attention that the bolt must match the nut. Repeat this step at another side of the backrest, however
remember not to tighten the bolt to leave play for assembly of other elements. The figure VI shows the
backrest fixed to the structure.
Gently insert the narrow backrest board (14) into the sockets located beneath the backrest at the legs from
inside. Insert the vertically rectangular nut (from the right side/ leg 1) (15) to the already inserted narrow
board. Insert the bolt (9) into the orifice in the leg and then tighten through the board into the nut (figure
VII). Pay attention that the bolt must match the nut. Repeat this step at another side of the narrow board,
however remember not to tighten the bolt to leave play for assembly of other elements. The figure VIII
shows the assembled elements.
Place the bow-shaped handle with safety belts (8) in the sockets at the legs from inside. Then fix the small
board (6) at the highest position and the large board (7) at the position 3/4/5 (figures IX and IXa). Tighten
firmly all bolts in the chair. Insert belts into the narrow orifices in the small board (6) and the narrow backrest
board (14). After sliding the belt through the orifice straighten the stitching in the way arranging the belt
and the stitching perpendicularly to each other (figure XIII). Make sure the belts are not twisted at any point
(figure XII).
Then attach the fitting (17) to the two remaining orifices located at the legs from outside. Tighten the fitting
to the chair with the bolts (18) using the Allen wrench (12) (figure X).
After pressing side red buttons insert the tray (16) into the fittings (figure XI). The tray is mounted correctly,
if, after being removed, you will hear the characteristic sound of the buttons going forward.
After reassuring yourself all elements are mounted within the structure and there is nothing left, firmly
tighten all bolts in the chair.
E. Belt adjustment
The belts are adjusted by means of plastic clamps. Adjust belt length to baby's size. Attention! The belts
protect a baby against falling from the chair, must stabilize baby position, however they must not be too
tight and uncomfortable.
F. Assembly of the chair for older children:
You will need the Allen wrench (12). Perform assembly on soft surface that will not damage surface of
Start from assembling the leg (1) with the cross-bar (4). Notice that there are protruding pins in the cross-
bar. Gently adjust the protruding element with the first orifice from the bottom. Look at the figure I and
adjust the cross-bar in the way enabling you to insert the cylinder nut (11) into the orifice on the side
element surface. Insert the bolt (13) into the orifice in the leg and tighten it through the cross-bar into the
nut. Pay attention that the bolt must match the nut. Then use the Allen wrench (12) to tighten the bolt.
Repeat the aforesaid steps with the next cross-bar (4) by fixing it to the same leg (1). Tighten another leg (2)
to the structure consisting of two cross-bars and one leg. At this and subsequent stages we suggest to leave
the leg 2 slightly loosened in order to enable assembly of next elements inside the chair. The emerging
structure must look as shown at the figure II.