Downward vision system is only used for positioning.
8. Do not use other ultrasonic devices with frequency of 40 KHz or
more/less when Vision System is in operation. Keep the sensors
clean and at all times. DO NOT temper with the sensors.
9. The Vision System and Infrared Sensing System are not able to
brake and stop the aircraft at a safe distance from an obstacle if
the aircraft speed exceeds 14m/s (31.3 mph).
Compliance with Regulations & GEO Zones
To avoid, serious injury and property damage, observe the following rules:
1. DO NOT operate in the vicinity of manned aircraft, regardless of
altitude. (Land immediately if necessary)
2. DO NOT fly the aircraft in densely populated areas, including cities,
sporting events, exhibitions, performances, etc.
3. DO NOT fly the aircraft above the authorized altitude. Remain well
clear of and DO NOT interfere with manned aircraft operations. Be
aware of and avoid other aircraft and obstacles at all times.
To avoid, serious injury and property damage, observe the following rules:
1. DO NOT fly the aircraft near or inside GEO Zones specified by
local laws and regulations. The GEO Zone list includes: airports,
borders between two sovereign countries or regions, major cities/
regions, etc., and is continuously updated.
2. DO NOT fly the aircraft above the authorized altitude.
3. ALWAYS keep your aircraft within visual line of sight (VLOS), and
use an observer to assist if needed.
4. NEVER use the aircraft to carry illegal or dangerous goods/payloads.
1. Make sure you understand the nature/type of your flight operation
(such as for recreation, for public use, or for commercial use) and
have obtained corresponding approval and clearance from the
related government agencies before flight. Consult with your local
regulators for comprehensive definitions and specific requirements.
For users operating their aircraft in the United States, please first
visit and take action appropriate
to your circumstances.
2. Please note that remote-controlled aircraft may be banned from
conducting commercial activities in certain countries and regions.
Check and follow all applicable laws and ordinances before flying
as those rules may differ from those stated here.
3. DO NOT fly around sensitive infrastructure or property such as
power stations, water treatment facilities, correctional facilities,
heavily traveled roadways, government facilities, military zones, etc.
4. Respect the privacy of others when using the camera. DO NOT
conduct surveillance operations such as image capture or video
recording on any person, entity, event, performance, exhibition,
and property without authorization or where there is an expectation
of privacy, even if the image or video is captured for personal use.
5. Please be advised that in certain areas, the recording of
images and videos from events, performances, exhibitions, or
commercial properties by means of a camera may contravene
copyright or other legal rights, even if the image or video was
shot for personal use.
Flight Restrictions
DJI takes flight safety seriously, and has therefore developed various
aids to help users comply with local rules and regulations while flying.
We strongly recommend that you update the firmware to the latest
version to ensure the following features are fully updated:
GEO Zones
1. All GEO Zones are listed on the DJI official website at http://www. GEO Zones are divided into different categories
and include but are not limited to locations such as airports, flying
fields where manned aircraft operate at low altitudes, borders
between countries, sensitive locations such as power plants, and
areas where major events are being held.
2. Flight restrictions vary by zone. Depending on the restrictions in a
particular zone, warnings may appear in the DJI Pilot app, takeoff
may be forbidden, the flight altitude may be limited, or the aircraft
may take action automatically such as landing automatically.
3. Functions related to flying actions will be affected to some extent
when the aircraft is near or inside a GEO Zone. These effects
include but are not limited to: the aircraft may slow down, it may not
be possible to create a flight task, and a flight task in progress may
be interrupted.
4. Operating with the GEO Zones restrictions does not guarantee your
compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and temporary
flight restrictions. Consult with your lawyer or local authorities to
ensure your compliance.
Altitude Limit
1. Fly NO higher than 120 meters (400 feet) above ground level and
stay away from any surrounding obstacles. Legal maximum flight
altitude may be lower according to your local laws and regulations.
Please strictly follow all applicable laws.
2. If you intend to fly above the default altitude limit, you are required
to accept the prompted disclaimer to enable the new altitude limit.