Parameter configuration SCE-020-03 with frequency signal and
impulses / rotation
Set the decimal place (.... = 0000) according to Section
Setting the K-factor (FACt = 6000)
M3 is selected with the + / - keys and the parameter
selection is activated with SET . Then enter the K-factor
with the + / - keys and confirm with SET . The setting is
ended with SET .
Setting iPr
Select M4 with the + / - keys and activate the parameter
selection with SET . Then enter iPr according to the table
with the + / - keys and confirm with SET . The setting is
ended with SET .
Saving the configuration
The parameter configuration is ended as soon as the iPr
value is confirmed with SET . This configuration is saved
with End . A further confirmation with End saves the
parameter configuration. The instrument switches
automatically into the operating mode Measuring and
Display .
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