The device can be used for standstill and speed monitoring. All units have
2 sensing channels.
Three main variants are available:
BH 5932.22/_ _0: Devices with fixed tripping value
BH 5932.22/_ _2: Devices with separate adjustment for both channels
BH 5932.22/_ _1: Devices with common adjustment for both channels
BH 5932.22/_ _3: Devices with common adjustment for both channels
and fine tuning to synchronise both channels
Setting ranges
On adjustable units the total range is split up in 4 sub ranges that can be
selected with 2 DIP-switches per channel. To adjust the setting value in the
selected range the potentiometers are used.
Adjustment of setting range
The number of pulses [lpm] to be adjusted can be calculated using the
following formula:
Rpm x number of sensing spots = Ipm
e.g. 7.5 Rpm x 2 sensing spots = 15 Ipm
Operation as standstill monitor
Both channels must be adjusted so that they switch simultaneously. The
maximum time after standstill detection until switching of the output relays
is depending on the adjusted lpm value. This delay can be calculated as
60 s
+ 2.5 s = t
adjusted Ipm-value
operate delay after standstill detection
e.g. at a setting of 15 lpm
60 s + 2.5 s = 6.5 s
Operation as overspeed monitor
Especially on overspeed monitoring it is necessary to adjust both chan-
nels precisely on simultaneous switching. If the two channels switch not
at the same time the disconnection of the drive is only made with the fa-
ster channel. The speed can drop immediately so that the slower channel
does not detect overspeed and remains switched on. A new start is then
disabled and the relay does not switch on again. A restart is only possible
by desconnecting the power supply. To achieve an accurate setting the
lpm setting value should be in the middle part of the setting range. The ad-
justment of simultaneous switching is easier on units with separate setting
for each channel as on units with fine tuning potentiometer.
Proximity sensors
For safe operation the proximity sensors should be mounted vibration free.
The position of the sensors should be chosen in a way that both sensors
are operated simultaneously. Care must be taken that the sensors do not
influence each other. The connection of the sensors to the supply is mo-
nitored. If there is an interruption in the sensor supply the corresponding
output relay cannot be switched on, or if it is already on, it will switch
off immediately. To achieve a fault free operation, the sensor must have
draw at least 3 mA in off state. If sensors with lower consumption are
used only devices without sensor detection can be operated. According to
EN ISO 13849-1, the sensors must be checked for correct function in
reasonalble time intervals.
Feedback circuit, reset, LEDs and timing
The reset circuit X1 - X2 must be closed before connecting the power sup-
ply. The unit is ready for operation after typically 1.5 sec after the supply
is connected.
The LEDs channel 1 and channel 2 are on when the corresponding relay
is energized. The output contacts of the relays will only be activated if both
input channels reach the enabling condition within a time span of approx.
2 sec. If the response value is not reached on both channels within this
time, e.g. because of a defective sensor or because the sensors do not
simultaneously switch the output contacts are not enabled.
BH 5932 / 10.12.18 en / 044A