Cet autocuiseur est en acier inoxydable 18/10. Les autres accessoires sont fabriqu‰s dans
des mat‰riels de haute qualit‰ pour garantir le correct fonctionnement et la durabilit‰ de
Cet autocuiseur est destin‰ entre autres " la pr‰paration de soupes, de l‰gumes, de viandes
et de pot-au-feu. Les pr‰parations avec du riz, de la confiture et des l‰gumes se font en
quelques minutes. L'autocuiseur peut •tre utilis‰ dans tous les types de sourcesde chaleur.
Cet autocuiseur est pourvu de quatre diff‰rents dispositifs de s‰curit‰:
Une soupape de r‰glage de pression avec trois degr‰ de cuisson (Luna 24cm) et
avec deux degr‰ de cuisson (Luna Hotel Ÿ32cm) pour ‰viter une surpression dans
le r‰cipient;
Une soupape de s‰curit‰ pour ‰viter une surpression dans le r‰cipient dans le cas
de mauvais fonctionnement de la soupape de pression.
Un syst¡me de verrouillage qui emp•che que l'autocuiseur atteigne de la pression,
en cas delle ne soit pas bien ferm‰.
Syst¡me qui emp•che l'ouverture de l'autocuiseur avec pression " l'int‰rieur.
Quand la pression de r‰glage est atteinte la source de chaleurt peut •tre r‰duite pour le
minimum, en permettant ainsi ‰pargner de l'energie. Le processus par impact de soudure
permet de r‰duire au maximum les pertes ‰nerg‰tiques.
ARTAME - The bright side of life
5.5 The pressure cooker cannot be opened
All the pressure has not been released from the pressure cooker, turn pressure
selector to (0) position and wait till pressure raise down totally. Before try to open the
cooker, please make sure that the red pin is down releasing lock system.
The opening system was strongly forced with pressure inside the pressure cooker
the "semi-pinh‡o" is brooked (works like a safety fuse). In that case please contact
customer service of the store.
The reason for this issue is usually that the valves have not been cleaned. The valve
red pin therefore blocks the lid locking mechanism because it is stuck in the valve
holder owning to dirt. Make sure that all the steam was released, remove the plastic
cover and with reverse side of the "blue key"push down the valve pin into the valve
unit. Please proceed with safety valve cleaning as chapter 4.3.
5.6 Stains hard to remove
There are various causes for stains. Burnt food that is stuck to the pot should be soaked in
water and dishwashing machine liquid and then removed with non-metal scouring pad.
Extensive brown, blue, yellowish or greenish discolorations are a normal phenomenon that
occurs when stainless steel is heated to high temperature. Such discolorations are not a
defect and disappear of their own accord when pressure cooker is used normally. They can
also be removed with acetic acid (concentrated vinegar) or lemon juice. Depending on the
intensity of the discoloration, the cleaning process with vinegar or lemon juice should be
This manual does not provide detailed recipes for cooking with your pressure cooker. Cook
your dishes and meals according to your recipes. The table of cooking times is not
complete in respect of the products and ingredients listed. In order to judge the actual
cooking tome of your dishes, you can use the indicated cooking times of ingredients similar
to the ones you use in your dishes. You will quickly learn to judge for how long foods need
to be cooked with your pressure cooker. We wish you lots of fun and enjoyment with your
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