Setting the rowing resistance
You may alter the rowing resistance by changing the fixation position of the bracket (26). Try to adjust
different settings. The higher you adjust the resistance the more difficult it gets to do the rowing mo-
ATTENTION: As a beginner you should always start any exercise with an easy resistance!
Before you start
How you start your exercise, depends on your sporting experience and constitution. If you have been
without exercise for many years or if you are overweight, only increase the exercise time slowly on this
In the beginning, exercise for a few minutes only on a regularly base. Your fitness will improve within
the following six to eight weeks - don't be depressed if it takes longer than this. Only exercise on the
level which is suitable for you.
The more you improve your fitness grade, the more intensive exercise sessions you will have to com-
plete. Please pay attention to the following:
• Start your workout programme slowly and keep realistic targets.
• Always check your heart frequency, e.g. by feeling your pulse on the left wrist or by using a suitable
heartbeat monitor. Calculate your target heart frequency depending on your age and your stamina.
We recommend a 5-minute warm-up programme before starting your exercise. This warms up your
muscles and prepares your joints and tendons for the coming exercise.
We recommend: hops, quick walking with swinging your arms, running on the spot or describe circles
with your arms and hips.
Exercise intensity and frequency
The first dictate of reason is to work on your stamina, beeing healthy and feel well.
Even if you suffer from a light tonsillitis or a cold (maybe with ingestion of antibiotics) you should not
try to exercise with your rower. The blood could transport pathogens to your heart which could result
in serious illness.
The stamina training is divided into beginners and advanced programmes.
It is a good idea to exercise 2 to 3 times a week with each 1 or 2 days rest in between. To rest is very
Please check page 26 for the ideal heart rates to start your exercise.
After you have finished your rowing exercise, execute a light stretching programme. Stretching means
to help recover your muscles and keep them flexible.