The relevance of ventilation
Properly ventilating your home has
gained more and more importance
over the last decades. As buildings
become increasingly energy efficient
and airtight, humidity and pollutants
such as CO
and VOCs are trapped
inside the building.
The solution to this is simple: extract
ing the used or polluted air in a con
trolled way. This is the only way to
ensure a healthy indoor climate.
That is why it is crucial to ventilate
regularly and correctly. A ventilation
system includes:
• Supply of fresh air: with our own
window vents*
• Transfer of air: with door louvres or
door gaps
• Extraction of used, polluted air:
with, of course, one or several
* For more information on our window vents, go to our website and request a brochure.
Demand controlled
At Renson
step further than the conventional
ventilation systems. With demand
controlled ventilation, your home will
be optimally ventilated depending on
your own lifestyle.
For 24 hours a day, Waves will mon
itor the air quality for CO
and/or VOCs. The ventilation level
is adjusted automatically according
to the air quality measured by sen
sors in your device. As long as the air
quality is good, the ventilation level is
not increased. This enhances com
fort and saves energy.
, we decided to go a
, humidity
Why monitor CO
(or air
Most commonly produced by the air
we exhale, CO
is harmless in small
amounts. However, it can affect your
health as levels rise above the safe
threshold. Moreover, CO
liable indicator of the quality of the air.
Why monitor VOCs
(or odours)?
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
are chemicals which easily evaporate
at average indoor temperatures and
continue to do so for a long time.
VOCs include liquids such as paint,
nail polish remover, fuel, cleaning
products etc. but also solid materials
such as new vinyl flooring or carpet.
Shortterm exposure can cause diz
ziness, drowsiness, headache, nau
sea etc.
is a very re