Brillant LED display
The units are Profibus-DP slaves according to EN 50 170.
The address is set with rotary switches (00...99).
The baud rate is recognized automatically. It can be up to 12 MBaud.
The GSD file " SIEB0986.GSD " on disc is included in the delivery.
In the event of a bus error, minus signs appear in the display.
Menu display
The menu display represents a menu for unit parameterization (see 'Parameteri-
zation'). During normal operation ON~ne appears in the menu display as soon as
data arrive at the serial interface.
In Profibus-systems bus errors can cause damage to personal or material
property. Please bear in mind, that activating the menu while operating
Profibus units may cause a bus error.
Status indicators
The status indicators (LEDs) on the back of the unit have the following function:
The Profibus interface is supplied with power.
The unit is parameterized on the bus and recognized as participant.
Short flashing: The information to be displayed is being updated.
BAL SX202 PFB M 1.0