Yamaha UW10 Mode D'emploi page 33

Table des Matières


The following is a legal agreement between you, the end user, and Yamaha Corporation
("Yamaha"). The enclosed Yamaha software program(s) is licensed by Yamaha to the original
purchaser for use only on the terms set forth herein. Please read this licensing agreement with
care. Opening this package indicates that you accept all terms outlined herein. If you do not
agree to the terms, return this package unopened to Yamaha for a full refund.
Yamaha grants you, the original purchaser,
the right to use one copy of the enclosed
software program(s) and data
("SOFTWARE") on a single-user computer
system. You may not use it on more than
one computer or computer terminal. The
SOFTWARE is owned by Yamaha and
Yamaha's licenser(s), and is protected by
Japanese copyright laws and all applicable
international treaty provisions. You are
entitled to claim ownership of the media in
which the SOFTWARE is included.
Therefore, you must treat the SOFTWARE
like any other copyrighted materials.
The SOFTWARE includes a software
program called MidRadio. The MidRadio
involves the TwinVQ technology therein,
the copyright and intellectual property of
which belongs to Nippon Telegraph and
Telephone Corpopation ("NTT"). If the
licensing agreement of the TwinVQ
technology between YAMAHA and NTT
terminates, the ownership of the
MidRadio Player will be assigned from
The SOFTWARE is copyrighted. You may
not engage in reverse engineering or
reproduction of the SOFTWARE by other
conceivable methods. You may not
reproduce, modify, change, rent, lease,
resell, or distribute the SOFTWARE in
whole or in part, or create derivative
works from the SOFTWARE. You may not
transmit or network the SOFTWARE with
other computers. You may transfer
ownership of the SOFTWARE and the
accompanying written materials on a
permanent basis provided that you retain
no copies and the recipient agrees to the
terms of the licensing agreement.
Copyrighted songs obtained by means of
the MidRadio Player are subject to the
following restrictions which you must
observe. Data received by means of the
MidRadio Player may not be used for
commercial purposes. Data received by
means of the MidRadio Player may not be
duplicated, transferred, or distributed, or
played back or performed for an
indeterminate number of listeners without
permission from the copyright owner. The
encryption of data received by means of the
MidRadio Player may not be removed nor
may the electronic watermark be modified
without permission from the copyright
owner. The MidRadio Player may not be
used to distribute illegal data or data that
would violate public ethical standards, nor
may you initiate services based on the use
of the MidRadio Player without permission
from Yamaha Corporation.
The licensing condition of the software
program becomes effective on the day that
you receive the SOFTWARE. If any one of
the copyright laws or clauses of the
licensing conditions is violated, the
licensing agreement shall be terminated
automatically without notice from Yamaha.
In this case, you must destroy the licensed
SOFTWARE and its copies immediately.
Yamaha warrants to the original purchaser
that if the SOFTWARE, when used in normal
conditions, will not perform the functions
described in the manual provided by
Yamaha, the sole remedy will be that
Yamaha will replace any media which
proves defective in materials or
workmanship on an exchange basis without
charge. Except as expressly set forth above,
the SOFTWARE is provided "as is," and no
other warranties, either expressed or


Table des Matières

Table des Matières