open Water Faucet (not pictured).
Q. Lower the QC Valve Handle to flush water to the sink.
notE: flush new filter cartridges for at least 3 minutes to
remove air and any loose carbon. at first the water
may appear cloudy due to trapped air in the filter and
tubing. if water continues to be cloudy for more that
one week, please contact pentair technical Support
for assistance: (800) 279-9404
R. Activate Filter Timer by pinching bubble until you feel
a change in resistance as the Filter timer "pops."
Within a few seconds, a thin RED line will appear in
the white window showing the Timestrip(R) has been
activated. Peel away backing and adhere to desired
location. When the white window is completely filled
with RED, it is time to replace your product.
SPA-400 Water Filtration System
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