2. S001 (song folder)
This folder is created for each new song recorded by the unit. Song fold‐
ers are numbered sequentially starting with S001. Three digits following
the letter "S" indicate the song number. Therefore, if you rename the
folder on a computer, do not modify the first four digits. Append a
desired name after the four digits. If you back up a song to a computer, be
sure to copy the entire song folder.
When you load the song folder from a computer to the recorder, make
sure that the song folder name has a unique number.
3. S001.SOS (song management file)
This file stores the time management data for material files, 2‐mix files,
and setting data for the built‐in rhythm machine and effects. Only one file
with the .SOS extension can be included in a song folder.
4. S001.UNL (undo list file)
This is a management file for the Undo function. It contains management
data to carry out the Undo and Redo operations.
5. MATERIAL (material folder)
This folder stores material files recorded during overdubbing.
6. M000001_.WAV (material file)
This file stores the first recording, and material files (input sound)
recorded prior to the 2‐mix stage.
7. 2MIX (2‐mix folder)
This folder stores 2‐mix files (playback sound + input sound) recorded
during overdubbing.
The first recording will not be used to create a 2‐mix file.
8. M000002_.WAV (2‐mix file)
This file stores 2‐mix data recorded during overdubbing.
9. FINALIZE (finalize folder)
This folder stores the finalized material and mix files.
This folder will not be created before the finalize operation is exe‐
10. M000001F.WAV (finalized material file)
This file contains "zero" data that fills a gap from the top of the file to the
playback start point. Therefore, the timeline of these files on the DAW
tracks will be aligned each other perfectly.
11. X000001F.WAV (finalized mix file)
This file features 44.1 kHz/16‐bit. You can copy this file directly to a com‐
puter and easily create an audio CD.