The motor is able to detect the presence of an obstacle during the descent phase if the offset adapter is installed. The offset adapter must be installed in such a
way that the springs are compressed by the weight of the drop awning (an arrow indicating the direction to compress the springs is stamped on the adapter).
Detection of the obstacle during the descent phase is subject to some limitations. The obstacle must stop the drop awning almost instantaneously; an obstacle
that deforms under the pressure of the drop awning may not be detected. The motor may not be able to detect the presence of obstacles resting on the sill with a
height of less than about 10 centimeters; moreover, to prevent incorrect detection of the obstacle, this function is inactive near the upper limit switch. In general,
obstacles may not be detected in situations where the weight applied to the offset adapter is not sufficient to adequately load the spring of the adapter. The
detection function of the obstacle in descent must not therefore be intended as an absolute safety to protect the drop awning during its descent phase, but must
be considered an instrument to limit the probability that the presence of an obstacle can cause damage to the drop awning or to other things or people in the
range of action affected by the movement.
04.1 Warnings
This motor has been designed to work with a stable power source
electrical circuits for lighting
Always connect the motor to the grounding system (yellow/green)
fitted with a device with a voltage category III, i.e. the distance between the contacts must be of 3,5 mm at least
use buttons with maintained position
must be proportionate to their length and to the absorption of the load, and in any case not less than 1,5 mm
04.2 Power supply
The supply voltage must be applied to the brown (PHASE) and azule (NEUTRAL) wires. Connect the green / yellow wire to the grounding system.
The electrical specifications for motor operation are shown in the label applied to the tube of the motor.
04.3 Command buttons (optional)
The command buttons must be connected to the black and gray wires and they must close on brown wire.
buttons with maintained position. More command buttons can be connected via a parallel connection. The command buttons are subject to the mains voltage and therefore should be
properly insulated and protected. In the case where the command buttons are not used, it is necessary to ensure the isolation of black and gray wires. The buttons can be operated in
PULSE or HOLD TO RUN mode (see paragraph 15).
Interfacing with Home Automation Control Unit
The control outputs of the Home Automation Control Unit (following H.A.C.U.) must be connected to the command inputs of the motor (GRAY and BLACK wires), replacing the manual
buttons. Consequently, the H.A.C.U. must comply with the rules of operation of the command buttons, depending on whether the command buttons work in PULSE mode (factory
setting) or in HOLD TO RUN mode (see section 14 " Operating logic of command buttons").
Rules that the H.A.C.U. must comply to control the device operating with buttons in PULSE mode.
a) The H.A.C.U. must not measure the current drawn by the command inputs of the device (which absorb less than 1 mA).
b) The H.A.C.U. must be connected to the device as shown, substituting the command buttons with the outputs of the H.A.C.U..
c) To operate the motor, the H.A.C.U. must close contact (up or down) for more than 0.5 seconds (typically using a pulse duration of 1 second).
d) To stop the motor, the H.A.C.U. must close contact (up or down) for 0.5 seconds or less (typically using a pulse duration of 0.2 seconds).
Rules that the H.A.C.U. must comply to control the device operating with buttons in HOLD TO RUN mode.
a) The H.A.C.U. must not measure the current drawn by the command inputs of the device (which absorb less than 1 mA).
b) The H.A.C.U. must be connected to the device as shown, substituting the command buttons with the outputs of the H.A.C.U..
c) To allow the conclusion of the entire opening / closing, the H.A.C.U. must be able to close the contact UP / DOWN to the time required for the motor to perform the complete
d) To stop the motor, the H.A.C.U. must be able to re-open the contacts UP / DOWN at any time.
At the time of this document printing, specific issues related to the connection between MASTER products and H.A.C.U. are not known (if you follow the rules above). However
MASTER disclaims any responsibility concerning the non-compatibility (even partial) with any H.A.C.U.. If the H.A.C.U. uses KNX protocols or similar, contact the vendors of home
automation controller informing them of the rules above. Probably the manufacturer of H.A.C.U. can provide appropriate interfaces to connect the device to the H.A.C.U..
Command buttons are connected to the main voltage, so they must be properly insulated and protected
L (phase)
N (neutral)
Make connections with power supply disconnected
The supply line must be equipped with a circuit breaker. The supply line must be
You must use buttons with spring return ("hold to run" type)
To avoid water infiltration, place the power cord so that it
makes a curve downwards.
Check that the power supply does not depend from
You must use buttons with spring return ("hold-to-run" type), do not
The section of the connecting cables
, do not use