Repeat this test until a full charged accu can be discharged by hovering or if the envi-
ronmental temperature has increased since the last successfull test.
The current limiter
The current limiter protects the controller, the motor and the accu to be damaged through
extreme currents caused by blocked motors after a crash or too strong acceleration or
braking procedures. Please note that the limiter only starts if the motor is beyond its
actually application range. Thereby the current of the motor must be about 100A
The undervoltage supervision
If the accu is empty its voltage brakes down. Below a certain voltage the accu is damaged
if it is discharged further. The
avoids this state through an automatic reduction of
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the motor throttle if the accu turns empty. It supervises the accu voltage and reduces
throttle continously if the voltage drops under a certain limit. Note that the motor is not
stopped immediately - just the power is reduced. The reduction is indicated by the LED
(0,3s on and 0,15s off).
The automatic continuous reduction of throttle through the controller is similar to the usual
effect of complete discharging the accu through normal flying, except you fly with a con-
stant speed controller. But the procedure is not so fast, depending on the current flowing
and the accu won' t b e damaged. In general there is enough energy left to fly a while and
to land safely. If you lower the throttle, the accu can recover and for a short period you
may get almost maximum power pulling throttle to maximum - but don' t trust on it.
If you fly most of time at reduced throttle you may not notice that the undervoltage super-
vision also reduces throttle. You can test it by forcing maximum throttle for a short time. If
power doesn' tincrease significantly you should be aware that the accu is nearly empty.
The landing procedure should be started.
Using the constant speed control the LED on the Controlpanel is slowly blinking to indi-
cate that the accu will be empty soon. You should fly immediately near ground to make a
soft landing if the energy isn' t sufficient any more.
In every case it' s a good idea to use a stop watch to know about the charging status of the
accus. Towards the end of flying time you should climb with your airplane to get more re-
serves. For helicopters it depends on the skill of the pilot. In general you should fly near
the ground but if you are able to make an auto rotation landing you may also climb to re-
ach the necessary height.
We recommend to use PCM-receivers. The Fail-Safe-Function of the transmitter
should be adjusted to turn off the motor if disturbances occur. If the motor is re-
sponsible for the disturbance the reason is removed then. If the disturbance stays it is
ensured that the plane crashes without maximum throttle. So the potential of destroying is
significantly reduced. Adjust the other control elements in the way the model will be slo-
wed down. The Fail-Safe-adjustment »keep servo position« should only be used if it is
sure that no disturbances are caused by the engine.
K hler Elektromotoren GbR
- Betriebsanleitung/operating instructions
Seite/page 18
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