Round type - 8 DIn connector.
Additional cable with round connectors type Mini 8 DIN or square connector
type ePAD is provided with the system.
This cable should be connected between the VAV SYSTEM controller and the
air condition controller.
At the VAV SYSTEM side, plug to the socket marked with "Air Condition".
Enter the plug with the arrow mark face up.
See connection at page 5, cable market as No. 5
Bypass connection and working profiles
The Bypass motor connects direct to the VAV SYSTEM controller to the plug
marked Bypass.
There is no I/R receiver connection to the Bypass motor.
The Bypass opening profile can be selected with the two Dip Switches #1 and
#2 located at the lower right side of the VAV SYSTEM controller.
Factory default setting is Dip #1 = OFF, Dip #2 = OFF.
In cases of a special installation, contact service department for the best
profile selection.
Dip Switches Definition
Dip #1 – Defines Bypass profile. Normal operation = OFF.
Dip #2 - Defines Bypass profile. Normal operation = OFF.
Dip #3 – Defines operation of channel #2 in parallel to Chanel #1.
The remote control of channel #1 will control both on Channel #1
and #2.
To activate, Dip #3 = ON.
Dip #4 – Defines the use of Round dampers or Rectangular Grills.
Round Dampers = OFF, Rectangular Grills = ON