2. Package the product in its original packaging.
If the original packaging is no longer available: Get in touch with our contact
address for a shipping packaging. See back cover.
3. If the product cannot be returned immediately: Observe the storage condi-
tions. See
g 4. Transport and
4. Return the product.
5 Product description
5.1 Brief description
Filters for railway applications are components of pneumatic systems.
• Particulate filter: Solid impurities and condensate are roughly removed from
the compressed air by centrifugal force and filtration.
• Coalescing filter: Suitable for very high standards in compressed air, e.g. re-
moval of oil and sub-micron particles.
5.2 Identification
Name plate
On the name plate, you will find the following information:
Fig. 1: Name plate
1 Circuit symbol
3 Medium and ambient temperature in
5 Maximum pressure (2)
7 Material number
Product identification
The ordered product is clearly identified by the material number.
Check the material number to determine whether the delivered product matches
the number on your order confirmation or delivery note.
The material number can be found in these locations:
• On the name plate.
6 Assembly and installation
Before you start with the installation: Familiarize yourself with the basic specifica-
tions for assembly as early as possible in advance. See
g 6.3 Preparation.
6.1 Notes on safety
To eliminate risks during assembly, observe the notes on safety. See g 2. Safety.
6.2 Planning
In the following, you will read which basic requirements must be met so that you
can successfully and safely assemble the product.
Do not carry out the preparation and installation steps until you have successfully
completed the planning.
6.2.1 Basic requirements
The following specifications apply to the assembly of all products.
Installation-specific requirements
• Observe the set-up regulations in the country of use.
• Assembly only by qualified personnel. See
AVENTICS™ 645, 646, 647 | 555858-001 | English
2 Date of manufacture (MM-DD-YY)
4 Medium and ambient temperature in
6 Maximum pressure (1)
8 Manufacturer logo
g 6.2 Planning
g 2.5 Personnel
Ambient conditions
• Only use the product in non-aggressive industrial atmospheres (explosion
DANGER! Do not use the product in explosive areas. Only then can explosion
protection be guaranteed.
• Let the product acclimatize for a few hours before installation. Otherwise wa-
ter may condense in the housing.
• The product must not be operated in aggressive ambient air or come into
contact with aggressive media. If aggressive substances are contained in the
ambient air: Use a metal containers.
• No soiling may be allowed to collect on or in the filters, bowls or windows. Re-
place bowls if soiling cannot be removed from the drain. The drain may other-
wise become clogged.
6.2.2 Installation conditions
General requirements
• Make sure that the product is installed in a manner that protects it from all
types of mechanical loads.
• Install the product in an area protected from UV radiation.
Product-specific requirements
• Mounting orientation. See
6.2.3 Required accessories, materials and tools
Mounting material
If you use AVENTICS mounting material, see the online catalog for the relevant
data. Important information for assembly:
• Dimensions
• Tightening torques: Observe the values in the online catalog.
If no information is given on tightening torques or you use your own mounting
material, the generally recognized rules of technology apply to assembly.
Accessory parts
Depending on the chosen configuration and the application, additional compo-
nents are required to integrate the product into the system and the system's con-
• Approved accessories. See g 14. Accessories.
6.3 Preparation
6.3.1 Notes
• Do not carry out any work on the system during preparation (accident preven-
• Insulate the wires against each other accordingly (material protection).
6.3.2 Unpacking and checking the product
NOTICE! Do not remove sealing plugs on pneumatic connections immedi-
ately, but only when performing the assembly. This prevents contamination
and possible malfunction (material protection).
1. Check the material number to see if the product matches your order.
2. Check the product for transport and storage damage.
Do not install a damaged product. Return damaged products together with
the delivery documents. See back cover.
3. Prepare required accessories, materials and tools.
6.3.3 Implementing safety measures
All work has to be prepared as follows:
1. Close off dangerous areas (accident prevention).
2. Make sure the system or system part is not under pressure or voltage (acci-
dent prevention, material protection).
3. Protect the system against being restarted (accident prevention).
4. Allow the product and adjacent system parts to cool down (accident preven-
5. Wear protective clothing (accident prevention).
g 13. Technical