3 Channels
Channel Function
Spot XY speed
When the value of CH2 is between 000–127, CH1 is in Auto mode. When the value of CH2 is
between 128–255, CH1 is in Sound mode.
000 005 Blackout
006 014 Mix 1
015 023 Mix 2
024 032 Mix 3
033 041 Mix 4
042 050 Pars + Derby Lights + Laser + Strobes
051 059 Pars + Derby Lights + Laser + Spots
060 068 Pars + Derby Lights + Strobes + Spots
069 077 Pars + Laser + Strobes + Spots
078 086 Derby Lights + Laser + Strobes + Spots
087 095 Pars + Derby Lights + Laser
096 104 Pars + Derby Lights + Strobes
105 113 Pars + Derby Lights + Spots
114 122 Pars + Laser + Strobes
123 131 Pars + Laser + Spots
132 139 Pars + Strobes + Spots
140 147 Pars and Derby Lights
148 155 Pars and Laser
156 163 Pars and Strobes
164 171 Pars and Spots
172 179 Derby Lights and Laser
180 187 Derby Lights and Strobes
189 195 Derby Lights and Spots
196 203 Laser and Strobes
204 211 Laser and Spots
212 219 Strobes and Spots
220 227 Pars on only
228 235 Derby Lights on only
236 243 Laser on only
244 251 Strobes on only
252 255 Spots on only
000 127 Speed, slow to fast (sets auto program in CH1)
128 255 Sound sensitivity (sets sound program in CH1)
000 255 Spots XY speed, slow to fast
GigBAR MOVE + ILS User Manual Rev. 7