J. WArrAnty & return InFormAtIon
sPrInt reusABLe neBuLIZer LImIteD WArrAnty
paRi reusable nebulizers include a 6 month limited warranty for home care use. if you have any problems and need to
return your paRi reusable nebulizer, contact paRi patient connection at 1.800.Fast.Neb (327.8632).
please be sure to clean and disinfect your paRi reusable nebulizer and place it in a plastic bag before returning.
PArI trek
s comPAct comPressor system LImIteD WArrAnty
paRi offers a standard three (3) year warranty on the paRi tReK
warranty period will be printed on the serial number label located on the bottom of the compressor. paRi warrants that
the paRi tReK
s compressor and its parts will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of thirty-
six (36) months from the date of first retail purchase of the compressor and six (6) months on the paRi Reusable Nebulizer
and li-ion Rechargeable battery. this warranty does not cover failures of the tubing or accessories. this warranty does not
extend to failures resulting from accident, misuse, abuse, alteration, use of unauthorized service; parts or cleaning solutions,
or failure to comply with instructions For use. if the warranted equipment should fail during the warranty period, paRi will
replace the equipment or parts at issue, provided the claim is bona fide. it shall be the responsibility of the purchaser to
pack and return the equipment in a manner to avoid shipping damage. the shipment must be prepaid to paRi Respiratory
equipment, inc. this warranty covers the cost of replacement of the warranted items only. to make a claim under this
warranty, contact paRi patient connection at: 1.800.Fast.Neb (327.8632), press 2.
theRe aRe No otheR eXpRess waRRaNties. all iMplied waRRaNties oN the paRi tReK
aNd its paRts, iNcludiNg iMplied waRRaNties oF MeRchaNtabilitY aNd FitNess FoR a paRticulaR
puRpose, aRe liMited to thiRtY-siX (36) MoNths FRoM the date oF FiRst Retail puRchase. all
eXpRess oR iMplied waRRaNties oN aNY otheR paRts, iNcludiNg the iMplied waRRaNties oF
MeRchaNtabilitY aNd FitNess FoR a paRticulaR puRpose, aRe disclaiMed. some states do not allow
limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply you. the sole and exclusive
remedy under this warranty is to replace the paRi tReK
paRi be liable FoR iNcideNtal oR coNseQueNtial daMages to the puRchaseR oR aNY thiRd
paRtY, iNcludiNg without liMitatioN, daMages aRisiNg FRoM lost pRoFits, loss oF busiNess
oppoRtuNitY, loss oF pRopeRtY, ecoNoMic losses, oR statutoRY oR eXeMplaRY daMages,
whetheR iN NegligeNce, waRRaNtY, stRict liabilitY oR otheRwise. some states do not allow the
exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.
this warranty gives you specific rights. You may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
return ProceDure
1. contact paRi patient connection at 1.800.Fast.Neb (327.8632), press 2 for an authorized service center.
2. in writing, describe the malfunction or symptoms of the
telephone number.
3. send written description and paRi trek
address provided by patient connection.
online at pari.com/register
call 1.800.Fast.Neb (327.8632)
Fill out the pre-addressed, postage paid registration card and drop it in any usps Mailbox.
paRi trek
Failure to register your
if you have any problems and need to return your
Manufactured for:
PARI Respiratory Equipment, Inc.
2943 Oak Lake Blvd., Midlothian, VA 23112 USA
Tel: 800.FAST.NEB (327.8632) and 804.253.7274
Fax: 800.727.4112
Online at: www.PARI.com
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
s compressor and/or its parts by paRi. iN No eveNt shall
paRi trek
s (please clean as described in section 4) in a protective box to the
s does not affect your standard product limited warranty.
paRi trek
s , contact paRi patient connection at 1.800.Fast.Neb
Questions? 1.800.FAst.neB (327.8632) | PArI.com/treks
s compressor and six (6) months on accessories. the
s . include your full name, address and daytime
s coMpRessoR
© 2010 PARI Respiratory Equipment, Inc.
047D0033 Rev A 07/10