Butler 5020
Adding a number to the Phonebook
- Press the PHONEBOOK button
- Press OPT. KEY (This step can be skipped if phonebook is empty)
- Select NEW by using the UP and DOWN keys and press OK key
- Enter the desired telephone number. Wrong entered numbers can be erased by pushing the C
Remark: Between the entered numbers, a pause can be added by pushing 3 seconds on '#'.
- Press OK to confirm
- Enter the name via the alphanumerical keypad and press OK to confirm.
- Press ESC to leave the phonebook.
Searching a stored name in the Phonebook
- Press the PHONEBOOK button
- Press Opt.
- Select SEARCHING via the UP or DOWN key.
- Press OK to confirm.
- Enter the first characters of the name.
- Press OK to confirm
- The first name starting with the first characters will appear.
- If this is not the wanted, use the UP or DOWN key to select the correct number.
- Press the LINE button to dial the number or press ESC to leave the phonebook.
Saving a number from the Call List in the Phonebook
- Enter the Call List by pressing the DOWN button.
- Press OPT.
- Select COPY via the UP or DOWN key.
- Modify if necessary the telephone number. Wrong entered numbers can be erased by pushing the
C button.
- Press OK to confirm
- Enter the name via the alphanumerical keypad and press OK to confirm.
- You will re-enter the Phonebook.
- Press ESC to leave the phonebook.
Changing a number and name from the Phonebook
- Press the PHONEBOOK button
- Select the desired number in your Phonebook.
- Press OPT.
- Select EDIT via the UP and DOWN keys.
- Edit the telephone number. Wrong entered numbers can be erased by pushing the C button.
- Press OK to confirm
- Edit the name via the alphanumerical keypad and press OK to confirm.
- You will re-enter the Phonebook.
- Press ESC to leave the phonebook.
Erasing one number and name from the Phonebook
- Press the PHONEBOOK button
- Select the desired number in your Phonebook.
- Press OPT.
- Select DELETE by using the UP and DOWN keys.
when the unit is in standby mode.
when the unit is in standby mode.
when the unit is in standby mode.
when the unit is in standby mode.