when cycling that you don't have to be riding fast to injure yourself! Head injuries cannot be
completely ruled out even at walking pace, even if the cyclist is wearing a helmet. A helmet
can only ever protect the areas it covers! For the helmet to offer you the best protection, it must
• Fit properly,
• Be put on correctly,
• Be done up correctly!
Warning! This helmet should not be used by children while climbing or for other activities if
there is a risk of strangulation/hanging should the child get entangled with the helmet.
Please note! The Smart Helmets are not a toy and may only be used by children under the
supervision of adults.
• With the belt system open, put the helmet on so that the adjustment wheel is in the neck area (at
the back).
• Move the helmet into a horizontal position [Fig. 1].
• Turn the adjustment wheel until the forehead is pressed slightly against the forehead pads.
Your helmet is equipped with a strap system that reliably holds the helmet in the correct
position once correctly adjusted.
• First of all, place the two strap dividers in the correct position directly under the ear with the strap
buckle open.
• To do this, open the strap divider clip [Fig. 2] and slide it into the correct position on the straps.
• Lock the belt divider.
• The straps on the right side [Fig. 3] must be taut below the strap divider and parallel to the buckle
[Fig. 3b]. To do this, pull the end of the strap through the buckle tightly, if it is too long.
• Now adjust the strap's chin length.
• To do this, close the buckle [Fig. 4].
• Pull the two loose ends of the right strap through the buckle until the strap fits comfortably against
the chin [Fig. 3c]. When opening the mouth, the strap should feel tighter.
• Pass the two loose ends of the straps through the O-ring [Fig. 3d].
• Tighten the straps again if the helmet can be easily moved forwards or backwards. Only a perfectly
adjusted strap system will keep the helmet in the right position in the event of a fall.