Instructor PC
The Instructor PC uses LLEAP software to manage simulation
sessions. LLEAP, as well as other useful simulation related applications,
is accessible from Laerdal Simulation Home.
Software License
The Instructor PC is shipped from Laerdal Medical with a pre-
activated license for LLEAP installed.
Changes or updates of the computer hardware (e.g. new hard drive
or mother board) may render the license invalid. Please contact your
local Laerdal support for assistance for re-activating the license.
Laerdal Simulation Home
Laerdal Simulation Home is an application from where LLEAP and
other Laerdal programs related to patient simulation can be found
and started. The help files can also be opened from here. Laerdal
Simulation Home is located in the Laerdal Medical folder under the
Windows start menu (Windows 7).
Software used in a simulation session can be divided in the following
main applications:
LLEAP (Laerdal Learning Application)
Voice Conference Application
Patient Monitor
SimView Server or Session Viewer
In addition SimDesigner and other applications are used for designing
or preparing a simulation.
The Leardal Learning Application (LLEAP) is the instructor's
application from where the simulation session is run, controlled, and
monitored. LLEAP can be operated in Automatic or Manual mode.
Automatic mode is used for pre-programmed scenarios while Manual
mode allows the instructor full manual control over the simulation
session. Running simulations in Manual Mode generally requires some
medical expertise to create clinically sound simulations.
Voice Conference Application (VCA)
The VCA software is needed to transmit all vocal sounds used during
simulation. It allows the instructor to communicate through the
simulator during the session. VCA can also be used to communicate
with other instructors on a network, and create separate channels
that only members can talk and listen to.
Patient Monitor
The Patient Monitor application emulates a typical hospital patient
monitor. It is the learner's console and can be set up and controlled
by the instructor, as well as by the learner, through on-screen touch
Simulation Software
Session Viewer and SimView Server
Session Viewer and SimView Server are applications that record video
and patient monitor screen captures during simulation, in addition to
providing an interface to debrief your session. After a session is ended,
log files generated in LLEAP are transferred and merged with the
video files in Session Viewer or SimView Server for the debrief.
Session Viewer typically runs locally on the same computer used
for LLEAP, SimView Server runs on a dedicated server in the local
network. During the first start-up of LLEAP you are prompted to
select a debriefing system available on your computer or local network.
This can be changed later.
Other Applications
There are also other programs that are used in conjunction with the
simulation sessions, for example License Manager for handling program
licenses and Simulator Firmware & Network Fixer for updating the
firmware of the simulators or troubleshooting network problems.
SimDesigner is an application for configuring your own pre-
programmed scenarios. It can also be used to analyze and print out a
graphical representation of a scenario.
SimDesigner must be installed to allow conversion of legacy instructor
application files to LLEAP compatible file formats.
Help Files
For more information on the LLEAP software and other applications,
see the Help files:
1. Click Windows <Start> <All programs>.
2. Select <Laerdal Simulation Home>.
3. Select <Help>.
Web Downloads
Visit to download the latest User Guide
and Software.