35 ENTER key: starts and stops storage, confirms the parameters set during pro- gramming. DO 9721 QUANTIQUE-PHOTO-RADIOMETRE ET DO 9721 QUANTUM-PHOTO-RADIOMETER UND DO 9721 QUANTUM-FOTO RADIÓMETRO Y TERMÓMETRO - THERMOMETRE - DATA-LOGGER THERMOMETER - DATALOGGER DATA-LOGGER 1 Entrée A, connecteur 8 pôles DIN 45326.
As the probes are interchangeable, it is possible to choose the most suitable combina- Il DO 9721 è in grado di eseguire misure di illuminamento in lux e in fcd (foot-candle), tion for all applications without having to recalibrate the instrument. The DO 9721 is di irradianza in W/m , in µW/cm...
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CONNECTION SONDES ANSCHLUß DER SONDEN L’instrument DO 9721 a deux connecteurs circulaires 8 pôles DIN 45326 (A et B) qui Das DO 9721 besitzt zwei runde 8-polige DIN-Buchsen (A und B) die den Anschluß von permettent la connexion des sondes Delta Ohm pour la mesure de température, type Delta Ohm Temperatursonden der Serie TP 870 und von Sonden der Serie TP 870, et pour la mesure de l’intensité...
El instrumento DO 9721 dispone de dos conectores circulares a 8 polos DIN 45326 (A y B) que permiten la conexión de las sondas Delta Ohm para la medida de la tem- peratura, tipo TP 870, y de las sondas para la medida de la intensidad fotométrica o radiométrica tipo LP 9021.
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EN55020 class B Miglioriamo in continuazione i nostri prodotti, ci riserviamo il diritto di apportare modifiche senza preavviso. DELTA OHM SRL - VIA G. MARCONI, 5 We improve continually our products and reserve us the right to modify them without prior notice.