(max. 3 digits).
• Press the Set button.
To erase settings
• Press the Set button, followed by "1".
• Enter the 4 digit base code and press "8 0".
• Press the Set button.
All settings programmed to obtain the main access line on a
PABX telephone exchange, are erased.
4.4 To set pause time
You can set two pauses : 3 or 6 seconds.
• Press the Set button, followed by "1".
• Enter the 4 digit base code and press "8 3".
• Press "1" for a short pause (3 sec.) after main line seizure.
• Press "2" for a long pause (6 sec.) after main line seizure.
• Press the Set button.
4.5 Changing the 4 digit base code
The 4 digit base code, consisting of the 4 last digits of the code
at the bottom of the unit and in the battery compartment of the
handset, can be changed. Make sure you never lose this code.
• Press the Set button, followed by "1".
• Enter the old access code and press "1".
• Enter the new access code twice.
• Press the Set button.
4.6 Reset the phone
When you execute this function, all personal settings will be
erased. All factory settings will be activated again. Even the
base code is reset to '0000' and all handsets are unsubscribed.
• Press the Set button, followed by "1".
• Enter the 4 digit base code and press "0 2 5 0".
• Press the Set button again.
4.7 Multilink, Multibase - Using multiple handsets or
base stations
Up to 5 handsets can be subscribed to the base station. One
handset can be used with 4 diff e rent base stations. The factory -
d e l i v e red handset is already subschribed to the base station.
4.7.1 Subscribe the handset to a base station
(automatic selection)
• Enter the Set button, followed by "8".
• Press the Redial button
• Enter the 4 digit base code of the base station.
• Press the Redial button
• Enter the number you want to subscribe to the base.
• Press the Set button again to confirm.
The number of the base appears in the middle of the display
and the number of the handset on the right side of the display.
Remark :
When you want to subscribe a handset to a base station and
t h e re are several base stations with the same base code in the
vicinity of the handset, the handset will automatically select one
of them. The user doesn't know which base station the handset
has chosen. In this case, it is better to follow pro c e d u re "4.7.2
Subscribe the handset manually to the base station".