Instruction manual
Laboratory Mill CD1
remaining 1/3 after 30 minutes). The floury wheats having a
moisture content between 15 and 16 % do not require any
The addition of water should last from 40 to 60 seconds, the water
should drip from the pipette, and the flask should be continuously
shaken from top to bottom by the operator left hand. The mixing
which occur just after the addition of water can be performed in two
different ways:
- either manually - 1st mixing of 2 to 3 minutes followed by three
mixing of 1 minute divided in the first period of 30 minutes.
- or mechanically - 30 minutes (check that the efficiency of the
mechanical mixer).
The resting period will take place at laboratory temperature (20 to
22°C), the flasks being laid down.
Any device that could perform a quick distribution of the water in the
grain is recommended.
The quality of the distribution is an essential factor for the
conditioning, the amount of water absorbed in excess in some
grains will reduce the amount of water available for the remaining
The resting time is set to 90 minutes (between the beginning of the
addition of water and the beginning of the milling stage).
Refer to the Laboratory Mill CD1 CHOPIN instructions.
The extraction ratio must be between 60 and 70%.
As an indication, the ashes ratio should not be greater than 0,55.
Particular care should be taken when mixing the break and
reduction flours. A mechanical mixer dedicated to this operation
may ensure an homogeneous mixing.
Determining the water content of the flour will be performed using
the Air Oven EM10 Chopin or any other apparatus given results
with a deviation of less than ± 0.2 % than those obtained with the
NF V 03-707 method.
Start the test as soon as the moisture content of the flour is known,
following the experimental norm V 03-710.