Th e DC 3800 TR Auto is a machine with large suction
capacity and robust construction while still being com-
pact and easy to maneuver.
It is ideal for spot extraction on most types of hand-held
tools and for industrial cleaning (38 mm and
50 mm system).
Th e extraction system functions with negative pressure
(vacuum) that draws the air through suction casings/
nozzles, hose system, separator and fi lter system. Coarse
separation of dust occurs in the units cyclone which is a
highly effi cient separator for larger particulate. Th e fi ne
dust is separated and contained by the units fi lter system.
Separated material is collected for disposal in the plastic
sack or container at the base of the cyclone.
Th e vacuum is generated in an ejector which
maintenance free vacuum producer
low weight
no electrical connection required in hazardous
extremely reliable
Th e fi lter is cleaned with reverse pulse giving the fi lter
extra long life and retaining maximum capacity.
Th e machine must be connected to two separate com-
pressed-air hoses. Connect a compressed air machine to
outlet 1/4".
Connect the machine to compressed air. Th e pressure and
quantity of the air system has to be enough to run the
machine. Please see Technical Data. Connect a compres-
sed air machine to outlet 1/4".
Th e fi lter should be cleaned 1-2 times per day with conti-
nuous running.
Reverse pulse fi lter cleaning:
Start the machine by starting the compressed air
Disconnect the hose from the suction casing.
Put the free end of the suction hose over the left
handle. Push it towards the stop plate.
Open the fi lter cleaning port with a quick motion.
Repeat three to six times.
Reconnect the hose to the suction casing.
Th e plastic sack or container should only be changed after
the fi lter has been cleaned. It should be changed when the
dust level is about 5 cm under the foot valve and sealed
after removal from the machine.
Use only original plastic sacks.
Note! Low main pressure and damages in the compres-
sed-air line will result in poor performance.
DC 3800 TR Auto - 9
Part No 94118